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Want to spice up my team a little


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I have currently entered Spinel Town and I am not sure if my team is good enough and want to switch out some pokemon as I am tired of using some of them

I can switch out for any recommended pokemon obtainable at this point. I feel I need a decent water type and flying type.

I am at some crossroads with some pokemon in my team

Current roster:

Donphan lvl. 46 (I want to replace this)





Scary Face

Scrafty lvl. 47


Drain Punch

High Jump Kick



Garbador lvl.45 (switch please!)


Sludge Bomb



Take Down

Typlosion lvl.47


Flame Wheel

Flame Charge

Defense Curl


Meowstic-F lvl. 47 or Gardevoir (I just received the corrupted pokeball)



Signal Beam

Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Teddiursa lvl 17 (TM Slave) or Mawile or Noivern Anything else



Rock Smash

Baby doll Eyes


If I missed any key info on the pokemon let me know.

Also last question, where can I find the highest leveled Noibat closest to Evolution?


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Your team comp is already pretty decent.

Consider getting a Magenton / Magnetzone to replace Garbador. (Shade's gym)

I don't want to go into detail of further episodes, but having an electric steel type will make your life A LOT easier.

Magnetzone can deal with half the PULSE and gym battles later on.

I really like your Gardevoir/Meowstic. Consider teaching them trick room and light screen to deal with enemies that can out speed you.

Meowstic with the prankster ability can also provide great utility to your team, but the TMs for Thunder Wave and Toxic haven't been released yet.

Keeping Gardevoir on your team will be a must, unless you can get some other fairy type pokemon to deal with dragon type enemies.

As well, switch Gardevoir's ability to telepathy. It will be useful in a few of the future gym battles.

Donphan isn't that bad of an option. Earthquake will be tremendously helpful in two of the future gym battles. If you really DO want to replace it, consider getting a Mamoswine as a general pivot and stall.

In future gym double battles, send out Magnetzone or Mamoswine with Gardevoir and spam Discharge/Earthquake. You can make short work of most enemies.

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decent water and flying eh. you can choose between the 2 gen 5 fossil. which is archen and tirtouga. i would go for archen. you can get plume fossil by doing the spinal museum event. Go in spinal museum at night and you would see 2 meteor grunt which talking to an old man/the museum owner. talk to the grunts, the grunts will run away and next talk the the museum owner. after speaking to the museum owner go to tarzan mountain and find the two grunts and battle them in a 2v2 battle. Than after you beat them go back to spinel museum and talk to the museum owner again and he will give u either a cover or plume fossil. Pick plume fossil for archen and head to the top of the museum to revive the fossil. Now i m not really sure how this spinel museum side quest event start but i know if you complete the pulse abra the event wont start so do this event before you beat the pulse abra.

As for a good water types here is a list of water types you can consider

Physical Attack Water Type


Ability:Huge power

Aqua jet(egg move)

Belly drum(egg move)

Superpower( can be replaced with waterfall if you don't want coverage)

Play Rough


Ability:Rock solid

Aqua jet(can be replaced with waterfall)

Shell smash

Aqua Tail(can be replaced with waterfall)

Rock Slide


Ability:Tough Claws

Item: wide lens

Razor shell

shell smash

Stone edge

Cross Chop


Ability:Swift Swim

Ice fang(use heart scale)

Aqua Tail

Aqua jet

Crunch(use heart scale)



crunch/knock off/night slash

Razor shell


Swords dance


Ability: Sheer force


Metal Claw

Secret Power

Protect(replace with brick break)


Ability:speed boost

Aqua jet(replace with water fall when you get it)


Poison Fang

Ice Fang




Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt


Special Attack water type


Ability:Rain Dish/Torrent

Hydro Pump(can be replace with water spout if you can find a pokemon to breed)

Dark Pulse( teach when you get the tm which is after the dark gym which is the 9th gym but till than replace with water pulse)

Dragon Pulse(egg move , replace with Rain dance if you do not bother breeding)

Flash cannon(use heart scale to teach)


Ability:Swift swim

Hydro Pump(replace with surf,water pulse if you hate the low accuracy)

Signal Beam

Air Slash

Rain Dance(replace with Mirror coat if you are breeding)


Ability:RainDish/Swift Swim

Energy ball

Hydro pump

Giga drain

Mist(replace with rain dance if you do not have a rain dance pokemon)


Ability:Water Absorb

Aurora Beam

Muddy Water

Hydro Pump

Shadow ball(if you got it from shade earlier, replace with rain dance)



surf( can be replaced with scald if you wanna breed in episode 12)

Icy wind(move tutor,can be replaced with ice beam if you breed in episode 12)

Dragon pulse(egg move)



Ability: Water absorb

Surf(can be replaced with scald)

Ice beam

Freeze Dry(egg move)

Dragon pulse( breeding,can be replaced with thunderbolt if you breed in episode 12)


Ability:Volt absorb


Signal Beam

Icy wind(ice beam if you wanna breed in episode 12)



Ability:Mega launcher

Dark pulse

Dragon pulse

Water pulse

Aura sphere


Ability:swift swim


dragon pulse

Rain dance

Icy wind

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