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Playing right from the start like a pioneer


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Hi people, I'm new here. I'd like to ask if anyone has episodes from 1-14. I've been searching the net and could only find like 1 or 2 old episodes. The reason for me asking is I just started the game and I want to play it from episode 1 to the current one(15) like how it was first released. I do know that I can play the current one but it won't be the same as starting right from the start like a pioneer and playing upgrading to till the current episode. If anyone has all the past episodes, would you be nice to give it to me? I wanna experience the experience of the pioneers who started right from the very beginning.

Many thanks if there's anyone with everything.

Edited by Jiharo
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You can go back a fair way but I doubt you could get your hands on episode one.

I could be wrong though.

I could only find episode 10 though and maybe 9(I think).

Couldn't locate the rest. So there aren't anyone with every single episodes? Even the developers?

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The early episodes wouldn't have any of the bugs fixed and generally would be quite similar to the current episodes (just better).

If someone has a copy of episode 1 and will give it to you give it a go but I don't think that it really matters. Other than some nerfed pokemon you won't find all that many differences (I think).

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yeah like mde2001 the only true differences are the earlier versions had bugs and there were pokemon that are currently unavailable know. I feel like its not worth the time trying to find the old version due to how well developed and balanced wise the newer versions are but that's just my opinion

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Yea, I started at 15 as well, and the episodes dont have many differences between them, one of the biggest ones I've noticed is that I ended up with and espurr instead of the event ralts. ( I was haert broken)

not much changes between episodes as I've been told by my friend who completely restarted his adventure.

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I almost never use the quick save function at all since I have the habit of saving it normally like how I would on my console. Was just wondering how the experience would be like since there were many things that got changed between episodes like items and stuff so would be nice to experience it. Couldn't find the entire change log from episode 2 to 14 so I don't know what changes were made either and just felt that it would be fun to start right like a pioneer who found out about this game from its first developmental phase.

I guess there isn't anyone here who have everything, right from the first episode to 14. That's a shame. Would really love to have it.

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You wouldn't be able to start from the very start anyway. Saves worked differently in episode 1 and only changed in episode 2, I think. Or episode 6?

Anyway, there's nothing much that can be done, as those very old episodes are in the hands of very few people, if they even still have it.

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also no gen 6 pokemon and fields in the earlier episodes :c

6th Gen pokemon started in EP10.5 if I'm not mistaken (Some of them had the wrong typing back in the day and some abilitie didn't work).

If you want to start in an early epiode, EP9 i your best bet, with few glitches and few axed pokémon (Very early Ralts, Togepi and Magby for example).

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You wouldn't be able to start from the very start anyway. Saves worked differently in episode 1 and only changed in episode 2, I think. Or episode 6?

Anyway, there's nothing much that can be done, as those very old episodes are in the hands of very few people, if they even still have it.

Yeah, there might be one person who possibly has episodes from before that point...so I wouldn't even try going that far back. I probably have Episode VII lying around somewhere, but I might've also deleted it. Episode 10 fixed a lot of frustrating problems and it's about as close to the old Reborn as you can get. 10.5 gave a lot of leaders team changes and nerfs including the really "easy" Serra fight. But here's the list of Episodes you probably can find:

Episode X: Many of the annoying bugs such as partners only having one Pokemon was fixed, but teams remained relatively the same. Field Effects were non existent which is why some people could argue leaders are tougher here. This is more or less the old Reborn refined at it's best. You might miss a couple things, but not that much honestly.

Episode 10.5-XI: With the inclusion of Gen VI, there were some really drastic changes to the team layout here as some leaders got nerfs and Radomus got his Trick Room team back. Field effects were also starting to get implemented, but teams were more or less field effect less.

Episode XII-XIII: In this section, the level cap was a bit higher along with the infamous Charlotte fight before her nerfs. While I still disagree with it, a lot of people say Charlotte is the toughest leader (imo Serra deserves that medal). Leaders also slowly got field effects to match their fellow leaders.

Episode XV: Honestly, there is a ton different in this episode as a lot of leaders got "nerfed" as people say. The biggest change other than field effects has to be Egg moves on event Pokemon. This is a huge promotion to use Pokemon that normally would not be used. There's a lot of mixed reactions to the level cap change from Radomus to Luna (literally Radomus is about the same level as Noel...which I don't understand).

But it's kind of hard picking how to play the game, but if you really want to do an episodic run, I'd do 10 (or the episodes before Radomus and Serra were changed), 14, then 15, but you'll miss a ton of amazing changes the game has done. If you wanted to get the true full experience, you'd have to play reborn completely over for each episode. Yeah, there are a lot of changes done in the game.

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also no gen 6 pokemon and fields in the earlier episodes :c

Doesn't matter. All the more fun to think, choose and adapt afterwards as one progress from one episode to another.

6th Gen pokemon started in EP10.5 if I'm not mistaken (Some of them had the wrong typing back in the day and some abilitie didn't work).

If you want to start in an early epiode, EP9 i your best bet, with few glitches and few axed pokémon (Very early Ralts, Togepi and Magby for example).

I can deal with it. In fact, my team currently only has 1 6th gen poke.

If you wanted to get the true full experience, you'd have to play reborn completely over for each episode. Yeah, there are a lot of changes done in the game.

Yeah, there might be one person who possibly has episodes from before that point...so I wouldn't even try going that far back. I probably have Episode VII lying around somewhere, but I might've also deleted it. Episode 10 fixed a lot of frustrating problems and it's about as close to the old Reborn as you can get. 10.5 gave a lot of leaders team changes and nerfs including the really "easy" Serra fight. But here's the list of Episodes you probably can find:

Episode X: Many of the annoying bugs such as partners only having one Pokemon was fixed, but teams remained relatively the same. Field Effects were non existent which is why some people could argue leaders are tougher here. This is more or less the old Reborn refined at it's best. You might miss a couple things, but not that much honestly.

Episode 10.5-XI: With the inclusion of Gen VI, there were some really drastic changes to the team layout here as some leaders got nerfs and Radomus got his Trick Room team back. Field effects were also starting to get implemented, but teams were more or less field effect less.

Episode XII-XIII: In this section, the level cap was a bit higher along with the infamous Charlotte fight before her nerfs. While I still disagree with it, a lot of people say Charlotte is the toughest leader (imo Serra deserves that medal). Leaders also slowly got field effects to match their fellow leaders.

Episode XV: Honestly, there is a ton different in this episode as a lot of leaders got "nerfed" as people say. The biggest change other than field effects has to be Egg moves on event Pokemon. This is a huge promotion to use Pokemon that normally would not be used. There's a lot of mixed reactions to the level cap change from Radomus to Luna (literally Radomus is about the same level as Noel...which I don't understand).

That is what I really wanted, which is why I requested for the entire episode, right back to episode 1. If somehow you could help me ask the person, I'd appreciate it.

I guess I'll have to dig for episode 10. I couldn't find 12-14 though. I've googled, but got no results for those. Do you still have episode 7? Would love to have it.

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I started at episode 15, but from what I heared, most event pomeon changes were from e14 to e15.

Some other changes like the removal of Magikarp at the release of e11 (not sure), but most of the changes were made in the last episode.

I wouldn't say that is accurate.

Magby, Elekid, Ralts and Magikarp were all moved earlier and they are the main four people go back for. There were some losses (e.g. early cleffa) but I don't think it would qualify as most of them.

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The only two things I remember happening from VII-X was Aya lost like two levels in her pokemon due to her difficulty and I think Florinia lost her Amoongus or somebody got replaced. That's pretty much the two big changes off the top of my head. 10.5 did a lot more changes like giving the early leaders Gen VI Pokemon like Julia's Helioptile and Shade's Gourgeist (I think Dusclops was axed in 10.5).

I'd have to pull out my old computer and iirc, I think I deleted it when downloading XII on it. In the super early days, I heard Julia had a Volt Switch strategy, but everything more or less is included in X give or take one or two minor things like missing Pokemon or team changes.

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I would also Like to play from previous episode.. I only got the game at episode 15.. Its a great game and im really enjoying it but maybe the experience will be better if we could start from the 1st episode..

So you think it would make for a "better experience" to start from a drastically downgraded version of the current game?

Ame has been polishing this game constantly with each episode release. Playing from episode 1 makes no real logical sense.

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So you think it would make for a "better experience" to start from a drastically downgraded version of the current game?

Ame has been polishing this game constantly with each episode release. Playing from episode 1 makes no real logical sense.

Not really. Playing right from the start, like a pioneer, gives the feeling you're following close to the game as it gets developed. I don't know about others, but to me, if I could do that, it'll give me an experience that just cannot be experienced by playing only a few episodes. If you don't get what I'm trying to say, it's okay. It's not about better experience per se, but rather, enjoying it like you're a loyal fan that have been tracking this game since day 1.

I can't really phrase it in words, because my English sucks but I hope I get my point across.

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