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Bringing Authentic Tacos and Guacamole Back #MynameisAl


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Hello, you guys may call me RoxXxas or maybe just call me Al, I'm from Mexico, living a happy life in one of the hottest places on earth, last year we were the hottest place on earth for 2 days in a row, welcome to Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico., best place in mexico to eat tacos and home of the bacon wrapped giant burrito, more commonly known as "El percheron" in honor of those giant horses and of course mythical origin of the 3 foot giant burrito challenge.... also i'm allergic to avocados.


But enough about tacos! I began playing pokemon when I was probably 10 when I first played pokemon yellow, I didn't speak english so it was hard for me to guess what I had to do but eventually I beat the game, reseted the game to get glitch mew, learned english and POOF! 13 years later I became a biologist that spoke english, no seriously. I think videogames in general along with linkin park music is what tought me english, In anycase I began wondering about the genetical manipulation in order to make ceirtain animals and i tought, "maybe i should go for genetics" so I went for biology which was one of the careers that had genetics as a course, of course I wasn't serious at this whole gene manipulation thing but as I moved on and learned actual genetics I went from not serious to deffinitively not serious about it.

I made a dissertation with a thesis about DNA vaccines and now i'm just working to save money to cover the expenses for 6 months in Mexico city, in order to survive the idle period without a scholarship and make the tests for a masters degree with a thesis project on microbial evolutive genetics. My dream is to eventually work on abiogenesis and become an astrobiologist with serious value to a space program.

As far as tastes go, i like pokemon, digimon (i don't discriminate), i like reading scify and listening to podcasts like Hello Internet, 99%invisible, freakonomics, snapjugdement, and my tastes in music are pretty wide, i like from heavy metal, to country and even some pop songs, but what i really love is symphonic metal with female vocalists.
I used to play the pokemon TCG and Magic The Gathering, and i currently play Minecraft quite a lot, I'm an OK builder but I seek to achieve the level of the people building in collabs like Gazamo Network. Here is my latest build.

I consider myself a very argumentative person, I don't like small talk, which is why i'm heavy loaded on science subjects, probably due to science blogs, my career and youtube channels like vsauce, numberphile, sixty symbols, veritasium, cgpgrey and smarter everyday. I generally enjoy talking about religion and atheism but probably won't do it here, since it's a subject i rather talk to someone that knows me and doesn't judge me or my personality so quickly and viceversa, if we can have a coffee we can talk about anything. In any case i'm a person that isn't defined by a single on of his likings or dislikings, his beliefs or disbeliefs, i'm a complex person and i think we all are, so nothing that i writte here about burritos and guac is going to be able to show you who I am.

So why don't you get to know me and I get to know you?

Edited by RoxXxas
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Well met Al.
And welcome to Reborn!

if we can have a coffee we can talk about anything.

Ooh, I like you person #10
Anyway, I hope you like the color blue cuz you're getting this WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue thing
I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn!
I'll see you around o/
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