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Current team as of Fourth Gym Badge


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Currently my Levels and abilities are

Butterfree: 38 Tinted Lens

Blaziken: 40 Speed Boost

Pikachu: 36 Lighting Rod

Graveler: 37 Sturdy

Ariados: 38 Insomnia
Noibat: 34 Telepathy

I have to say this team has put me through alot but it has also got me through it. Butterfree and Blaziken are my top 2 pokemon.

What do you guys think so far? I am not looking for competitive views just overall. The IVS and stuff dont bother me at all.

Edited by redshadow6892
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I reccomend you getting a Yamask. Its evolution can be a crucial tank with Will-o-Wisp and Curse against those really hard mons (can it also get Pain Split? I'm not sure). Just don't use it on Abra, it's useless ;)
Yanmega is also great, but it learns its good moves really, really late (54,57 for STAB iirc). If you still want one, try to catch one with a strong HP Fire.
Amoonguss is a massive tank too, especially with Regenerator. Something Toxic or Sleep Powder/Leech Seed/Giga Drain/Poison Move works well, I think. Don't forget the derp Quagsires (they're really effective on a particular field).

(Never mentioned was Mamoswine, which is a powerhouse. Getting it Ice Shard/EQ/Icicle Crash/something is important, though. I'm not sure if Swinub has been moved in ep15, however)

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