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New Arrival to Reborn City


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I've been playing Reborn for around a month? And got to around 3 different save files. That's how much I enjoy the game - it has a great setting, the little, mysterious details of the antagonists and protagonists drive me nuts, the characters and story are engaging (Radomus is awesome) and it's all in all very different from GameFreak's standard. I love it.

I've also been lurking around in the forums for clues on stickers, EV spots, item locations, etc and decided to join the forums because why not. And I have a feeling that the people here in the forum are friendly (I hope.)

Well as for about me...

If you'd have to compare me to a Reborn character, I'd be 0.5/5 Amaria, 2/5 Titania and 3.5/5 Florinia.

In other words, I'm kind of antisocial. I do enjoy the company of people - but only for a short period of time. Then I'll feel, hmm, claustrophobic in the company of people, online or not, after that because of a psychological issue that's been with me for a long time. Which is why I took a month to join the forums, and even then I won't be posting much. I like to lurk.

Aaaaaaaanyway that's about all I have to say.

I hope I'll have a good time here, even though I'm not really up for socializing much.

Edited by Lucia
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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Well met Lucia.

Welcome to Reborn!

A mix between Florinia (currently) and Tania? Damn. I'll be sure to not leave any Aegislashes near you in the future.

And I know that feel with the whole socializing thing. Do you feel tired after a conversation? Because that's exactly what happens to me. I've been trying to change that, though.

Don't worry, we'll treat you well even if you're not up to socializing~

As long as you accept this WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue conversion, of course.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn. It's permanent, after all~

I'll see you around o/

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