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Fan Favorites you're not quite as keen on?

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So there's some pokemon that are totally loved by the fanbase a bit more than others, but are there some you're not really feeling the hype quite as much as you think you should? Not to say they're overrated, just that these "celebrity mons" just for one reason or another just doesn't have that appeal for you much of the fanbase seems to enjoy.


For me it would be Tyrantrum. Now don't get me wrong, his design is pretty freakin badass. It's powerful, it's a freakin dinosaur, it's regal and it's awesome. He's a unique typing, and while not the best pokemon EVAAAAR adds much needed power variety in dragon types(I like having dragon types that aren't pseudo legend status or insanely powerful) and is just really cool looking. I do like Tyrantrum.

But I can't help but feel like Tyrantrum, cool as he is, is also a painfully shallow design. He strikes me as the Charizard of gen 6 in a way. His basis is very straightforward and obvious: a literal interpretation of Tyrannosaurus Rex, which means "King Lizard," something every little nerdy boy learned by the 2nd grade. We can see the king motif in his collar, beard, and tummy resembling a mantle, and the "crown" above his eyes. His typing is rock/dragon, which while cool, was kind of overdue for the longest and pretty much what every fakemon that was a t-rex going to be. I can't fault the typing since we never had it before but it's not exactly creative either and sort of the "obvious route"

His dex info has him noted as acting like a king because he was such a badass in the prehistory world but again, it's a very obvious way to go and doesn't flesh him out too much, just more "oh look he's a king so cool." Oh and he has strong jaws too, which isn't really that exciting of a detail since he's a freakin t-rex. Plus sharpedo and Feraligtr have strong jaws too so that's not really all that interesting oif a detail. Again, all very obvious details that one could figure right from its design, also the idea of Tyrantrum bossing around legendaries feels incredibly moronic to me so I don't buy him being unmatched in the ancient world, that just feels like typical dex bull.

It's like they took a literal interpretation of the T-rex' and ran with it, with Tyrantrum's entire focus being just that. Part of what makes pokemon unique is how they mix and match different concepts like lore, modern culture and real life animals together, but Tyrantrum just sort of lacks that and feels shallow as a result. I think Aurorus felt like it had more creativity put into it by comparison and while initially I liked Tyrantrum more, Aurorus has more lasting charm to her design to where I prefer her, although neither too much in battle.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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i just...don't- rEALLY like it...

unlike most of the fanbase. Charizard this Mega Charizard that.

he even got 2 Mega Evolutions. but what about Venasaur and Blastoise? why didn't they get 2 Megas?

maybe i've just gotten sick of it. seeing all these people yelling about Charizard being the god of starters or something when in reality it gets OHKO'ed to literally any good rock-type move.

so basically Charizard is really overrated and i'm probably just tired of seeing it. i mean, it's been 19 years since its debut so i guess it's natural.

just a matter of personal preference, i suppose.

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Dedenne. Everyone loves it but I just can't stand it ;)

To be perfectly honest I'm gonna go with Charizard. It isn't all that good and gets way too much attention. It was a cool starter but doesn't deserve so much more love than literally every starter ever. It isn't even that great (excluding the megas) and many pokemon are much better.

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I love ghost type, but i dont get the appeal and popularity of Gengar, i mean, yeah, its stats are fantastic, but design wise i think it is quite boring, the mega doesnt improve the impression of mine towards it~In comparison, Cofagrigus, Mismagius and Jellicent etc are far more interesting by design and inspiration~I still love Gengar for its ghost typing, just not my favourite ghost~


Star - kin and mde probably explain it better than me, so i am gonna skip the commentary on Char~


Yeah, it is cool, to most people, but i dont buy it, and it is too slow for my liking, you can argue that you can use tailwind and agility-baton pass support but thats just waste of my precious time for a mon that is 4x weakness to fire~Mega Scizor doesnt redeem it~


Impressive special stats yes, but more spoons with the mega, come on, there must be a better way to revamp an already OP mon to look badassery without those silly spoons~

P.S. I might have biased towards gen one mons due to genwunners~

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same. I really love Alakazam, i really do. its non-mega form was tolerable, as it had only one spoon, which is ok i guess. spoons are commonly tied with psychic people and other non-physical shit.

...but its mega's design is a major no-no to me. i remember reading youtube comments like "YaSSSS MEGA ALAKAZA M HELL YEA BEST DAY EVER!!!!!" or "Mega Alakazam looks baddass tho"


at least it's good stat-wise..?

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Charizard and Mewtwo. Both got Mega-Evolutions, even though the latter one already very strong. Why doesn´t Mew get two mega-evolution? Maybe I´m alone on that one, but here I prefer the original over the clone.

I also somewhat dislike Greninja because to be honest it´s a bit too popular. Maybe it´s just me who doesnt´the look of it THAT much. Yeah, it´s a ninja and to so many people, ninjas are cool. Yeah yeah, I get it. Oh, and it´s one of these starters that completely overshadow the others and gets placed in Ubers because it´s so good ~

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I also somewhat dislike Greninja because to be honest it´s a bit too popular. Maybe it´s just me who doesnt´the look of it THAT much. Yeah, it´s a ninja and to so many people, ninjas are cool. Yeah yeah, I get it. Oh, and it´s one of these starters that completely overshadow the others and gets placed in Ubers because it´s so good ~

it's like Greninja is the new/Gen 6's Charizard or something.

which is part of why i dislike XY in the first place. everyone could've figure it out by now that X & Y were directed to older audiences, specifically those who've played Gen 1. aka Genwunners.

they refuse to move on. they refuse to leave their precious R/B. they even started to bash newer gen's Pokemon like Trubbish and the like.

so that's when Game freak decided to make this whole new region dedicated to Gen 1 and those who've played it. which is why there're barely any new Pokemon, Gen 6 has the least amount of new Pokemon introduced. anyone could see the similarities, really.

Kanto starters?? Snorlax? wowie, we even got the classic random dude guarding the cave that eventually leads to Mewtwo!!

oh, what's this? roaming Legendary Birds..? but what about the other Legendaries (excluding the gen6 ones)?

Greninja even got a special new form that Delphox and Chesnaught don't have? now...where else have we heard this?

there's a lot more but you get the point by now.

and now, we've got Pokemon Go too. if you pay attention, Pokemon Go's trailer contains only Gen 1 Pokemon. and i mean only.

"can't really blame them" was what i used to say. it's understandable, really. they really like Gen1! but it's been 19 years since Red was released tho. so idk if youre THAT dedicated to Red and Blue or something, or just can't stand the newer gens.

sorrrry for the rant but if Pokemon Red Blue & Yellow count as fan favourites then i'm not too keen on how GF keeps trying to trap gen1 players, trying to keep making them buy their games. it's like they're just assuming that most of their consumers are genwunners or something, which is not true at all.

Edited by star-kin
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Uh, Star-kin, I must defend Game Freak here. Pandering of the core target demographic (because let's be honest, if you were there to play RBY and you are still here to play Gen 6, you ARE the "core target demographic") is a legitimate commercial strategy because, let's face it, the core target demographic is basically the group of people that brings the company the most money. So making a game specifically tailored to give the spotlight to the mons that have enjoyed the most popularity over the year (PokemonAmie to enjoy Eevee and Pikachu in all of her cute glory, Charizard and Mewtwo getting two distinct megas, Lucario being in the spotlight throughout the whole Mega Evolution side-quest etc) is a sound, economically safe strategy to guarantee a reasonable income in these times of crisis, and it has nothing to do with the whole "genwunners" diatribe. Remember, the bickering of the fanbase rarely has any effect on the actions of the executives, who think on a completely different scale. And besides, Gen 6 did offer something completely new in the form of Mega Evolution, although I myself dislike that.

Now to get back on topic, I am definitely not sold on Pikaclones. I mean, I am not sold on Pikachu/Raichu itself, but the futile attempts Game Freak makes, in every single generation, to make an Electric-type rodent just as popular really get on my nerves... Because yeah, they are cute, but they are also atrociously weak from any possible point of view. Not a game goes by without other Electric-type mons completely overshadowing the regional mons (ironically, in Dedenne's case the Pokemon overshadowing it was PIKACHU ITSELF, because they had the brilliant idea of putting both in the same region). So yeah, can we PLEASE get an Electric-type rodent that has something more to offer than just the cute look? Like for example, oh I don't know, ACTUAL EFFECTIVENESS at least in the game, if not competitive-wise?

This coming from a member of Project Seven, you should expect something out of it

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Now to get back on topic, I am definitely not sold on Pikaclones. I mean, I am not sold on Pikachu/Raichu itself, but the futile attempts Game Freak makes, in every single generation, to make an Electric-type rodent just as popular really get on my nerves... Because yeah, they are cute, but they are also atrociously weak from any possible point of view. Not a game goes by without other Electric-type mons completely overshadowing the regional mons (ironically, in Dedenne's case the Pokemon overshadowing it was PIKACHU ITSELF, because they had the brilliant idea of putting both in the same region). So yeah, can we PLEASE get an Electric-type rodent that has something more to offer than just the cute look? Like for example, oh I don't know, ACTUAL EFFECTIVENESS at least in the game, if not competitive-wise?


Tbh Dedenne isn't all that great in battle (but isn't as bad as people say). It is also a fairy type which is interesting.

So overall, while they might not be great in battle the electric rodents have their place in battle (even if it is just in lower tiers). Not every pokemon can be good in battle or it'd get boring. Dedenne was fine for in game and lower tier competitive.

Also, I'd hardly call most of the electric rodents fan favourites. Most people seem to hate them.

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Sorry but I must correct you there. A Pokemon that finds room in a low-tier team is a Pokemon that is GOOD in battle. Being good in the lower tiers is still being good: for example, Exploud is good in battle, and so are Camerupt and Garbodor, just to name some examples from your signature. But most Pikaclones (the Hoenn bunnies for example, or Pachirisu) aren't even that, they are just bad. At least Ame went out of her way to make Pachirisu surprisingly useful in Reborn, but in its original game? It just sucks, being overshadowed but virtually every other Electric-type. And sorry, but I am afraid Dedenne came out of the same mold.

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Sorry but I must correct you there. A Pokemon that finds room in a low-tier team is a Pokemon that is GOOD in battle. Being good in the lower tiers is still being good: for example, Exploud is good in battle, and so are Camerupt and Garbodor, just to name some examples from your signature. But most Pikaclones (the Hoenn bunnies for example, or Pachirisu) aren't even that, they are just bad. At least Ame went out of her way to make Pachirisu surprisingly useful in Reborn, but in its original game? It just sucks, being overshadowed but virtually every other Electric-type. And sorry, but I am afraid Dedenne came out of the same mold.

I know that is true of the pikaclones generally (especially plusle and minun). I'm not saying dedenne is particularly good pokemon but the "pikaclones" can be used to some success if you use them correctly (espcially pachi). They might be slightly worse than other electric types in battle but at least in my opinion the design elements make up for at least some of this. Obviously you have a different opinion which is fine. I'm not going to go around trying to force people into liking pokemon that they don't like. That would be wrong.

Back on topic, I thought of another pokemon I'm not as keen on as the rest of the world. Lucario. *waits until people stop throwing stuff at me*

It has a cool design but I'm not all that keen on it and in my insurgence team it has been the weakest link...

Edited by mde2001
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While you might want to elaborate on why exactly you are not sold on Lucario, I do agree that, sometimes, I don't get why it got all that popularity. I mean, we are talking about a Pokemon that got its own movie, its own Smash character and, as mentioned, has a prominent role in X/Y, but of all the cool Fighting-type we got in Gen 4, why did they give all this attention to it and not, for example, to Toxicroak or Infernape? We might never know...

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I'm just gonna take this opportunity to express my ever-evolving hatred towards Pokemon's very own mascot- Pikachu (or as I usually call it, Pikash*t)

My hatred stems from its overexposure in media, literally everywhere. Can't call its design bad, 'cause it isn't bad. It's cute and all that, I once had a plush pikachu as well. However, it was never a favorite of mine and the anime+ media made me loathe it. It gets so much bullpoop in the anime that it's infuriating... I mean, that frail little rat could never in a million years hope to beat a latios or a regice..or any legend at all. There are no levels in the anime, but a frail rat's frailty should be considered even there and not come up with some nakama power stuff or non-existing attacks to beat stuff. I get that it's the mascot and all, but there's just so much special treatment for it that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they "found" a way to give it a mega despite logic pointing to a mega Raichu.

My distaste for pikachu + other events inspired my current all-pokemon comic that will probably never see light in the digital world, or maybe it will, things like Reborn exist, so maybe my plot isn't so weird after all.

Of course, I also don't like greninja and charizard getting special treatment in terms of forms, especially that ash greninja poop, but charizard has always been a favorite of mine design-wise so wellp, having 2 megas instead of 1 isn't enough to make me dislike it since it's not surrounded by bull- like pikachu. Same goes for greninja

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Easier explained, eeveelution and eevee is the fan favourite i don't really care or i feel well very overrated.

Eevee is unique with the evolutions it has, but then again the evolutions i least like for.

The only pokemon i'm FINE is well espeon and vaporeon.

But then again, these two pokemon is just replaced with other pokemon for me.

Design is meh, in competivie vaporeon and sylveon is well the only "good" atleast for me.

Also ingame, level up moves it's meh for me. I feel a lot of pokemon replacing them.

And Eeveelutions is very popular, maybe even or more than pikachu.

It's really overpraised honestly. I feel also the evolutions they get should go for pokemon that really needs it.

Of all the eeveelutions is my least is well umbreon.

It's the most overrated of all eeveelutions. Just don't see this pokemon is really popular.

I don't think it's special or strong. It have it's bulk, but pokemon like mandibuzz is more better really and more option.

In game the level moves sucks and just meh using in competivie.

And the design is just a bland black cat with onion rings. That's how i see.

Well i could say some of the others, but i don't wanna make a post too big.

And sorry being harsh with my words if you think i was harsh.

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Pretty much every dragon type with the exceptions of Altaria and Flygon.

I've never really cared for dragons to begin with, whether it was Dragonite or Salamence or Garchomp or Hydreigon or... you name it. I don't like most of them design-wise (though Goodra is pretty cute), and I'm not really sold on types that are weak against themselves.

Aaaaand I suppose I may have a grudge against dragons for being 5 of the 7 Pseudos. Gen II is the only Gen that didn't give us a dragon Pseudo. Dunno; it just bugs me.

Rayquaza seems to be a lot of people's favourite when it comes to legendaries. I just never liked it. The design doesn't appeal to me at all. Neither does Groudon, and I am indifferent towards Kyogre. The Gen III legendaries in general don't seem to be my cup of tea.

Blaziken. This one is mostly because when Gen III came out I was so fond of this adorable little fire chicken, and I wanted to pick it as my starter and ohmygosh it's so cute... and then it evolved into... well... that thing.

Torchic, why. Fighting is also my least favourite type, so there's that.

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Uh, Star-kin, I must defend Game Freak here. Pandering of the core target demographic (because let's be honest, if you were there to play RBY and you are still here to play Gen 6, you ARE the "core target demographic") is a legitimate commercial strategy because, let's face it, the core target demographic is basically the group of people that brings the company the most money. So making a game specifically tailored to give the spotlight to the mons that have enjoyed the most popularity over the year (PokemonAmie to enjoy Eevee and Pikachu in all of her cute glory, Charizard and Mewtwo getting two distinct megas, Lucario being in the spotlight throughout the whole Mega Evolution side-quest etc) is a sound, economically safe strategy to guarantee a reasonable income in these times of crisis, and it has nothing to do with the whole "genwunners" diatribe. Remember, the bickering of the fanbase rarely has any effect on the actions of the executives, who think on a completely different scale. And besides, Gen 6 did offer something completely new in the form of Mega Evolution, although I myself dislike that.

yes. it is a good strategy, you're right. but i'm just so tired of it, honestly.

what i'm saying is, i've seen enough Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo, Charizard--you name it.

they could've at least added more legendaries, imo.

maybe it's just me.

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Speaking of legendaries, i also dislike most of the legendaries with a passion, mostly because they can only be acquired late in game when we have already built up our regular team and we are definitely not going to drop any of them for some mons which have low capture rate and for test of our patience~

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Mine has to be the crazy versatile land shark, Garchomp himself.

In battle, this thing is insanely versatile with nice stats across the board. You can run SD+Sash, you can have TankChomp, you can have ScarfChomp, MegaChomp, and the list goes on. But I just don't really like it much where nearly everyone else seems to. I didn't play DPP, so maybe that has something to do with it, but it just seems kinda...eh... to me.

Also why doesn't it get Dragon Dance? What the hell is up with that? Like, you expect me to believe that Barbroach gets Dragon Dance, but this creature which is obviously a dragon does not? Yeah right.

And the design just seems kinda lack luster to be a pseudo to me. Hydreigon was orgionally going to be a tank, T-Tar is godzilla, Metagross is a supercomputer. And what's Garchomp? A fast shark? So... basically Sharpedo, but a Dragon and a pesudo? Okay then...

I just don't like it that much, although I do use it from time to time on teams when I feel I don't have any other mon to put its role and when that happens I always call it Loan Shark, but even my clever nicknames won't make me like this mon.

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I'm not a fan of Dragonite. My issue with it is the evolution chain. The first two forms (Dratini and Dragonair) remind be of Asian Dragons, but when they hit their final form, the become Puff The Magic Dragon... What? I was never a fan of Mewtwo either. I know he's supposed to be a genetic experiment and all, but he always sort of creeped me out. That, and the ravenous fan base that demanded him in Super Smash Bros sort of annoyed me too...

While I'm on the topic of legendaries, I guess I also dislike the "little" legendaries. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and so on just felt a little, off. I While I understand the whole "Big Power in a Little Package" idea, I feel at this point, they're there simply for the anime. Every generation has one (or two if you count Phione) and in a way, they sort of feel like the Pika-Clones to me.

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Well since it says fan favorites, I'm not gonna talk about things like pikachu and the pikaclones, since I perceive that the term "fan favorite" does not apply to these in the slightest. I know very little people, as a matter of fact, that isn't either "meh" or "gosh" about them. On the other hand it is true that most of the people that are not into pokemon pretty much only remember the franchise by pikachu, bulbasaur and charizard, all mons heavily featured in the anime from my childhood times (at least that I know of). That doesn't mean that these mons are fan favorites either, because if these people I'm talking about are not fans in the technical meaning, but just know what pokemon is from these widely featured mons, then they can't be called "fan" favorites, or at least I don't intend to do so. Is like these people that say "my favorite mon is pikachu" and the only mon they know pikachu; no wonder it is your fav then.

Anyways, let's start with one that has appeared a lot here already: Charizard. Gen I starters are far from holding a special place in my heart (most starters don't anyways), if anything only bulbasaur holds any charm to me from these 3. Blastoise I find bland other than the interesting fact its anatomy includes cannons and then there's Charizard. Everybody knows charizard. Everybody loves charizard. Charizard is OP. Well no. Not quite. I never really understood what kind of charm does this non-dragon dragon have to make it so that everybody I seem to meet in real life that knows what pokemon is thinks that Charizard is the best starter ever and that from Turtwig onwards everything is crap or just "not as good as charizard". Well I can understand nostalgia MIGHT play a big part on this, given that I wasn't around when everybody was playing their 1st generation pokemon games in their nintendo machines, the ones I couldn't afford. But nostalgia is sometimes a big threat: it makes you remember things way better and way cooler than they might seem to you now that you've grown, just like it happened to me and some toys I had when I was a kid. I'm not saying, however, that you just can't genuinely like charizard, or that liking it over everything else makes you a genwunner (gengwunner? gengoner? whatever). Liking charizard is cool, I like charizard, just not as much as other pokemon, but that isn't bad either. Is just that there ARE people that will defend charizard over everything else that exists, be it same gen or not. And I find those people boring. That's all there is to it, is not the pokemon itself as much as it is the people that will try to make it be seen as the OP pokemon that it isn't, even if it means only talking about charizard. All the time. Ugh.

Oh, there's also the thing GF did with this thing's mega. Or should I say, megaS. They were very clever IMO, killing two birds with one stone: first, that using two completely opposing designs instead of a single one considerably reduces the amount of charizard fanboys that will get butthurt with them (if they only went for one of them, either X or Y, they were risking to have one part of these people not giving them more money...), and second, that making one starter have two megas where others have 1 or none, is what a charizard fanboy will receive as the "finally the love he deserves!" love-letter from GF. They weren't playing games when they decided to give this thing 2 megas, and from a business point of view, they're smart sons of guns. From my personal point of view, is just unfair towards other equally or non-equally loved starter pokemons that deserved the stat push of a mega as much or more than charizard, but got nothing instead. This also applies to Mewtwo, who got two (considerably worse-designed than the original IMO) megas for pretty much the same reasons charizard did.

I don't have many others that I haven't mentioned already somewhere else for different reasons: garchomp, rayquaza, salamence.... all the mons that are already crazy powerful and loved by "everyone" and yet still get a mega, just so that GF makes sure these fanboys will keep on giving them money....ugh. Neither of you guys deserves a mega as much as little guys like marowak do, and yet I still would like a genuine evolution, but since we're in the mega-wagon, at least let me have weak mons get some love. Don't make things 60 stat points more powerful than God, that's the only rule of thumb that, if followed, I wouldn't even care if they gave a mega to everything. But then mons with 760, 780 BSTs appear.... and yeah, unless they re-make arceus as a 150 in every stat thing....the whole mega business will only scalate, I'm sure of it.

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I actually don't know if I'd consider Charizard a fan favorite anymore... most of the Charizard-related comments I see nowadays are "Charizard is overrated".

I like all their initial forms, but I'm kind of meh on all three Kanto starter lines. I guess the line I like most is Squirtle, but their movepool kind of leaves something to be desired for me. Infernape is also my least favorite Sinnoh starter because of mental images it used to give me of someone lying on a hospital bed covered in their bodily fluids.

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Poor Charizard is taking a beating this thread lol. But i figured it would.

Goomy is another one for me. I never liked this pile of crap and his line embodies the disappointment that is gen 6, a psuedo legendary that's underwhelming and ends up with a letdown typing that squanders potential. It's my least favorite psuedo legendary yet and the memetic tomfoolery it spawned only made it worse.

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