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Can someone hack in a pokemon for a hardcore monorun?


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I've been wanting to do a monorun for a while, so, I might as well just start on the harder version of Reborn, right? But I want to do a ground type mono without using the starters that the game gives you, so, for the pokemon I'm looking at for starters are Rhydon, Golett, Swinub, Sandile, or Baltoy. I don't think any of these are too strong, but I know from experience that Golett can sweep Julia alone, pretty much.

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I don't mind doing it, but I'd need a save. Here's the thing though, I saw somebody youtube a playthrough (Ross_Andrews) and they got beat even with a Marshtomp on their team as well as a couple other Pokemon. As most people say, Julia is not a walk in the park and she is designed to be able to take on Marshtomps and ground types (though technically there's only one at this point in time.

I'm not saying you can't do it, but I'd like to know your game plan as my rule is one mod in and done so if you wanted more than one Pokemon...I'd think carefully on your request.

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I'm not saying you can't do it, but I'd like to know your game plan as my rule is one mod in and done so if you wanted more than one Pokemon...I'd think carefully on your request.

The thing is, because Golett is both ghost and ground, as long as her Heliolisk doesn't carry surf, which I don't think it does, Julia really doesn't have anything to hit you with, at all, because neither sonicboom, charge beam, or explosion can hit you. Then there's that fucking emolga, but if I get ne guard, Golett learns roll out naturally, you can set that up early, live(hopefully) the acrobatics and proceed to sweep with rollout for a few more turns. But, just incase, could I also get a Swinub, as a pokemon to fall back on.

And here's the save


Edited by AnimeFg
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Okay...but just know even if you ask me to add in more pokemon in...I will not unless you start all over again. Those three Pokemon in your party are all you gonna get up until Julia but given you only want Gollett, you should probably delete them.

And again, this is it for the save file so...no more modding from me after this no matter what.

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