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Pokemon Revelation EP 2(Beta Testers Needed Soon)


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Alright I've all most got the Beta for Ep ready to go! And i kind of need some Beta testers to make sure that everything is working properly. However there are a few things I want say about the Beta.

-Please DO NOT sign up to Beta Test if you are going to post once and never post again. This was a huge problem last time I held a beta test because over 3/4 of my testers disappeared on me.

-Please give detailed reports. The release of Ep 1 was an absolute mess. If you are going to test please test thoroughly and inform me of any problems you may encounter.

-Rewards: I understand Beta testing is a time consuming experience, I don't have much to pay people back for making everything is running but for testers I found helpful I'll make a reference to them in the game. I'll name a store, NPC, Trainer, or make a custom event featuring them depending on how helpful they were.

I wanted to have the beta out by last week but some things came up and I'm dealing with a really big bug. I should hopefully have it out by the end of this week.

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I never beta tested a game before but if I get chosen I think I could do well at it and provide lots of detail

I don't know if I time to do it yet though so don't count me in to test it just yet

Edited by nepeta100
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Hey ShatteredSky.

I'm wondering if you still want beta testers still or if you are good?

I have done beta testing before and I find I am really good with reporting and observing issues in a game. I'm always available so the leaving part, you don't have to worry about with me.

Either way, good luck with your game.

Have a great night. :D

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Hey ShatteredSky.

I'm wondering if you still want beta testers still or if you are good?

I have done beta testing before and I find I am really good with reporting and observing issues in a game. I'm always available so the leaving part, you don't have to worry about with me.

Either way, good luck with your game.

Have a great night. :D

The more the merrier! Though to be honest I'm not sure when the next ep is going to come out:/ I'm installing another version of essentials and moving all the work I had to there, it'll probably delay me for a day or two:/

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Just let me know through PM if you would like me to help with testing then. :D If I don't get a PM by the time you release episode 1, i'll go on with the thought you don't need me and that's fine. :D

Good luck with the change for essentials.

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