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#SchemeTeam - Hilda Plays: Reborn (Again)


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So, I figured I would play this game for realsies this tim-..HEY. STOP LAUGHING AT ME. STOP IT. STOP. STOOOOOP.


I recently began to pick this game up again with the intent of playing farther than I've ever gotten before.

I currently have beaten Julia and am in a little bit of a grinding spot after picking up Cut.

Here's the Squad:

drowzee.gif Drowzee: Nasty Plot, Confusion, Hypnosis, Headbutt - Ability: Inner Focus - Nature: Calm

pancham.gifPancham: Cut, Work Up, Karate Chop, Slash - Ability: Iron Fist - Nature: Calm

loudred.gifLoudred: Echoed Voice, Stomp, Howl, Bite - Ability: Soundproof - Nature: Naive

servine.gif Servine: Leaf Tornado, Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Tackle - Ability: Contrary - Nature: Docile

butterfree.gif Butterfree: Sleep Powder, Gust, Supersonic, Confusion - Ability Compound Eyes - Nature: Naughty



UhfG3vZ.pngOleander (Grimer)

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A Reborn run always sets the stage for a good time. :D

Anyways I'm not sure if you're looking for team advice with this thread but if so I would maybe recommend benching the Panda at least until you beat Florinia since it can not evolve below the level cap while something like say, Makuhita, can which in my experience is a huge help for her Cradily and honestly the rest of the game. It's also interesting seeing Drowzee being used so instead of throwing out my stereotypical "Use the cat!" recommendation I'm interested to see what you can do with it!

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I'm well aware of how good Cradily is, and that's the reason Pancham is on the squad in the first place. I'm familiar with Makuhita's dominance and I'm....quite frankly still impressed it wasn't moved backwards a bit. However, I'm not looking for a similar experience from last time!

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I'm well aware of how good Cradily is, and that's the reason Pancham is on the squad in the first place. I'm familiar with Makuhita's dominance and I'm....quite frankly still impressed it wasn't moved backwards a bit. However, I'm not looking for a similar experience from last time!

It's kind of funny seeing how Cradily really has fallen from grace due to fighting types being able to tear through it. It is a bulky demon outside of that due to Stockpile and that it is naturally kind of bulky anyways. I to am surprised Makuhita was moved back as Hariyama is pretty good even in the late game.

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That pre-Florinia grind.


That Oleander getting a friend.


@WongTong - Pancham was specifically MY suggested replacement for Makuhita that early in the game in a former thread known as "The Axe" - and I meant to have it bumped up to be a regular encounter in the Slums in the event that Makuhita was removed - I think Ame may have reduced the encounter rate for Maku, but because of the sentimental value, Pancham is going to be the test dummy for DillybarCray, so I can see if it's as intended - A less effective Fighting Type with the ability to pan out. Hariyama evolving at 26 was somewhat cheese. ---- Drowzee has insanely high special defense, which can be helpful against special fighting types - like a certain Lucario Kiki has. It may still struggle against Corey as he has some fearsome physical attackers, including Skuntank - as well as a bad matchup in Gengar - but it's redeeming quality is the egg move Nasty Plot. If I can find something on his team to freely set up on, he's in trouble.

The goal however is to evolve Drowzee into Hypno - who also has a level 26 evolution - before Florinia.

@Generalguy64 - Uproar is pretty good, it's also above the cap in it's learnset for now, so Echoed Voice will have to do until then.

@Darvan - I've never been keen on shiny Pokemon personally, and I felt like since the encounter rate is higher and because I'm not so keen personally on using them unless the pokemon is just super amazing, I would honor them by only nicknaming my shinies (barring an overwhelming consensus from you guys saying I should name ALL of my Pokemon.) - Grimer isn't bad, but I also have a Koffing in my PC too, and I prefer it over Grimer in terms of use.

Question of the Day - Do I gotta nickname 'em all - or should I continue only naming my shiny catches?

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So far, the theme of this team seems to be "the Schemers" - with both Hypno and Pikachu having access to Nasty Plot, Pancham looking to evolve into a Dark type, and Servine being contrarian in the future. Artwork will come. Hopefully.

Also, the ShinyBox has been updated with the MALE and FEMALE versions of powerful staraptor Pidove. Meet Amoldo and Audrey.


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Okay, the next trainer is literally Corey, and I've got a couple of options, as well as a few more things to decide if I want to use.

Field Effects start becoming a real problem with Corey, so the executive decision, at least for this match, was to bench Pikachu for either Butterfree or Flaaffy in order to clear the field with either Gust or Electric Terrain. For Corey's Crobat, I figured I would go with Flaaffy, so that's currently what's being grounded up.

The only other for sure selection for this battle is Hypno due to it's amazing Special Defense.

So, if there are event Pokemon up in the Beryl Ward pre-Corey I can pick up (was considering Gothita) you guys should let me know. Anything but a certain psychic Feline everyone uses, of course.

Servine and Pancham will be benched - Fearow is a possible bench - and I -had- been rolling with Granbull over Loudred in order to start preparing Granbull for Kiki, but that's obviously getting benched.

The Onyx Arcade offers Nidoking - except I like Nidoqueen more and that's what I was going to save my moon stone for - but that -is- an option.

Here are some other Box Pokemon - tell me who you think might shine in this battle!


And if you think I should get some other Pokemon up through the Beryl Ward, let me know!

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If onix knows a ground type move he might be very good for the battle. As for other pokemon, Vigoroth is an OK matchup, as long as it knows a strong enough attack, and getting Gothita is a good choice. If you need a fire type for some reason Numel is really the only choice so early.

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Shuppet will be worthless against Corey since it's too frail, but the others will work well against him. Save Onix for Crobat as Rock Tomb lowering its speed is a lifesaver against it. Onix is pretty bad which is why Sudowoodo majorly outclasses it. Vigoroth with Facade will wreck most of Corey though. Yeah, that field of his is a double edged sword.

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Shuppet will be worthless against Corey since it's too frail, but the others will work well against him. Save Onix for Crobat as Rock Tomb lowering its speed is a lifesaver against it. Onix is pretty bad which is why Sudowoodo majorly outclasses it. Vigoroth with Facade will wreck most of Corey though. Yeah, that field of his is a double edged sword.

Totally agree about the field, my guts hariyama switched in in early battle just to get poisoned intentionally and then switched out in waiting for his Crobat, despite the severe disadvantage the poisoned guts works wonder against Crobat.

and @Hilda, i was wondering if you are gonna train up that Litleo for post Corey?

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Heck yeah I'm going to use Litleo later on. That's a great Pokemon.

Right now I'm going to spend some time getting Facade for Vigoroth.

Right now I'm looking at something potentially like this.


This team allows for me to start by using Corey's T-Spikes or Poison statusing moves or field against him by clearing things early with Vigoroth, particularly things that trouble Hypno (like Skuntank) before sending in Arbok to remove the Spikes. Flaaffy/Ampharos will be able to lead and kill the field with ET, as well as handle Crobat. From there, Everything else will be there to ensure damage gets delt.

How does that team look?

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Some bad news...

Arbok -won't- be joining us after an executive decision. Aside from Glare, there's not many redeeming qualities against Corey that make it really unique - as Mud Bomb is just too far above the cap to tediously bark orders for in exchange for disobedience, and more tragic, it's STAB physical movepool just doesn't do enough to make me happy.

However, there will be a Poison type in it's place, getting it's first official Reborn League experience under it's belt. Meet Koffing.


The Weezing family's signature niche is being able to stay immune to Ground type attacks and brush off physical abuse with ease, while causing utilitarian-esqe problems for the opponent.

For Corey, it will be a Pokemon to use against the Corrosive Mist field that awaits.

Clear Smog will eliminate Corey's buffs/debuffs after getting hit

Assurance serves as a coverage type attack.

Gyro Ball serves as another coverage attack

Self-Destruct will serve as a panic button in order to secure victory.

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Arbok is better for a suicidal lead honestly (I had one from the very beginning and that run is up to Radomus now before the field effects were implemented). Intimidate with Screech, Acid Spray, Glare, and Bite. It won't do much but it helps when you need to set another pokemon up. (It was part of my Para-Leech-Bulk combo which could plow through almost anything in Doubles). I haven't really used Koffing so I can't say anything about it. Self-Destruct is a trump card on Corey's field should worse come to worse.

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Alright, it's been a little while, but I've finally beaten Corey and I'm working on a couple of new prospects. Here's some of my shining team members to this point:


Here are some WIP's: (That's work-in-progress for those of you not acquainted with acronyms...or whatever those are called.)


My Shiny Box is starting to get a little crowded:

grimer.gifonix.gifpidove.gif (x2) burmy.gifbellsprout.gifspearow.gifmeowth.gif

My Mystery Egg Pokemon just so happened to be THIS magnificent creature:


...and I've currently obtained my Department Store Member's Card -and- 2 stickers, which allows me to access things like the Air Balloon, Power Herb, the TM for Round, and EV training items.

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You got a larvesta, that's really lucky, I got an axew on my ground mono run, so i guess that's just my luck. Also murkrow is gonna be a threat once you get it sucker punch. It looks like you're gonna be set with a whole team full of threats by the end of this run.

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This playthough will be tempered pretty slowly as I gather some more Pokemon, grind, and what have you - but I figure I can recap what happened with Corey as major battles are fun to talk about.

After saving all the Police Officers and Growlithe from Team Meteor, you expose Corey and he opts to pull out all of the stops against you, raising a couple of levels -and- breaking out the Corrosive Mist field, which will poison every non poison/steel type at the end of each turn.

After picking up Facade from the Game Corner, my original intention was to use this field against him. I led with Vigoroth and got poisoned. However, that plan was quickly thwarted by a combonation of Corey's Focus Sash wielding Skrelp and an enhanced toxic "Bubble" attack, which didn't even allow Vigoroth a KO, let alone the sweep I was anticipating.

At this point, I had to kill the field, and did so with Ampharos' Electric Terrain, then switching out to Donphan.

Donphan was able to KO anything that was on the ground with Magnitude, setting up a pretty safe showdown between Ampharos and Crobat to finish.

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Hi guys. I just wanted to update the thread title to the seemingly bestowed theme behind the team which I won't follow up on.

Tomorrow (or much later today), I'll get into how I defeated Shelly, but for now, here's a couple of surprises I've worked or on the eve of battling "Mr. Shadow".


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