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Is my team good enough to finish the game.


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Alright so i've been using this team that i've built from start. I had very rough time beating "Noel".Like it took me hours to level up all my team to LV 55 and all my team was dead and couldn't win without "Destiny Bond". Right now i'm at route 1 and i have no idea who's the next gym leader i'm going to face. It took me a while to level up these pokemons. However, i'll be honest,most of my wins were based on luck. Anyway i'm very afraid to face the rest of the leaders right now since they're so freaking strong, but this is the team i've been using. Please tell me how can i improve it?


Swampert (Impish)


Murky Water

Sludge Wave



-Arcanine (Serious)




heat Wave


-Gallade (Gentle)

Close Combat

Leaf Blade

Psycho Cut

Destiny Bond (The move that saved me from Noel)


-Mismagius (Sassy)

Shadow Ball

Mystical Fire

Power Gem

Confuse Ray


Porygon2 (Lax)


Signal Beam

Tri Attack



Swanna (Jolly)

Air Slash

Brave Bird

Bubble Beam


I need Ice and Steel moves but don't know what to put or change. Any advice will do

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I would suggest you make a team of 10 or more pokemon so you can have a "bench". As for ice types i would suggest obviously a Mamoswine. STAB priority ice shard, icicle crash(through breeding) and Earthuake. A monster.

As for steel. You can get a Metagross later on.

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The team seems pretty solid bar Swanna, I would trade it out for Noivern for better coverage and overall stats. As for Ice/Steel moves the only thing that really comes to mind is the icy wind tutor later in the game and Magnezone who could either take the Swanna slot or even perhaps Porygon2 (Though that is pretty good already). Otherwise you're pretty well set and I can see this team going far if used correctly :D

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Personally, I would breed a new Mismagius with Nasty Plot because Nasty Plot gets a solid buff for the next gym and it's also just great on Mismagius in general. The easiest way to grab it is to mine for an Odd Keystone and grab a Spiritomb. Also I hope you have a female Mismagius and/or Ditto because otherwise you'll be stuck with what you have for a bit. It's not that non NP Mismagius is bad, it's just that with Nasty Plot it clean sweeps the next gym.

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I would suggest you make a team of 10 or more pokemon so you can have a "bench". As for ice types i would suggest obviously a Mamoswine. STAB priority ice shard, icicle crash(through breeding) and Earthuake. A monster.

As for steel. You can get a Metagross later on.

U dont have to though, Ive been using the same team right from the start without taking out any mons

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hmm team seem ok but i would rather use a medicham rather than a gallade. medcham with pure power is just way better than a gallade. i would have made a gardevoir but oh well whats done is done. Swana can be replaced, porygon can also be replaced.Also you dont need to grind in the wilds just head back to the grad hall and just whack what ever trainer u see there since you can rebattle them again and again. Ok now for things you can consider adding into your team the list is kinda long so gonna put it in a spoiler tag.

Ok here is the list


Ability:Snow clock/Thick fat


Ice shard

Icicle crash


Mist( mist is an awesome move in reborn cause you can change the field using mist)


Ability:Rock head/sturdy


Double-Edge(replace with headbutt if not running rock head)

Head smash(egg move, replace with heavy slam when not running rock head)

Iron head

Rock slide(replace with break break once you get it)


Ability:Poison Point


Toxic spikes


Petal Dance

Nature Power

Magneton( you can evolve to magnezone after the dark gym)



Flash cannon


Tri attack

Thunder wave




Swords dance


Leaf Blade



Ability:Solar Power


Volt switch


Round( replace with grass knot when you get it)

Hidden Power(replace with dark pulse when you get it)




Iron head

X-Scissors( can be replaced with drill run which is also an egg move and is also a move tutor move)

MegaHorn(egg move,replace with slash if you dont want to breed)

Swords Dance


Ability:Pure Power


High Jump Kick

Bullet punch(egg move,Can be replaced with fire punch)

Psycho Cut(egg move,can be replaced with ice punch)

Thunder Punch

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Personnaly, I would do alot of breeding and EV training them.

The 2 next gym leaders arent too difficult, but you still need a proper team to beat them and for the after especially.

Your team is mostly hybrid, so no big focus on a special/physical attacker, also lacks a proper tank and utility.

Having some boosting moves can permit you to set-up and beat them easier, also having a pokemon with Will-O-Wisp can really help against physical attackers. Your team mostly has damage and recovery moves, bringing some more diversity would definitly help it

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I think you can beat the game with any combination of pokemon.

That being said, without giving too much of content away, your team does seem ill-suited for some of the up coming battles.

Consider getting a Magnetzone, Ampharos, or some other electric type pokemon.

You will need one of these to fight the flying type gym leader and one of the PULSE pokemons.

As well, if it is possible, breed another Ralts but evolve it into a Gardevoir instead. A powerful fairy type will help tremendously in future battles.

Getting an Ice-ground type such as Mamoswine will also be useful. You will end up fighting a lot of powerful pokemon with 4x weakness to ice and 2x weakness to ground.

Again, it is up to you to decide which pokemon to run in your team. However, I strongly recommend getting powerful Fairy, Ice, Steel, and Electric type pokemon to deal with some of the future battles.

Don't forget to designate someone on your team to put down status effects.

It is almost impossible for you to beat the most recent gym leader without employing some tactics with status effects. The gym leader has 2 pokemon with base stats around 600. None of your pokemon at that point will be able to fight toe to toe, you will have to spam revives/cotton candy as you wither it down with either status effects or with pokemon moves used under Trick Room.

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