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I bought every single pokémon on the 7th Street but Ditto wasn't stored in my box. I didn't catch it during the Factory quest, and I'm sure I bought it, so, what could've happened?

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That's a first. I've heard of Ditto not appearing at all, but ditto not appearing after you bought it? You're absolutely SURE you used 8 purple shards to get it, right? I'd suggest you mention this on the bugs and troubleshooting forum - someone may be able to assist you there.

I can check the file myself if you PM me it, but only if Ame lets me tbh, I've gotten in trouble for doing dubious stuff before lel ;-;

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Do you usually catch a lot of pokemons? It's kinda easy to overlook if you have a ton of boxes full of pokemons.

I suggest you try looking through your boxes carefully again if you already saved.

If you don't have a ton of pokemons though, then I don't know how to help you. I've never heard of this bug before.

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Try buying them again by reverting to one of the backup save files that should be located in the Saved Games folder. If this still occurs even after reverting, I'll move the thread to Troubleshooting so that someone can assist you with this.

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oh well
I'm not sure about reverting the save 'cuz I bought it a few eps ago and just noticed it now. soo. kinda awkward.
Goin' to re-check my the PC Boxes again btw. Probably still ain't there.

anyway, thanks~

EDIT: oh, 'twas in the Day Care. Sorry 'bout the commotion, heh.

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