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pyrous Mountain Help :(


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is kind of triky, use rock smash in the pilars. you need to do it in the pilars below the lava lakes you need to pass. in other words, use rock smash in the pilars under the lava lakes in the mountain
also, explore, there is a rare pokemon in the lowest lvl of the mountain. and when you get sthreng, you can get that pig fight-fire type... dont remember his name.

Edited by cosca
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Hey :) so i as far as i understand this puzzle there are 5 pillars. one on bottom one in the middle and 3 at the entrance. Is their any order to activate them? When i active the one on the bottom one lake disappears but it doesnt matter what i do after that, the lake at the entrance stays... any advise?

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Hey :) so i as far as i understand this puzzle there are 5 pillars. one on bottom one in the middle and 3 at the entrance. Is their any order to activate them? When i active the one on the bottom one lake disappears but it doesnt matter what i do after that, the lake at the entrance stays... any advise?

emmm dont remember .... im near the cave, wait a second, and i see if i get the order of the pilars.

Ok, you enter the cave, go to down the stairs to the right. yo have 3 ways, right to a lava lake, center to a pilar, left down a lvl. go center (down, then right...) smash that pilar, go up again, you can cross the lake. (if you do it right, when you smash the pilar a messenge will say that the lava run thru it)

cross the lake, go up, and another lake, you will need to smash one of the three pilars in the first lvl. and then that. explore, see if there is another lake, an just serch for a pilar in the level down it.

Edited by cosca
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Lets do it that way.

where the 3 pillars are is lvl 1, then lvl 2 where the one lake one right is and lvl 3 where the island is surrounded by the lava with one pillar.

So i did what you did and smashed the pillar on lvl 2. went up again but nothing happend :(

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Hey :) so i as far as i understand this puzzle there are 5 pillars. one on bottom one in the middle and 3 at the entrance. Is their any order to activate them? When i active the one on the bottom one lake disappears but it doesnt matter what i do after that, the lake at the entrance stays... any advise?

incorrect. there are in fact 9 pillars in total. I'm not going to leave the solution out in the open since that would be unfair to newbies, but I'll put a spoiler.

1. Go to the bottom floor and smash the pillar there, which drains the floor above it.

2. Go up to the next floor and smash the pillar, which will drain the lava on the entrance floor.

3. For the sake of not running up and down 50000 times, go back to the bottom floor and drain the lava again.

4. Once you've emptied the lava from the entrance floor, run all the way up until you encounter a lava filled pit. Then, you SHOULD be able to turn left and go down. Once you've done this, find a ladder to the next floor.

5. On the next floor, you SHOULD find a rock pillar somewhere. smash it and drain the floor above. if its a group of three, don't waste your time beating the magcargo that appears, just run (unless you want the EXP). Now find the next ladder, which if I remember correctly leads you to the entrance floor.

6. Smash the pillar on the entrance floor.

7. Repeat #2.

8. Repeat #1.

If that's confusing or you're still struggling, I can just do it for you. Gimme a shout via PM if you want me to. Just don't expect a reply in the next 2-4 hours; I have a very pressing History coursework paper practice to get done. ;-;

Edited by Lynxiechan
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its easy. if you go to the very bottom, you find a pilar, smash it, the up 1 lvl, smash the other pillar, that will drain the lava in the first floor. then, go where are 3 pilars in the first floor, smash the one in the right. go up, and then the other one is hiden i think, cant remember, im not in the cave any more...

ok, here is the easy and cheat way. is very easy XD the lava flows with the pilars, if you get that in your mind you can take it, if not, just see the video.

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I watched the video and did it exactly like this

- but the lava lake on the entrace does not disappear. doesnt matter what i do. btw i play EP 15

mmmmm are you sure? just do what the video says, you need yo go to de lowest lvl, smash the pilar, then go up, smash the pilar of the sub lvl 1, the up again, the lava lake will be gone, and the lava lake of the sub lvl 1 will be up, couse you draned the lava from the first to the last. you catch it? is lava, is a fluid, it go from up to down.

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So i figured it out. One has to talk to Kiki before you can finish the lava mountain. So the first pillar to smash ( On the bottom floor ) correctly moves the lava from the second floor away but the pillar on the second floor does not trigger anything as long as you havent talked to kiki. :D So yeah guys thank you all for helping me! @Lostelle Try to include it in your next video haha would have saved me several hours testing the puzzle if i knew that i have to talk to kiki first .

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So i figured it out. One has to talk to Kiki before you can finish the lava mountain. So the first pillar to smash ( On the bottom floor ) correctly moves the lava from the second floor away but the pillar on the second floor does not trigger anything as long as you havent talked to kiki. :D So yeah guys thank you all for helping me! @Lostelle Try to include it in your next video haha would have saved me several hours testing the puzzle if i knew that i have to talk to kiki first .

Can you tell me what Kiki says does? Out of curiosity, of course.

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