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The SMT Feels thread


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So, for the past week I have been stuck in a holiday resort with very little to do outside of things I thought to bring ahead of time. One of these was monster hunter and the game that sparked the idea for this topic, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked

Allow me to simply say: This game sucks cockroach ass. it is so,so infuriating. Hax and bullshit situations can make the player tear their hair out.

So, I have a tale to tell of this game, the most notable moment of sheer joy and utter shock as this game, which tormented me more than the Souls series ever has, allowed for some of the strangest things to happen. Spoilers will be prevalent.

So. My first tale. For those who don't know, this game has several different story routes to play with boss battles and key moments varying between each route. At the end of this particular route, the boss fight is a Boss rush of all the previous daily bosses.

Fuck this bosh rush. Fuck it with a hammer and some rusty nails, my lord is it complete bullshit. In order to get to a point where you can comfortably get even halfway through you have to put in a hell of a lot of work. Even then, you still can't get far because of how each of the bosses works. It should be noted that each boss has almost every advantage they had before along with boosted levels, including one that can only be killed by one specific unit, who can only attack once or twice per turn. On top of constant health draining on every member of your team. This guy also appears side by side with another boss it should be mentioned.

That's just the second round of the boss rush though.

Ah, but so far this has just been piles of salt and bitching. Where is the success on this?

That lies in one character single-handedly soloing not one, not two, nor even three, but four of the bosses in that boss rush. And the person who did it was the frail mage of the group Yuzu Tanikawa.

By sheer luck, I didn't even realise I had done this, I had set Yuzu up with a load of resistance skills, a mana regen skill, an instant full heal at the start of the battle, which is compensated for with the mana regen skill, and two dlly demons with as many resistances AND their own mana regen.

Yuzu would not die. Yuzu verses more than the world. Yuzu fucking won.

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It's funny you mention this given that I'm playing the same game.

I never used Yuzu once in the original, because I took Naoya's route. This time I went Yuzu's route.

And this time, on her route, I got to a boss. And I struggled. So. Damn. Much. And then I realised Yuzu had exactly the right stats to give her exactly the right nulls for me to make her literally immune to everything he could throw. SO damn satisfying,

I'm rushing to play through all the routes I didn't in the original before Break Record comes next week. I love all things SMT but this entry certainly has it's (many) moments of hax.

Also I hate Beldr so much

Edited by Marcello
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Beldr can suck a fat D-

Uh, yeah.

@Blanchette, oh I know how SMT is. I've played a fair amount of the series and it's siblings, Persona, DDS etc. It's just that this game has struck as by far the worst for throwing insanely difficult scenarios at you. Which makes sense, considering the tactical flexibility you get.

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Beldr can suck a fat D-

Uh, yeah.

@Blanchette, oh I know how SMT is. I've played a fair amount of the series and it's siblings, Persona, DDS etc. It's just that this game has struck as by far the worst for throwing insanely difficult scenarios at you. Which makes sense, considering the tactical flexibility you get.

I love DS2 because it's got the same flexibility and difficulty that DS1 had just with a lot less BS. Plus a fair bit more balanced.

Plus DS2 don't have Beldr or Belberith, both of whom can go and royally f... You know.

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Beldr can suck a fat D-

Uh, yeah.

@Blanchette, oh I know how SMT is. I've played a fair amount of the series and it's siblings, Persona, DDS etc. It's just that this game has struck as by far the worst for throwing insanely difficult scenarios at you. Which makes sense, considering the tactical flexibility you get.

Makes sense.

I never got to play this one cause of the platform, though I really wanted to play SMT 4 as well.

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Never played I & II, only III and IV and most sidegames. I have to say I fall into the camp of people that were huge fans of IV. Love that game, although I do wonder how awesome it would've looked on console. hyped for the sequel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When is comes to an SMT(or spin off) game there is no shame in getting the easymode. it just means you werent prepared for the Instant kill move as much as you would have liked.

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