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Hello :)

I am new to this site and Pokemon Reborn. The game is awsome! ^_^

But now I have a quick question:

I need to go to 7th Street, since Team Meteor appeared at the gym castle, after I bet . My team leader (Team Aqua) just gave me the Carvanha, after I bet the Magma guy. After that I talked to him again and he told me about the 7th street, I went to that house, but the woman always says:

''Hello. Admittance to these apartments is for tenants only. I'm afraid you'll have to leave. Now.''

Other Information:

  • 8 Badges

  • All pokemon (in my current team) are around level 60

Can anyone help me, please?

Sorry my english is awful, since my mothertongue is german.

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Yo, welcome to pokemon Reborn. Community rules under your profile, check em out. You can edit your trainer sprite, get a trainer card, and all that Jazz under Customize.

Oh and this might be a bug, try talking to him again?

It's the apartment in the lapis ward, near the old lady's house, right?

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Thank you all! ^-^

I have talked to him several times - he always says the same:
Archer: ''We can definitely help you out. You''ll find our secret entrace in the apartment on 3rd and Dahlia. No problem at all.''

It is the big one in the north of the pokemon centre (and the old lady's house), isn't it?

This one:


Edited by Mrslouzifer
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Well met Mrslouzifer

Welcome to Reborn!

Looks like you figured your question, so all I have to do now is convert you to blue

like WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

Do enjoy your stay here in Reborn. It is permanent, after all~

See you around o/

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Dunno if it's been resolved for you by now but...

I got stuck here too, turns out I was actually in the wrong building..

But you can look it up on youtube, Nickaboo and Shofu have playthroughs of it I think x.x


Welcome to the forums!

It's a great place to chill..

Hope you enjoy yourself here,

See you around :D

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