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Uh, hi there. Name's Leth, feel free to call me as such.

I'm 15, 16 in a few months, and live in England. Honestly, there's not much I can really say about me, so I guess I'll just ramble? I'm a high fan of video games and I play them all the time, favouring RPGs mostly. I'd have to say that my favourite game would be Xenoblade Chronicles. Either that or, well, Pokemon. I have a giant soft spot for animals; all animals, really, but I'd have to say I like reptiles and birds a lot.

Wow, I'm really jumping from topic to topic.

Back to video games? I'll talk about Pokemon specifically now. I've played since I was around 6 and started with Pokemon Yellow, and nowadays I own and have completed every Pokemon game to date, including spin-offs and stuff. In-game, I'm more a fan of playing through with my favourite Pokemon/Pokemon I like rather than constructing a specific team and things of the like.

Oh god, I can't really think of anything else to say.

I guess that's my cue to wrap this introduction up... Well, I look forward to meeting new people and stuff. Seeya 'round!

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Well met Leth.

And welcome to Reborn!

Jumping from topic to topic? That's basically how my conversations work. Me saying shit and never completing my thoughts.

Wait, this is about you, not me.

Anyway, I hope you like the color blue cuz you're getting this WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue thing

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn!

I'll see you around o/

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