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Shiny Misdreavus won't show up.



I have been soft resetting constantly, for the past three days on end, in order to rebattle the shiny spectral Medicham that the imposter Kiki sends out against me in battle in The Hidden Dimension, Byxysion Wasteland, but no matter what, the only Misdreavus after the battle that always show up are non-shiny Misdreavus with 0 IVs and 0 EVs. I have never encountered a Misdreavus that has any IVs and EVs, let alone any ability, other than Levitate. Can anyone explain to me why this is and why encountering a shiny Misdreavus is more difficult than encountering a shiny Spiritomb, which I have caught? I am starting to buckle under the self-imposed pressure of rebottling Medicham repeatedly without the end result ending in success and a successfully-encountered shiny Misdreavus. I feel that breeding a shiny Misdreavus would take far too long, and I fear that I haven't the patience to hatch egg after egg in order to maybe hatch a shiny Misdreavus from one of those eggs.

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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Quicksave after beating the medicham when there isn't any dialogue with the D button. Then it should be much quicker and easier

Also, any newly caught Pokemon would have 0 EVs regardless. The IV situation is just bad luck, I think

Misdreavus' only ability is Leviatate. so there can be nothing else

Edited by wytch_doctr
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I'll try to quicksave after beating the shiny Medicham. I assume that you are referring to the point that is just before the Misdreavus approaches my character?.

Yes. In any point where there isn't dialogue you can quicksave. Remember to make sure you have a free slot in your party too. That would help a lot, saves running back to the PC etc

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OK. Thanks. :) I have tried pressing D in moments where there is no dialogue, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I soft reset and I am back to just before I examine the gravestone and spawn the imposter Kiki. :( I will keep trying to Quicksave until it works. Oh, and yes, I do have a free spot in my party for Misdreavus, in order to quickly check on it to see if it has any IVs and EVs (so far, it has none) and to check if it is shiny (which, so far, it is not.)

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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Thanks, Hiroki. :) It's taking me far more than 100 soft resets so far and still I have yet to encounter a shiny Misdreavus after the battle. :( Quicksave button won't work, and I am starting to think that I will never luck out and receive a shiny Misdreavus. I keep wondering why each Misdreavus, post soft reset, never have any IVs and EVs.


UPDATE: Everyone! I have GOT a shiny Misdreavus!! Finally, I have encountered the thought-to-be-unattainable Pokémon after so many soft resets that I had long since stopped keeping track of each soft reset. All of the Medicham-battling, all of the Perish Song victories, all of the suffering that I had been forced to endure every single time I had seen a non-shiny Misdreavus in my Pokémon party, well, it has all been worth it, because now I have the shiny Misdreavus that I have sought for such a very long time. Now...on to the next event Pokémon before I go to Agate Circus and beyond.

Edited by TheSilentSerenade
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