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The Taken King: Hidden/Unlockable subquests (Treasure hunting)


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I noticed there was already a thread for Destiny

but it seems to have not been posted in since..

Before house of wolves.

This is NOT a general destiny thread though,

It is specifically for (as mentioned above) all the hidden garbage you can unlock in tTK.

I don't know if this thread will attract anyone at all,

but if you know about something that I haven't posted or want to correct something that I have posted,

Feel free to reply x.x

Lastly, before I list out what I know, if there are any problems with this thread,

eg. Wrong place, repetition of topic "Destiny", etc.

Then feel free to move it or re-move it if you have that authority.

OK, onto the secret trash.

Most of what's been found so far are Exotic weapons, so I'll divide them into categories





Ace of Spades (Hand cannon)/Fabien strategy (Auto-Rifle)/ Tlaloc (Scout Rifle)

These weapons are exotic primaries, exclusive to Hunters, Titans and warlocks respectively.

To obtain one of these weapons, you must rank up your gunsmith to level 3.

After this, you will receive a quest Back in the saddle. Upon completion, the gunsmith will hand over the weapon

No time to explain (Pulse Rifle)

Aesthetically similar to the Stranger's Rifle, This weapon is obtained by carrying out a series of actions, starting in the heroic daily story mission Paradox. To start this quest, you will need to find a Cult Ghost By following the method explained in this video


After this, You must pledge allegiance to the Future War Cult faction and hand the ghost over to their patron.

You must then gain 1000 reputation with them.

You will then need to kill a taken minotaur (These can be found in many of the story missions, also on Venus patrols) to recieve an item which needs to be brought back to the vendor.

It will then ask you to defeat Atheon in the Vault of Glass (This shouldn't be that hard, considering you should be well over the raid's level)

You will then receive an item from it which needs to be brought back again.

Next up, you will be given a quest which involves searching for a chest.

Your health will deplete while you are not standing in a poo; of light however.

The chest is located in the map's "C area"

Almost done! The final quest sends you on the Blood of the Garden quest, a special 290 Light Black Garden mission. Monsters spawn all over the place and you must kill these adversaries to keep the Anger Meter above 100. To make things trickier, you have to deal with a Groundskeeper (gate keeper).

After this mission, the vendor will give you the weapon.

Touch of malice (Scout Rifle)

Step 1: Receive Quest from Eris "Shattered past" telling you to collect "Calcified Fragments"

Step 2: Instead of collecting 5, collect 15 to receive "Hunger pangs" quest (Not sure if you can collect the 15 to get the alt quest after handing in only 5)

Step 3: You then get a mission to kill a centurion in the WAR-4 bunker

Step 4: You then need to start the king's fall raid and collect three items from the warpreist, deathsinger and oryx (You can not solo this raid, get more people) Then collect a bunch of hadium flakes, wormspore and weapon parts.

Step 5: Collect 30 calcified fragments after handing the items back to Eris (Not sure if 30 total or 30 more, Need clarification)

Step 6: Play undying mind strike, kill the knight boss

Step 7: Get 45 Calcified fragments (See above, need clarification)

Step 8: Play the next quest mission, before killing echo of oryx, a named wizard will spawn, kill it. (Much like In thorn bounty)

Step 9: Receive touch of malice from Eris.

The First Curse (Hand cannon)

Step 1: Get gunsmith Rank 5, receive the Right Word quest

Step 2: Get 250 hand cannon kills with a primary or hand cannon telemetry active

Step 3: Wait until the next Armsday (Wednesday)

Step 4: receive a 200 light hand cannon from gunsmith and infuse it to 260 light

Step 5: Get a 7 kill spree with this gun (It only has 6 bullets, good luck)

Step 6: Get 7 precision kills with this weapon in crucible (No catch, death doesn't set you back)

Step 7: Wait until the NEXT armsday to get the gun (This quest could take a while....)

Boolean Gemini (Scout Rifle)

You may know this as the "Vesta Dynasty" that was supposed to come out with House of wolves,

To obtain:

Step 1: Speak to Petra to get quest: the taken war: Petra

Step 2: Complete this quest by hunting Taken Zealots on different planets and receiving the items they drop

Step 3: Get quest from Variks "Wolves of Mars"

step 4: Kill a lot of fallen on earth, venus and the moon

step 5: Head to Rubicon Wastes (Start of Cereberus vae strike) in patrol, Pack of wolves will patrol, kill their archon

Step 6: Receive and complete "Lost and found" quest from petra

Step 7: Kill hive and taken, then challenge court of oryx until "Tech witch brooch" drops.

Step 8: Return to the reef


Black Spindle (Sniper)

Exactly the same as the Black Hammer but exotic.

To get this weapon:

Step 1: Wait for Lost to Light to become the daily heroic story

Step 2: Run past the triple locked door in the mission to where you go for the Shadow thief (Taniks) strike

Step 3: You will have 10 minutes to make it to the end

step 4: Defeat the boss AND all the ads

Step 5: receive spindle.

The Chaperone (Shotgun)


Step 2: EQUIP LAST WORD (You will need to bring your own)

Step 3: GET KILLS WHILE THIS WEAPON IS EQUIPPED (Death will set you back)

Step 4: GIB HORRIDAY 15k GLIMZ (Give holliday 15000 glimmer)

Step 5: Kill level 40 majors OR get shotgun kills in crucible (Death will not set you back)

Step 6: Run super mario bros Shield Bros. Strike, killing the bosses with a shotgun

Step 7: Git Gun


Exotic Swords

Step 1: To start this quest, you will need to infuse your legendary sword to 280+ light

Step 2: Receive "A sword reforged" from Shaxx

Step 3: Kill majors and guardians with sword (Sword can be empty for this, death does not hinder your progress)

Step 4: Speak to shaxx, patrol dreadnaught and go to the Asylum (Same path you would take For darkblade strike)

Step 5: you will see 3 major knights. to open the door, they must all be killed with a single super use (You can lower their health first, I used golden gun). After this door opens, you will come to a mini-boss that has a shield that can only be removed by a sword (It will replenish but you can damage it with any weapon once the shield is gone)

Step 6: Next part of the quest requires you to collect materials on a specific planet (Depending on the sword you chose. Eg. Solar sword collects helium filaments. The material will be described in the quest brief)

Step 7: wait for armsday to complete a rec light 300 strike

Sleeper Simulant (Fusion Rifle)

Step 1: Collect 4 DVALIN fusion rifle fragments (These are random drops from enemies anywhere) and hand them in to the gunsmith.

Step 2: Complete mission "The first firewall" to receive curious transceiver.

Step 3: Enter the following codes:

To put these Codes in press Y or Triangle on the Core in the Missions Category:
1 is Top, 2 is Bottom
1st Code: 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
2nd Code: 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
3rd Code: 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
4th Code: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1

Step 4: Complete the mission "Shadow Call" within 4 minutes (You can just run past everything and kill the enemies at the very end). Receive IKELOS FUSION CORE.

Step 5: Dismantle Legendary heavy weapons (Can use year 1 and exotics too)

Step 6: Complete "The Archive" mission on venus on any difficulty

Step 7: Complete warsat public events on Earth, Moon and Mars (S.A.B.E.R. strike warsat does not count)

Step 8: Complete level 42 SABER strike

Step 9: Talk to gunsmith to get the gun


Faction Exotic class items

I have completed the quest for the Dead Orbit Cloak so I'm going to guess that it's generally the same for all of them.

Step 1: get faction rank 25 to receive a quest

Step 2: Quest requires you to Kill pve enemies, pvp enemies, complete heroic strikes and win crucible matches while wearing your faction's emblem, shader and class item (You can buy the class item and emblem from the vendor, the shader is randomly obtained through rank-up packages from that faction.

Step 3: Speak to Faction vendor to receive class item

Edited by Juuzou
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Nope, it's a scout rifle.

Its perk is that it can fire without reloading at the cost of health so making it an auto rifle would be a bad idea x.x

I said I would add sleeper and swords later but I FORGOT THE GEMINI!

That's strange because it's the only one I actually have.

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Well I read that it was a 7 kill spree which is made easier by the fact that it has triple tap but I haven't done it so.. o.o also it was just exotics but good point, should add them too.

I also remembered that I got dead orbit's exotic cloak, I figure it's the same for all classes/factions so I'll write those all up together

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