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Well let's look at the types:

Dugtrio- Ground: Ground is an incredibly strong type both defensively and offensively. No way it's down here in Bracket 3.

Dodrio- Flying/Normal: Same deal with ground, as Flying is an extremely good type, esspecially in Doubles/Triples where there's not really hazards.

Exeggutor- Grass/Psychic: Grass is already taken, so that just leaves Psychic, which is a posibility since Psychic can very greatly based on who's playing it.

Hydreigon- Dark/Dragon: Both of these types are incredibly terrifying, so I don't expect them until Bracket 4+

And finally, I guess we should mention this one:

Magneton/Magnezone- Electric/Steel: Electric is taken, so that leaves Steel. Magnezone is a nice Pokemon and Magneton isn't too terrible. Steel is a posibility depending on who's playing it.

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And finally, I guess we should mention this one:

Magneton/Magnezone- Electric/Steel: Electric is taken, so that leaves Steel. Magnezone is a nice Pokemon and Magneton isn't too terrible. Steel is a posibility depending on who's playing it.

Remember that Magnezone is Nick's ace. It would be highly unlikely for leaders to have the same ace... or is it?

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Are you telling me you have a shortage of gym leaders? My dragon type leader team dreams to be used again for it's originally intended purpose, so I would like to present my candidature if possible. I doubt anyone will mistake my ace ;)

ironically, without altaria the biggest weakness of the team are oposing dragon types...

Edited by SJMistery
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Are you telling me you have a shortage of gym leaders? My dragon type leader team dreams to be used again for it's originally intended purpose, so I would like to present my candidature if possible. I doubt anyone will mistake my ace ;)

ironically, without altaria the biggest weakness of the team are oposing dragon types...

All the Leader positions are occupied.

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The Redemption League, Day 2

Hello again loyal readers, this is Grapevine Gallade with yet another Redemption League report!

On this second day of the Redemption League, an astonishing 33 battles took place that afternoon/evening! That sure is a lot of battles the leaders had to get through once again.

In fact, from all the logs I had collected throughout the battles, it turns out that Nick had 7 battles, Olivia had 12 and Ariel had 14. What's with people going for Olivia and Ariel, though? Do they have a specific reason to do this? I might have to interview someone on the server sometime, and ask them what their plan of action might be!

And apparently, according to what Dash had told me, day 2 was a little bit more organized as opposed to day 1, but still a big crowd they had to get through to get their battles all registered. I wonder how long they're able to keep this up.

Without further ado, I have the win and loss rates of all the leaders again, read them down here, or keep on reading for some juicy quotes and battle stories!

Olivia won twice out of her 12 battles (16% win rate), Nick won once out of his 7 battles (14% win rate) and Ariel won 8 of xyr 14 battles (57% win rate). Ariel hasn't dropped below the 50% mark yet, which is quite frightening for a bracket 1 leader. Nick and Olivia are trying their best to keep up with Ariel, but luck is not on their side whatsoever. That's very unfortunate for them, sadly.

From all the logs I have been sent by Dash, it turns out that Nick is the more quiet type when he battles, meaning that he's either focusing on the battle, or on his machines and gadgets not getting damaged. Who knows what he's thinking, though.

However, quoting Nick's battle directly with Pineapple the Blue;

The opposing Project P lost 22% of its health!

The opposing Project P is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The opposing Project P used Ice Beam!

Manectric lost 36.7% of its health!

Manectric was frozen solid!

That apparently happened. How strange. A paralyze and a freeze on the same turn? What are the odds of that happening on that same turn?

Unfortunately for Nick, this battle went pretty much downhill from there on out, but he did pick himself back up after that!

In his battle against Sinikuro, he snagged a victory within 8 turns! "This is a different feeling from last night" - That probably referred to his bad start on day 1. Unfortunately, it stayed at that one win, but he got it anyways!

Meanwhile, Ariel and Pineapple the Blue have been going at it in the main chat yet again. For Arceus knows what reason. I'm going to just ignore that. Let those two fight it out if they want to.

Speaking of Ariel, though. Xe once again stood out to be very dominant in xyr battles, doubling the amount of wins from day 1 to an solid 8 wins out of 14 battles.

I have to say, I think that the battle between Azery and Ariel was probably the most talked about battle that day, as it was Azery's second attempt to defeat Ariel, and he came with an entirely new team as well? I guess he must really have it out for xyr.

Continuing on from that battle, I just had to grab a few quotes that have seemed to been going around before I could even finish my report!

The opposing Atlas used Heat Wave!

It's not very effective... Azumarill lost 14.9% of its health!

A critical hit! Gardevoir lost 23.9% of its health!

A critical hit! Sylveon lost 5.3% of its health!

Gardevoir fainted!

Sylveon fainted!

and this one too;

The opposing Sky lost 49% of its health!

Granbull used Close Combat!

It's super effective! The opposing Terminal lost 55.0% of its health!

Granbull's Defense fell! Granbull's Special Defense fell!

Granbull lost some of its HP!

The opposing Terminal fainted!

From what had been going around, it turns out that Azery's Terminal (Magnezone), was supposed to have minimum speed, and Ariel's Granbull was supposedly to have minimum speed as well, meaning that Magnezone should have outspeeded Granbull. As it so happens, I asked Dash to confirm for me with Ariel about exactly what happened there, the results were rather amusing. "According to what Ariel said after xe finished battling, that was not supposed to happen. Xe specifically stated that the team xe battled Azery with, was built around having xyr Pokémon as slow as possible, to benefit from Trick Room. What happened there, was that xe actually forgot to set Granbull's EV's. Meaning that it had absolutely no Attack/HP investments and no Speed-reducing nature whatsoever. Only an item and a moveset. I found it quite funny, actually. But Azery didn't." I'd have asked Ariel myself, but after that last encounter, I'd really rather not.

But we can't always talk about Leaders winning their battles, can we? Ariel was completely unprepared to take on Juuzou's Ghost-type team. Even the chat in the battle was impressed (if that's called being impressed by silently watching);

RLDR Ariel: ..A Ghost-team?

• Inno watches silently.

RLDR Ariel: Daring.

RLDR Ariel: You have spunk.

• Pixlization watches loudly

• BlueMoonIceCreaM peeks over

• +Chingling Bells watches with a medium volume

In fact, this was absolutely terrifying on the first turn;

The opposing Envy used Sludge Wave!

It doesn't affect the opposing Sloth...

Wide Guard protected the opposing Greed!

It's super effective! Aromatisse lost 67.2% of its health!

It's super effective! Granbull lost 100% of its health!

It's super effective! Sylveon lost 50.4% of its health!

Granbull fainted!

Dear Arceus, that looks scary. Wide Guard and Sludge Wave to prevent Juu's own Pokémon from getting hurt, while dealing major damage to Ariel's team? Absolutely brutal, but also very effective! I think it goes without saying that Juu took down Ariel without many problems with that strategy, right?

Also, quoting Olivia's battle with Dark Desire (which was very close!), she does seem to mention her brother and that she wants to see him defeated. As a matter of fact;

"RLDR Olivia: When you get to the top- beat my brother for me" - Seems like she's very hostile towards her brother for some reason. I wonder why that is.

And on that note, that concludes my report for the second day! But I'm not done just yet. If you've read my report on day 1 and the interview with Erwin, you'll have read that I set out on a search for a Trainer with a three-headed Pokémon. Getting images of Pokémon in my head, I could only think of Dugtrio, Hydreigon and Exeggutor at first, but then it struck me. Dodrio. Erwin did mention that this person has sharp hearing and can hear his name from miles away, Dodrio is a very fast Pokémon. What if this Trainer was a Flying-type Trainer and raced on his Dodrio wherever his name was mentioned? It sounds very Farfetch'd, I'm sure. But it would bee a shame if I didn't investigate into this matter, right?

However, I did find someone staring over a balcony at the Redemption League HQ. Unfortunately, the sun had already set and I couldn't make out anything but a shadowy figure, and a Pokémon standing beside him, indeed having three heads, just like Erwin had said.

???: Who are you and what do you seek?

G. Gallade: Grapevine Gallade, reporting for the Reborn Reader. I was told by Erwin that the other bracket 3 Leader was in the training facility and had a Pokémon with three heads. Could this person possibly be you?

???: That would most likely be me. What is your business with me, little Pokémon?

G. Gallade: I uh, would like to know a little bit about you, so I can present this information to my loyal readers and future Redemption League challengers. If you don't mind, sir.

???: Well, well. Drop the formalities. I can see right through you and your foolish attempts at prying information from me. You're not getting anything.

G. Gallade: Not even a name? Or the Pokémon standing there with you?

???: None of it. *Returns the shadowy Pokémon to its Poké Ball* Now go away. I have more important... Matters.

G. Gallade: Uh, so you're not willing to throw me a bone of any kind?

???: If you don't leave, I'll throw you your own bone.

G. Gallade: Creepy... Count me out.

???: That's what I thought. *smirk*

What a creep. And he's supposed to be the third leader for the third bracket? It felt as if he was sucking away the life around me as we spoke, yet his words were far from cold.

???: Move it or lose it, comin' through.

G. Gallade: What the- Whoa! Watch where you're going!

???: I don't have time to waste with losers, I gotta jet!

G. Gallade: There's a word for people like you, they're called rude!

???: What's that? I can't hear you over all my swag! Later, loser!

Who or what in the world was that even supposed to be? He seemed awfully rude to say the least, almost running me over with whatever he was doing. It all went so fast, I couldn't even see who or what that was. Whatever, I doubt it was anything important.

Anyways, this concludes my report on day 2! I had hoped to actually gather some information on this third leader. It seems I was unsuccessful there. Apologies, loyal readers!

However, join me back soon, because I have an extremely hilarious report almost done with regards to the third day of the Redemption League!

As always, thank you for reading and until next time.

Grapevine Gallade, signing out.
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The Redemption League, day 3!

Hello again loyal readers! This will be final report on the first week of the Redemption League, and I'm not entirely certain whether I will be able to keep doing massive reports, as they consume a lot of time, but I may be able to do some battle highlights/showcases, though!

Without further ado, I would first like to make note of the fact that there have been several people who managed to earn not just one, but two badges on Friday and Saturday! There were a fair amount of challengers willing to set foot in the second bracket, though that did not end successful for everyone. From my notes, only two people defeated a leader from bracket 2, the others went (so far) undefeated!

A total of 38 battles took place on this third day of the Redemption League, with the leaders winning a total of 26 battles! That's a big jump from days 1 and 2, and 2 of bracket 2's leaders went undefeated!

In fact, to grab the exact numbers...

Nick won 3 of 10 battles in total, of which 1 win was a disqualification, because his opponent picked the wrong team. This puts Nick at a 30% win rate for this day!

Olivia won an amazing 5 out of her 6 battles, only losing to Derpy Simon (who won 4-0 against Olivia!) and defeating all of her other opponents!

Ariel had an extremely strong run once again, winning 13 of xyr 15 battles! Rupe was the one to end xyr's winning streak (after xe had won 12 battles consecutively), by using a Greninja with Gunk Shot! Take note future challengers, this might just be a winning tip for you! Haven Pyrrhon soon followed to defeat Ariel, these two challengers being the strongest of the bunch in Ariel's queue list. There have been several challengers whom had lost to Ariel once before and tried to get their revenge at xyr. I have to say that none of them unfortunately managed to defeat xyr with their second attempt... Can anyone stop xem from getting another winning streak next weekend?!

I just have to make seperate note of this, but from the logs I've read, I noticed that Azery battled Ariel yet again... And lost. Again. That's three losses during the first weekend of the League! Will he go for a fourth attempt this upcoming weekend? Or will he simply not try again and hunt for Nick and Olivia's badges first? And just because the joke had been going around the forums, I have to say this once more. You will forever be recognized as "14 Speed Azery". In commemoration of your 3 losses against Ariel, I do hope your fourth attempt against Ariel will be a succesful one.

It looks like Nick could have had this win against Wendel, but with a very... Strange Pokémon, namely Sigilyph, Wendel managed to pull through and snag his first victory in the Redemption League! It looks like Nick picked up a different battle style from what I had seen on the other two days, but I'm not completely sure whether it works in his favor... Who knows, he might have another ace up his sleeve?

But of course, I did mention that bracket 2 has had its fair amount of brave challengers as well!

Elliot won 2 of his 4 battles, putting him at a solid 50/50 on this first challenge day!

Haley went undefeated, defeating both of her opponents that day!

Venus also went undefeated, defeating her only opponent on Sunday as well!

Pineapple the Blue faced off against Elliot and defeated his own idol! That must've hurt. I wonder if Elliot will still sign Pineapple the Blue's Bidoof after he was defeated... Other then that, Sharkthomas was the other person to defeat Elliot after a tough battle! However, there were two challengers who did not manage to defeat Elliot, being Milotic and DobbyTheElf. Here's to them trying out again this next weekend!

Haley had two solid challengers in her queue list, but it seems like Haley has proven to be quite the formidable opponent for the challengers, defeating them both with... Dare I say ease? Haley sure didn't mess around in her battle with Chubb, giving him a run for his money with a Lapras? That's a tough one.

Moving on to our final bracket 2 leader, Venus faced off against one of the Redemption League's own staff members, Nova! The battle surely looked in Nova's favor, but he ultimately fell to Venus' Tentacruel.

To grab all the total standings for all the leaders after the first weekend, sorted per bracket:

Bracket 1:

Nick: 4 wins, 18 losses out of 22 total battles (18% wins, 82% losses)

Olivia: 10 wins, 17 losses out of 27 total battles (37% wins, 63% losses)

Ariel: 25 wins, 12 losses out of 37 total battles (67% wins, 33% losses)

Bracket 2:

Haley: 2 wins, 0 losses out of 2 total battles (100% wins, 0% losses)

Elliot: 2 wins, 2 losses out of 4 total battles (50% wins, 50% losses)

Venus: 1 win, 0 losses out of 1 total battle (100% wins, 0% losses)

This concludes my report for the first Redemption League weekend! I'm sorry it took longer than I had anticipated it would take, but this is a lot of paperwork I have to go through, and I am but a single reporter trying to do my best for you, the reader!

However, I won't just cut it off there. I went back to the Redemption League HQ to try and find that peculiar man I spoke to the other day, hoping that he could at least tell me his name this time around. Keep on reading for my findings!

Alright, Gallade. Get yourself together. You're not the type to give up so easily on a scoop! Time to go back to the Redemption League HQ and find that one man again. And not leave without results this time.

G. Gallade: E-excuse me, sir?

???: You again? Why do you come back when you know you're not going to get answers from me?

G. Gallade: I'm sorry, but I just HAVE to know! Can you at least show yourself so I can make a sketch or a picture of you?

???: No.

*Helen rampaging in the distance*


G. Gallade: Oh no, not her. Anything but- Wait, Lucy? Who's Lucy?


Haley: "Excuse my ignorant sister, as usual. Lucifer, please formally introduce yourself before my sister gets here and does it for you. -sigh-"

G. Gallade: Haley? Nice to see you again! So your name is... Lucifer?

Lucifer: That would be correct.

G. Gallade: (I guess I have Helen to thank for this one...) Why did you not tell me your name earlier?

Lucifer: Because I dislike strangers trying to gain rather valuable information from people they are not familiar with.

G. Gallade: I guess that's fair. Do you happen to have any idea who this rude guy is? Dressed in brown and having a pair of black shades on?

Lucifer: Oh. So you've met him. Ha, you're not going to like him whatsoever. He defines jerk, just because he's ranked high and thinks he's all that, when he really isn't.

G. Gallade: I wouldn't say he was a jerk, he was just rude and quite literally ran me over without apologizing whatsoever. Wait, ranked high? You mean he is part of the Redemption League as well?

Lucifer: Unfortunately, I have to say yes.

G. Gallade: Wonderful, so that means I'm going to run into him sooner or later if I want to ever get a shot at interviewing every single leader...

Dash: "Lucifer! I need to have a word with you!"

Lucifer: Duty calls, little reporter. I'll be seeing you around. Perhaps we can meet on the field of battle.

G. Gallade: I uh, think I'll pass on that. But thanks for the interview, Lucifer!

Alright! I've actually gotten some results! So, Lucifer was his name. His attitude seemed the same, lips sealed tight... Until Helen happened.

Guess I have to thank her for that sometime.


What the... Helen, stop messing up my recording! You're messing up my- Stop! Hele-


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Galladeeee you forgot to add Erwin to the list of Leaders and update the leader silhouettes...

Anyway, Lucy's most likely the Dark Leader and he probably uses Hydreigon, which will be frightening if you don't have a Fairy move. Even if you do have Fairy Pokemon, Hydreigon usually carries Flash Cannon...


B4 Leaders are: Steel, Ghost, and Fighting/Psychic

im gonna laugh if im in the third report again

Time to laugh, Bibs.

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It looks like Nick could have had this win against Wendel, but with a very... Strange Pokémon, namely Sigilyph, Wendel managed to pull through and snag his first victory in the Redemption League!

Sigilyph for surprise of the year right there \o/ The 1v3 was real Tho I do feel back for Nick's w/l streak ;c

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Who names their child "Lucifer?"

Also, I'd like to point out that "Lucifer" means a bunch of different things, such as "light-bearer", all of which kinda makes Lucy being a dark type gym leader ironic.

Just saying.

Also, did the Redemption league really need a swag-obsessed asshat? Fern was bad enough...

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