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NEW (well, old) SERVER TOYS


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Hello everyone, today I am here to announce the return of two sets of commands for the server.

The first is the mail system:

Sometimes you want to message someone who isn't currently online. While you could pm them on the forum, you know they never check their messages and would probably even miss things as epic as this announcement. Thus, this module allows a way to get around it. Mail is a system to send people messages while they are offline for when they return (or if you feel like it, when they are online).

/message [user],[name] - sends the user the message. If the user is online, they will be notified right away. Message notifications will popup in a pm window. Messages have a limit to their character count (as of right now, 200 characters) and a user can only have 5 messages waiting for them.

/viewmailbox - views the status of your inbox, will tell you how many messages you have and how many are new

/viewmessage [number] - views the message at a given slot (and marks it as read)

/delmessage [number] - deletes the message at the given slot (and updates the number of the rest of the messages)

Please note that a mailbox is tied to the username. Thus, please make sure you spell the recipient's name correctly and that is the name you expect them to log in with next.

The second module is the records system:

Pretty much, sometimes I just want to prove how much better at battling I am than Jeri. So, I challenge Jeri to a battle, beat him easily and now I want to make sure there is proof I won.

/records - views your win/loss/tie ratios

/records [user] - views someone else's win/loss/tie ratios

/clearrecords - resets your win/loss/tie ratios

Please let me know if you have any questions or want anything else to be coded

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