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Halo 5: Guardians Spartan Company; Glory Reborn


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Alright, so Halo 5's clan system; or Spartan Companies has gone live a week before the game's launch; and I decided to take it upon myself to create my own company; I've always wanted to have a small Halo community dedicated to just enjoying the game.

A few of you have already joined, and Glory Reborn is officially Active with six members. The Company is open to all Reborn Community members who intend to play Halo 5; I have a lot of ideas for things I want to do, including events and community montages/streams/etc. Though, of course, I may need help from other members of Glory Reborn given I am busy on weekends when a lot of people will be active.

I want this to be a positive community first and foremost, where everyone is accepted; as this is actually a pretty common issue in the Halo community. Racial and Sexual slurs are commonplace online, not necessarily the forums, but in matchmaking and such. The point of a game is to have fun and enjoy yourself, not to get uppity and to be disrespectful to others.

I'm hoping Glory Reborn will eventually thrive, and be a Company that maybe; just maybe inspires the kind of positivity and fun-loving atmosphere that I have always hoped for with the Halo community.

You can find the Spartan Company here.

This is the Spartan Company page, it's all done through the Waypoint website, so of curse you'll need an Xbox Live account which if you're joining I assume you already have. No sign up or subscription needed, as per the no advertising rule in the forum otherwise I would not have posted this.

Once there is around 20 members, which I hope we will reach and go beyond that, I'll assign another moderator and then assign another every 20 members until 100; I feel 5 moderators is enough to moderate a forum of 100 people. If need be, I'll add more along the road.

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Don't let me get into my zone.

I love playing multiplayer and killing dudes but I've always loved doing things coop and decimating enemies from all sides so I'll be up for doing campaign things like finding waypoints.

I'm your guy for campaign runs and competitive matches.

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  On 10/20/2015 at 1:39 AM, Maelstrom said:

Don't let me get into my zone.

I love playing multiplayer and killing dudes but I've always loved doing things coop and decimating enemies from all sides so I'll be up for doing campaign things like finding waypoints.

I'm your guy for campaign runs and competitive matches.

Based on that it seems like Warzone might be right up your alley, given it encompasses both Coop and Competitive Matches in to one giant gametype. Which, is modeled after a typical MOBA I might add.

Regardless, for the campaign there are a ridiculous amount of hidden goodies this time around to hunt for.

Also tfw when the number on your trainer card is 117.

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  On 10/20/2015 at 1:42 AM, Bear Lord said:

Based on that it seems like Warzone might be right up your alley, given it encompasses both Coop and Competitive Matches in to one giant gametype. Which, is modeled after a typical MOBA I might add.

Regardless, for the campaign there are a ridiculous amount of hidden goodies this time around to hunt for.

Also tfw when the number on your trainer card is 117.

Yeah, that's a funny little coincidence that suits me just fine.

Also, had to post this cuz hype.

Yeah, warzone is the mode I'm most interested in. Big Team Battle saw the most play from me, getting my CSR to 41 in that playlist and mowing down ai has always been fun. I've always made good use of distractions.

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  On 10/20/2015 at 1:55 AM, Maelstrom said:

Yeah, that's a funny little coincidence that suits me just fine.

Also, had to post this cuz hype.

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Yeah, warzone is the mode I'm most interested in. Big Team Battle saw the most play from me, getting my CSR to 41 in that playlist and mowing down ai has always been fun. I've always made good use of distractions.

I'm hyped for so many reasons, particularly Buck coming back and being a Spartan. You can already see the power struggle between him and Locke in a lot of the content, I feel like Locke might wind up alone in his hunt in the end; but that's just my prediction so far.

Also, you can customize your Halo 5 Spartan before launch on Waypoint apparently.


Not much to choose from at the start, of course, but I have enough from my Halo MCC exploits.

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  On 10/20/2015 at 3:21 AM, Maelstrom said:

I barely have anything. But may be because I barely touched the anniversary collection.

It's all I've been doing for a while; trying to get the Legend achievement; beating all of the campaigns on Legendary which is a pain. Halo3 and 4 will be easy enough, but CE and 2 are going to suck. Well, CE is sucking.

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I've got a laundry list of things wrong with the campaign.

sucks that you don't any new armor or req for doing anything in campaign.
campaign was such a letdown.

[3:21:03 PM] Maelstrom: Yeah, the options in the level were good. And there were actually a lot of weapons racks everywhere.
[3:21:14 PM] Maelstrom: But story was presented poorly
[3:21:31 PM] Maelstrom: Locke is pretty bland.
[3:21:50 PM] Maelstrom: No great one liners from chief.
[3:22:19 PM] Maelstrom: All he ever says is we'll get answers when we get to cortana so stop asking questions.
[3:22:42 PM] Maelstrom: Buck barely had anything to say.
[3:23:32 PM] Maelstrom: Vast majority of the backstory is in book/comic fiction and not from halo 4
[3:23:55 PM] Maelstrom: Like how did they recover the rest of blue team from the shield world.
[3:24:53 PM] Maelstrom: And Cortana is emotional Skynet. Promethian dude supports Cortana for flimsy reasons.

The whole reclamation mantle as military oppression contradicts core forerunner canon.

Who are the two female spartans on Locke's team again? Like a lot of critical backstory elements, they come out of nowhere/works of fiction few people read.

Ai for non-human fireteam members are abysmal. They just stand in one place and die.

They won't revive you in time even if they're literally standing right next to you.

Everything from the teasers is changed drastically so that everything is so much less and has less story than the short commercials for the game, which is really bad.

What did Lasky and Palmer know and when did they know it? Game doesn't tell you shit.

The rebalanced weapons feel much better than halo 4. Sensitivity things feel off though.

Ground pound thing is pretty useless, especially if you're running the recon control scheme because you can either use it or try to aim it, but not both at once. And you're just floating in midair, asking to get shot down by everybody.

There really isn't much of a story. Chief tries to find cortana, locke tries to catch up to the chief, and promethean forerunner is there to slow everyone down. It's all an extended chase scene.

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I feel like the reason the Campaign seems to have so little story, is because of the Intel. I feel like we're going to be forced to get all of the Intel to get the entire story, like I said previously I feel like I was Halo 2'd with this campaign; the cliffhanger, the lack of polish, but overall I did enjoy it.

As for Blue Team, that is explained, they were retrieved from the Shield World by ONI; apparently ONI had been doing their typical bullshit, Kilo-Five specifically got them out; which if you know anything about Kilo-Five...

I'm not a fan of having to hunt for the story, but there is one. And, I guess I'm not as bothered about the story being drawn from extended media more so than Halo 4, given I follow that stuff really closely. Though, I do feel shafted by the ad campaign, given it implies almost the exact opposite of the actual story.

Though, outside of the campaign, I feel this game's Multiplayer is really solid. The weapon balancing is nice, I like how nothing feels useless or redundant now specifically. And, the sensitivity is a known issue, it's a problem with aim acceleration and the forums are in an uproar about it; I hate it myself, given I do a lot of close range brawling in Warzone. I had to increase my sensitivity to compensate, something I am not a fan of; given I play on a 2 in Halo 3 and Reach.

Ground Pound is high risk reward, and I agree it is useless on Recon; on Recon the aiming should have stayed on the left stick. I, personally, use Bumper Jumper so it doesn't bother me; Shoulder Charge needs a slight debuff, the stun after being hit by it breaks a lot of close range engagements.

Stormbreak needs an entire rework, that map is one of the worst maps I have ever played on; way too one sided and victory is almost always determined within the first five minutes. Boss kills need reworking, and Warzone's pacing does as well.

But short of those issues, overall everything feels solid. I even enjoyed what little bit of Arena I played, matches are intense and AR starts provide the means to avoid an early game steam roll I feel; Sniper is too easy to use, though. Like, the entire Sniper Skill Gap is gone now.

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  On 10/29/2015 at 11:15 PM, 613_Ra1den said:

Back in the before halo 4 modern shooter mechanics, with the default layout, you would have slight hand cramps if you weren't used to either intense gameplay or using a key board with a bad scheme due to pressing r3, EVERY time for ads.

I don't even...

what is r3 and why are you a pc master race person?

Ice was the one who found the most intel during our play-through, meaning I didn't get to listen to most of it. But a lot of what I did hear was dumb stuff from grunts complaining about decision higher ups made. Sadly they had no impact upon the story plotline and it ended up as very poor storytelling all around. Achievement point fodder was achievement point fodder and the story of the game played second fiddle to everything and anything within the game.

Even the realization that cortana isn't worth following isn't explored. Master Chief knows cortana is dangerous and says so.... with no prior reason to make such an announcement.

Seriously, the storyline is poorly executed, commercials tell more storyline than the game, and there is not a reason to continue.

Story-wise, halo 5 is stupid as hell. multiplayer-wise is where most of the action is and 343 got rid of same console multiplayer.

Yes, I am salty. I am salty because halo 5 is bad, even if I rock at multiplayer.

There is zero reason for me to think halo 6 will be any good because the current halo production team shows zero talent, zero creativity.

I'm an FPS fan who basically started playing fps's because of Halo CE.... and I hate the halo 5 story line.

Halo 5 is shite.

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I wouldn't say Halo 5 is bad; the campaign lacked, but the multiplayer itself is phenomenal. It's the first time I've played a Halo multiplayer and kept coming back, not caring if I win or lose in a very long time. I haven't enjoyed Halo like this since I started playing Halo 3. Halo 5 certainly plays and feels much better than Halo 4.

I'm willing to say it's my favourite Halo second only to Halo: Reach. And, I've been playing Since Halo CE came out on the Xbox. I have my gripes, but most of them are pretty minor and can be ironed out, and most likely will during the December Update.

I'm satisfied, and I came in skeptical as hell. I thought the game was going to be sucktastic, and to me it's refreshing and pretty great. It's a game I expect to play for a very long time to come, or... Well, at least until November 10th rolls around.

Amd, I'm honestly already excited for Halo 6. And, well, the end of Chief's story; which I'm pretty sure Locke will take the mantle for the next part of the franchise.

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If you're talking about mechanics, that is one thing. They definitely changed up weapons to balance differently, which I DO like. Even if the saw isn't good enough to be worth the point it requires in warzone. And I need someone to consistently jump in the turret and do well when I pull out a warthog for 2 points towards the beginning. I'm the great white buffalo- a good driver.

Story mechanics, story elements, basic story-telling elements period... the game did godawful. There were a lot story points and missions things that became incredibly repetitive and did not expand on the story except to say you strolled through one block of enemies but you weren't out of the neighborhood yet. The weapon balance doesn't apply to enemy ai either. They're mostly like the flood from Halo 1. The just soak up bullets. It just gets really annoying and repetitive to play.

Aside from all that. How are you guys doing Req packages? I'm doing the 5k ones as soon as I get the points. For the gold or silver, you get two permanent cards from a pack no matter what. It's just so much faster to get them through silver packs than gold packs. You merely get a chance at something permanent and common/uncommon junk with the bronze pack.

Things I ended up being good at;

-camping at contested bases with shotguns. Had a 15+ kill spree that way. I got the first shotgun via random weapon card but then got another after just wrecking and using up all the ammo.

-killing dudes with grenade mongooses. Mongeese?

-sniping. Sit on the spire or one of the hotly contested zones and enemies just come begging to be pegged in the face.

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As for Req Packs, getting a lot of cosmetics; however I am yet to get the two Req Certifications that I want: The Sniper Rifle, and The Shotgun. Beam Rifle works well enough, I guess, though that glare really throws in an imbalance to Sniper Play; though with the Sniper Rifles being so noob friendly now I guess something was needed.

I've also learned I'm baller with the SMG, now that the BR doesn't destroy everything I can actually be a more viable brawler. In past Halos I always stuck to a range because, well, it was that or get wrecked in most cases. Now, I'm trying to be a bit more of a Brawler whenever I can; really like the close range play of this game.

Also, I learned the Needler is too op for the Req Points required to use it. I would know, I only have two weapon commendation maxed and the Needler is one of them.

The AR being viable is a nice touch too, I feel like every weapon has a place in the game's sandbox; and that hasn't been a thing since... Ever.

I am also not a half bad driver. And, Goosing the enemy with an Oni Gungoose is wonderful.

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I found the beam rifle a lot easier to use than the human sniper rifle.

The needler is useless with any bit of distance but the hailstorm version (same amount of points) is amazing.

Funny that I look through my collection and I see have sniper rifle license though. And 40 saws. Oh, and I have the scorpion license, dear sweet jeebus. I doubt I'll get any of those unless I save up 10k rp.

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The system is supposed to be a forgiving version of League's; you can rise in rank, but you can't fall out of the division you wind up in. If you get stuck in Onyx,you're stuck there until next season. Either that, or you can be lowered to Diamond and can't leave it. Onyx and Champion Divisions work differently I think.

I honestly don't play SWAT in this game, the spawns break whatever flow it could have had. Most of the Arena spawns are kind of sub par.

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