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Hey everyone. I'm Cowtao and i'm not going to make a joke about me being "reborn" onto the site as a regular member. oh wait

I'm a modest guy that has been with the site for a few years now. Before I was a big guy in competitive pokemon and in the future I may try to go back to that style of gameplay. I like a lot of doujin music and have rapidly updated my profile nearly every week to bring content to those who want to look at it. I was a staff member, but overtime I fell out and kinda moved on for a bit. Now that i'm here again, I guess it's time to start over again as a new member of the community. I missed some of you guys, and some of you newer folk are pretty interesting this time around. I look forward to talking to some of you guys and if you want to PM me, please. Don't hesitate. Peace.

This doesn't give you the right to have a new song for me Arkhidon.

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