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Favorite Animation Studio/Animation Style?


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So the idea of this topic randomly came to mind when I got to thinking about the many different animation styles in anime. Each anime tends to have its own style that works for it, and I think each of us also tends to prefer a certain style. Some of us might like Attack on Titan styled work, while others might lean more towards Durarara!! or Lucky Star or Angel Beats or whatever it may be. While yes, you can argue that each anime needs to stick to its style, (For example, Attack on Titan can't be animated like Lucky Star and still have the same effect), I do think there's some kind of style that each of us likes more than others. So basically, I just want to know what kind of style you like the most in anime. You can list an animation company or a short list of companies you like, or you can just name an anime or two whose animation stuck out to you.

For me, I'd have to say J.C Staff and A-1 Pictures stand out to me the most, though there are specific examples within each of them that I'd like to mention.

J.C. Staff is notable to me for their work on the To Aru series,





As well as their work on DanMachi





A-1 Pictures is most prominent to me specifically for their work on SAO.





I honestly suspected that SAO and DanMachi were done by the same animation studio at first, simply based on appearance, but I was proven wrong. Regardless, those two are both examples of the sort of art style that I enjoy the most, even moreso than To Aru.

So out of all the anime and manga, what art style/animation style do YOU prefer the most?

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madhouse and shaft are my favorites. the former animates things very fluently and with high quality. some of my favorite works from them include hunter x hunter (2011), death note, parasyte, ngnl, black lagoon, the tatami galaxy and texhnolyze. shaft, on the other hand, has one of the most unique/different animation styles ive seen so far, and i almost always enjoy anything animated by them. they're mostly famous for doing the monogatari series, nisekoi, sayonara zetsubou sensei, mekakucity actors and madoka.

also really like some things jc staff has done lately, such as shokugeki, shimoneta, prison school and heavy object. love the toaru franchise as well. finally, i like wit studio a lot, even though they've done very few shows (shingeki no kyojin, owari no seraph and a few more).

also love studio deen pfft jk lmfao no one likes deen

Edited by Gore
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To be fair, this Forum is actually called Animation and Manga for a reason and not just Anime and Manga. While it's more implied to be to about a particular Eastern Media((a.k.a Anime))... it's not just limited to only that. Western Animation is also allowed to be talked about here or anywhere else in this forum as the name was designed to fit this lol. After all, it's easier to just use this place to talk about not only Eastern Anime based animation styles, but ones used in the West as well as it's a bit more tailored towards them than say... just the normal old Radio Tower. So while this thread is probably more intended to be towards Anime and that particular media, it's not entirely correct to say that things like Disney or other Western Animation houses((I don't think that's the right way to say that... Studios whatever...HEE HEE!!!)) aren't allowed to be talked about here. Least... that's my opinion. ((and it was discussed that between Auth that that is the reason it's Animation and Manga. Therefore it was thought of before I was in charge of this little forum HEE!))

So... it's perfectly legit to actually discuss that stuff here if one so wanted to. Even if this thread is probably supposed to be more tailored towards well... you know, Anime. Keep that in mind folks.

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