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New game mechanic ideas (just change this post's location, can't find a good forum location for this....sorry)


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OK ok.....here are my ideasi would like to share/suggest...hope Ame and company sees this.

1. Doubled EXP against pokemon of opposite type and/or 10 levels higher.

2. warns about next opponent's pokemon in double battles.

3. Can change clothes....just like our avatar here in this website.

4. Maybe they can like add in original Mega Evolutions....specifically MY originally made Mega Evolutions.

5. Maybe some accesories for pokemon....angel wings, hats, shades, a new hairstlye...a monocle etc.

6. (THIS NEEDS EXTRA WORK) Pokemon can COMBINE their moves....if combine-able to do more damage....but costs extra PP.

7. Low leveled and Un-fully-evolved pokemon (except wild pokemon) are more susceptible to dodging attacks by higher leveled, fully evolved pokemon. something like, a level 15 Pidgey can dodge all non-un-missable moves by a level 100 Groudon.

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I'm not Ame or a member of the dev team, but i'll give you my thoughts about this

1. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

2. Can be nice

3. Can be a thing, but that's too much coding. Imagine like 30 different combinations of clothes

4. Mega Evolutions are mostly pre-Elite 4 or post game (i think), seeing how powerful some of them are. For your custom Mega Evolutions, Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

5. Check out 3

6. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

7. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

Ideas are 1 thing, but execution is a whole new problem.

Edited by biboo195
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Not the devs or Ame, I'm sure they would much rather prefer to stick to the original pokemon style.

1. You get so much more exp anyways if they're 10 levels higher. Plus, opposite type? Eh. Typing is hardly a reason to gain more exp

2. No. Too easy. It just ruins double battles for me if they implemented that.

3. Customizable characters would be cool, agreed. They could use the Insurgence coding for that, similarly to the online system (not bashing the dev team for stealing, purely suggesting)

4. Original Megas would be nice in reborn. but purely for the reason that Storyline characters wouldn't have to add a new, random mon just to implement a mega.

5. Maybe... not.... Unless contests? Maybe that could fit in with the idea of a new reborn city? but eh.. I'd prefer if ball seals were implemented instead.

6. Field Effects basically does this. Plus it's not reborn-esque in any way.

7. Nope. If dodging was to be implemented, it would be based off weight and speed. There is a reason that Pokemon gain speed on level up and evolution.

Sorry if i sound condescending, but I'm just trying to point out holes where you have missed.

Edited by wytch_doctr
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I'm not part of the Dev Team, so I can't speak for Ame or the other people working on Reborn. However, I do know the following things:

  • Doubled EXP in theory could work, but I can't see it fitting in with how Reborn's overall design
  • Warning about the next Pokemon in Double Battles has never been a thing, even in traditional Pokemon. Sure, it could be changed here, but I imagine it would be too much work considering you'd have to figure out which Pokemon you'd want to swap out for the replacement.
  • Clothes changing seems like something that could, in theory, be added when the game is finished. But if you really wanted to, you could just change the sprites used in game (If you know where to look, I'm sure people would be willing to assist)
  • Original Mega Evolutions just seems outright... unnecessary. They'd be on a similar level to Fake Pokemon, and you'd have to create sprites for them, as well as plan out their stats. Then you'd have to balance it out to make sure it's not too powerful.
  • Accessories for Pokemon just seems unnecessary and all-around hard, considering you would need to make graphics for every single possible piece of clothing, as well as for back sprites and shinies. Too much work with little purpose.
  • The last two just seem kinda outlandish by any stretch, and feel really out of place in a Pokemon game as a whole.
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I'm not Ame or a member of the dev team, but i'll give you my thoughts about this

1. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

2. Can be nice

3. Can be a thing, but that's too much coding. Imagine like 30 different combinations of clothes

4. Mega Evolutions are mostly pre-Elite 4 or post game (i think), seeing how powerful some of them are. For your custom Mega Evolutions, Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

5. Check out 3

6. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

7. Ame wants to keep Reborn as close to the main game as possible, so nope

Ideas are 1 thing, but execution is a whole new problem.

Lol thanks. I've always dreamed of making my own pokemon game with these mehcanics.....maybe i just dream too big.

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I'm not so sure about this. Let's go through the points one by one.

1) I have no problem with this but it would be quite difficult to implement I think.

2) No real comment here but might have to do some tricky scripting.

3) Whenever this is added to the game it means a whole bunch of new graphics files have to be added and would be a lot more work for Ame so I don't see it happening.

4) This is almost certainly not going to happen. Reborn sticks to only original pokemon and learning how to use them custom megas would be very surprising. If she was to add them I suspect she would come up with them herself anyway.

5) Once again a lot more graphics files and really quite tricky to do for all pokemon. This just won't happen.

6) The whole point of this game is a difficult game that sticks to the initial games (with added field effects). Adding combination of moves is a LOT of scripting and working out a system. This won't happen.

7)Why? I don't really see the point of this.

Overall, if you want to make a fan game with these try it out but I don't see them being in reborn.

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1.nope,I don't think this is a good idea.

2.that would be too easy I mean think about anime Pokemon battle.

3.that is a good idea and it'll make Reborn look much cooler and might get as much attention as Insurgence but it would take really long to code and just make an animation is already a pain.

4.aside from PULSE I don't think there would be any Fake mega here.

5.like I said in number 3.

6.that would be cool like that combine move in MD game but it would a pain to code all the combination of all move I think it would take at least year or 2 to combine all that so no.

7.I don't think so for example Onix can dough the attack because it just low level and not fully evolve.clearly don't make sense.

Edited by BBD
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OK ok.....here are my ideasi would like to share/suggest...hope Ame and company sees this.

1. Doubled EXP against pokemon of opposite type and/or 10 levels higher.

2. warns about next opponent's pokemon in double battles.

3. Can change clothes....just like our avatar here in this website.

4. Maybe they can like add in original Mega Evolutions....specifically MY originally made Mega Evolutions.

5. Maybe some accesories for pokemon....angel wings, hats, shades, a new hairstlye...a monocle etc.

6. (THIS NEEDS EXTRA WORK) Pokemon can COMBINE their moves....if combine-able to do more damage....but costs extra PP.

7. Low leveled and Un-fully-evolved pokemon (except wild pokemon) are more susceptible to dodging attacks by higher leveled, fully evolved pokemon. something like, a level 15 Pidgey can dodge all non-un-missable moves by a level 100 Groudon.

Most of these won't get looked at because of the sheer complication it would take for the dev team to implement everything.

Breaking these suggestions down one-by-one;

- Lucky Egg is a thing, so that's not really needed. Besides, we're already using Gen 6' system where, if you're under a your opponent's level, you gain more experience than you would if you were the same or lower level.

- Getting to know what Pokémon will be used next in doubles is/might be something that will be worked on in the future.

- You could always re-sprite your character if you have the proper knowledge. But having a clothing system isn't really in Reborn's style (imo, idk what Ame's thinkin')

- Simply said; No. Mega Evolution is already confirmed to be released at some point in Reborn's development and I doubt that Ame has any need for custom-made ones, when there's the PULSE system.

- Er- Contest accessories would kinda take away the dark theme Reborn currently has. Again, going with a no.

- Nothing needs extra work. If only you knew the amount of things the dev team is going through to fix/update current Reborn issues. If you so desperately want to make use of combination moves, get the respective Pledge moves for your starter(s) and/or weather type moves like Rain Dance & Sunny Day.

- Too much of a hassle to implement and Reborn is following the exact aspects of the official game mechanics, so no.

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OK ok.....here are my ideasi would like to share/suggest...hope Ame and company sees this.

1. Doubled EXP against pokemon of opposite type and/or 10 levels higher.

2. warns about next opponent's pokemon in double battles.

3. Can change clothes....just like our avatar here in this website.

4. Maybe they can like add in original Mega Evolutions....specifically MY originally made Mega Evolutions.

5. Maybe some accesories for pokemon....angel wings, hats, shades, a new hairstlye...a monocle etc.

6. (THIS NEEDS EXTRA WORK) Pokemon can COMBINE their moves....if combine-able to do more damage....but costs extra PP.

7. Low leveled and Un-fully-evolved pokemon (except wild pokemon) are more susceptible to dodging attacks by higher leveled, fully evolved pokemon. something like, a level 15 Pidgey can dodge all non-un-missable moves by a level 100 Groudon.

1. Nah. The game doesn't need to make grinding easier.

2. I guess this is okay (despite not being in the official games), but it might be tough to implement, since you'll have two Pokémon out when it asks if you want to switch.

(I won't care if this feature gets added because I play on "Set" anyway)

3. If you want to do all the coding and spriting work for that, then go for it.

4. Your specific fanmade Megas? Definitely not. The ability for players to implement their own custom fanmade Megas? Also definitely not.

It's not like that'll even make a difference, since we don't have the Mega Ring anyway.

5. See number 3. That sounds like a nightmare to script/code/whatever sorcery goes into making this game.

6. So, kinda like linking moves in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon?

7. HELL NO. I get that you want to make it easier for your low-leveled Pokémon to win against high-level enemies, but no. This doesn't strike me as a practical feature at all.

Edited by Foamy
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OK ok.....here are my ideasi would like to share/suggest...hope Ame and company sees this.

1. Doubled EXP against pokemon of opposite type and/or 10 levels higher.

2. warns about next opponent's pokemon in double battles.

3. Can change clothes....just like our avatar here in this website.

4. Maybe they can like add in original Mega Evolutions....specifically MY originally made Mega Evolutions.

5. Maybe some accesories for pokemon....angel wings, hats, shades, a new hairstlye...a monocle etc.

6. (THIS NEEDS EXTRA WORK) Pokemon can COMBINE their moves....if combine-able to do more damage....but costs extra PP.

7. Low leveled and Un-fully-evolved pokemon (except wild pokemon) are more susceptible to dodging attacks by higher leveled, fully evolved pokemon. something like, a level 15 Pidgey can dodge all non-un-missable moves by a level 100 Groudon.

1. In Hardcore, I fixed the glaring Exp Issue that arose by more or less by slapping an Exp Share and Lucky Egg right outside the grand hall. Despite the five level jump, it doesn't seem to be too problematic. It does give an abundance of Exp, but due to the level cap adjustment, nobody is going to overgrind the cap by much. We don't need that much Exp honestly and what we have isn't bad at all.

2. No point in this really as it'd be too hard to program (which is half the reason this shouldn't be done) and if anything, you could argue the normal game should be in set as that's how most of the Metagame is played.

3. Costumes...maybe, but I don't really see it and it'd need a lot of spriting. It's definitely something that could go in a suggestion box though for when Reborn is completed.

4. No. NO! NO! NO! Reborn is all about the normal Pokemon game and using your skills based on that. Doing this would take away from that not to mention a lot of work trying to find stuff. I'm also a firm believer that if you're going to include Fakemon, their better be a good explanation to them and they have to look good.

5. Err...don't think that's possible and kind of pointless, honestly. It's again a lot of work to sprite this for 750 Pokemon at the least.

6. Learn your field effects. Pokemon moves do not need combined and the field effects do a good job on making worthless moves useful. Heck, Strength is one of the best moves in Big Top if you get the right Pokemon. It is far stronger than Return. I call this get gud.

7. ._. You have no idea what Metagame is, do you? Evasion was banned at one point due to it. Heck, they still have an evasion clause. Evasion is literally the most broken stat that can make a worthless Pokemon completely broken.

Sorry, but I'm going to be up front and say none of those ideas are going to be accepted. You seem to have a lack of education in game making along with competitive strategy making most of those suggestions quite irrelevant.

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Well, people have said 'no' enough... The long story short is that Reborn probably isn't the game for most of the ideas.

But who says it's dreaming too big? If this is what you're interested in, then I would totally encourage you to make your own project to realize these goals! And with as many people as who have been getting into that here, I'm sure there would be plenty of people to help you learn too. I also have tutorials for that sort of thing on my Youtube channel (linked in profile) to help you get started.

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1. In Hardcore, I fixed the glaring Exp Issue that arose by more or less by slapping an Exp Share and Lucky Egg right outside the grand hall. Despite the five level jump, it doesn't seem to be too problematic. It does give an abundance of Exp, but due to the level cap adjustment, nobody is going to overgrind the cap by much. We don't need that much Exp honestly and what we have isn't bad at all.

Speak 4 yourself i already have 60 % of my main crew (thats about) 30 above cap :D another week and i will have at least 20 mons 100 :D

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