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IV Hunting


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I recently finished ep 15 (rushed the story a little) and now that there's no progression (unavoidable story wise) i'm making a team for the future episodes.

So, im trying to get nive IV's wihtout freaking out but its really hard to get a nice IV eevee.. Im breeding with a ditto with 3 stats close to 30 and a female eevee with 4 nice stats 25+ (and equiped with a destiny knot) and i lost count of the number of eevees i released already (1 or 2 shiny).

Also, im using a ponyta with flame body in my party to halve the steps for egg hatching and speedhacking the game... And even with all this the eevee eggs take really ... REALLY long to hatch. Am i missing something ? Is there anything else to help me hatch eggs faster ?

For now i got these four on my team (im still working with the EV's):


(what do you think of the clawitzer EV's ?)

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Eevee's hatch time is actually quite long, compared to the time that most other pokemon need to hatch (35 egg cycles). IMO, if you want to go for perfect IVs, I'd suggest first breeding a pokemon with less egg cycles in field group, since field group is the biggest one (ovr 200 hundred pokemon in it). Pachirisu is perfect. It has ten egg cycles, so it hatches fast, and it's also in a fairy group, so you cover two groups that way.

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Yea it does for sure lol.

Also, take the Ponyta out of the party if you haven't already as it can sometimes mess up the process.

Yeah, no, he could leave it in. I edited the guide after someone PMed about Flame Body/Magma Armor for the 50th time lol. And I took your tip about pointing out E12 stuff.

Anyways, Locomotion, feel free to PM me if you need help with any of the stuff from the guide.

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you can always ask for a trade, i m sure people would have breed a bunch of 3-6 IV eevee since most people want a perfect IV shiny Eevee well not everyone but yeah i m sure people are willing to trade away their Eevee breeding rejects.

Also if you want to breed a prefect IV mons, i would start with breeding seed pokemons. seed pokemons are pokemons which are in 2 different types of egg groups, say monster+field ect ect. Event mons are the best to get good IVs because you can just soft reset to get good iv but since you are kinda at the end of the game there are limited/maybe no more event pokemons. Anyway the list of pokemons you should breed for seed pokemons is below. There are a lot of pokemon in the Field egg group so breeding a seed from the field group is the easiest.




Spinda(Human+ Field)


Wooper(Field+Water 1)

Shellos(Water 1+ Amorphous)


Edited by Luna
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Yeah i dont want perfect ivs(mainly because of the time and effort to get there in a game that isnt possible to link battle...). My goal is just getting like 25+ iv's on main stats and 20+ on secondary.

I feel like i messed up when i got my ditto (soft reseted only enought to get 3 iv's on 30+... Is there a way to get another ditto ? Or breed the one i have ?

Desperate edit: will i have to restart to get a decent ditto ? O-O

Edited by Locomotion
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You'll have to restart. But three IVs with 30+ isn't that bad. Mine in comparison has most stats below 20 xD

As far as IV breeding goes, first pokemon to breed is the hardest. Later ones are easy with power items (unless you are tying to breed TM moves, which is almost impossible to get perfect IVs)

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yeah you can only get 1 ditto per run. as i said earlier you can always trade. I m sure someone wants your mystery egg mon or something. just make a post here-->clicky .

A ditto with 3iv which is 30+ is kinda awesome. yeah to breed perfect iv the first 1 takes time but it is worth it

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About the trading, im not sure if i'm confortable with 3dr person intervention in my save file... I couldnt find a way to trade between my own save files tho =/

About that, the only thing the 3rd person is delete one Pokemon from your game and add another; the same a trade system would do. And if you wanna trade between your own saves, wait for it, a trading system that doesn't require a 3rd person is in the works (since you're trading with yourself, there's not even a 2nd person lol).

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