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Squad KM - In Progress


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Hello guys! I just want to list down here my pokemons with the categories of LVL, Ability, Item Held and Movesets. I'm putting these here so that I could get some tips from you, community, on how to improve my team.

Here's the List!

Gulp/Swalot - Lvl 54 with Liquid Ooze holding a Poison Barb


Sludge Wave


Body Slam

Sludge Bomb

Rupt/Camerupt - Lvl 53 with Anger Point holding Nothing


Lava Plume

Rock Slide

Flame Burst


Floon/Drifblim - Lvl 52 with Aftermath holding Nothing




Shadow Ball

Destiny Bond

Nub/Mamoswine - Lvl 54 with Oblivious holding NeverMeltIce




Ice Shard


Kip/Swampert - Lvl 54 with Torrent holding Hard Stone


Rock Slide

Take Down

Muddy Water


Reep/Ampharos - Lvl 54 with Static holding Nothing


Fire Punch



Rock Smash

On the other note, the reason why I'm telling you these is that, I am preparing my team to battle Noel. So far, would have exchanged Swalot for Gardevoir but I said, nah, he's a tank for Wigglytuff and Clefable since Poison is super effective to Fairy typs

The other reason is that, I couldn't defeat Porygon-Z or Cinccino since they are the worst. Tri Attack, Psychic, Tail Slap, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, goddamn.

Only Ampharos and Swampert could finish Porygon_Z, but if both of them died, none can survive. Cinccino is a hard one, the strategy was use Mamoswine for the defensive while using Earthquake. But then, Swellow and Staraptor, my Ampharos now would die, same with Mamoswine and Swampert, since they have Rock Slide.

So far, yeah......

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As far as Cinccino goes, I'd continue using Mamoswine, but instead of earthquake use ice shard. Cinccino is fast and holds king's rock so your pokemon always flinches if it goes second. Ice shard is an increased priority move, so it should hit first.

And set that field on fire with your camerupt.

And I can't over recommend getting an escavalier. It is all kinds of awesome, and it will come in hand in all your future gym battles. With it's bug/steel typing it's tanky and it can dish out hits to anything - especially if it has dragon dance.

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As far as general recommendations go I'll throw in my two cents.

Your team has pretty decent coverage, but it doesn't seem to have a solid answer for Dark/Fighting/Poison types. You mentioned gardevoir, which I think is a fantastic addition to your team, allowing you to check all three types. It also has great special bulk and access to Calm Mind from leveling, which your team could really benefit from since it has no other way of setting up (swords dance, calm mind, dragon dance, etc.)

As far as Noel goes aside from what's already been said, if you have Heart Scales laying around I'd reccommend putting Thunder Wave back on your Ampharos. Some people might consider this to be overkill since you already have Static as your ability and Discharge has the high para chance but I can't count how many times having a reliable form of paralysis has really saved me. Not only can you get a lucky damage free turn, but it's great support for some of the slower members of your team being able to outspeed practically anything. I mean, if you wanted to go the extra mile reteach Ampharos Confuse Ray too and with a little luck his most threatenting pokemon go down easily.

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Update, I'm currently at Agate Circus. I've read all your suggestions and it went great after I read the comments.

Fighting Samson seemed harder than I suspected. I only went to 2 pokemons of his, Hariyama and Mienchao, which Hariyama knocked out 4 of my pokemons and 2 for Mienchao.

Here's my new pokemon lineup:

Reep/Ampharos - Lvl 60 with Static holding Nothing
Fire Punch



Rock Smash

Nub/Mamoswine - Lvl 61 with Snow Cloak holding NeverMeltIce



Ice Shard


Kip/Swampert - Lvl 62 with Torrent holding Hard Stone

Rock Slide

Take Down

Muddy Water


Rupt/Camerupt - Lvl 60 with Solid Rock holding Charcoal

Lava Plume

Rock Slide

Flame Burst


Kazam/Alakazam - Lvl 52 with Magic Guard holding Exp Share (Duh!)



Iron Tail

Psycho Cut

Lade/Gardevoir - Lvl 60 with Trace holding Mind Plate


Magic Leaf


Dream Eater

Anyways, here's my concern. Mostly, throughout the game, Rupt is being so weak, mostly useless since its Defenses/SpD is 109 and 105 when mostly has 120-200 and up. How can I EV train him if I'm stuck inside Agate City?

The only way I could grind is by beating Clown Indra, by beating his/her(?) Color Wheel pokemons. All of them are Lvl 65, but hardly any difficult. It gives decent Exp, especially whenever I fight Blissey in Pink Team (20k+ Exp ehem ehem), and Kazam gets 14k each time, but hardly gets pink. Where can I grind to get my pokemons 65?

Next, I want to know Samson's team, so I could prepare the attack. Since Lade always die whenever she meets Mienchao, I would think another tactic, either use Earthquake. But then, lack of information about the team, so wish you guys could supply that.

Lastly, any more tips on making my team stronger? Wouldn't there be any held items to raise my pokemon's abilities? Ability Capsule sure gives hella crap abilities. Rupt can only give Solid Rock, Anger Point and the other one that I forgot.

Thanks in advance, Reborn Community!

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Samson's team: Hariyama(Sheer Force), Mienshao(Regenerator), Lucario with Focus Sash, Hawlucha, Conkeldurr(Sheer Force)(Ace) and Blaziken(Speed Boost if I remember correctly).

Colour Wheel clown is still the best area to train up. It just takes a lot of time. Also, your team is generally underleveled, so i'd get them all to around 65 or so.

Mamoswine is less useful here, since he gets KO'd almost instantly. But if you can, use him to EQ the Lucario. It has a Focus Sash, so it'll live the first Eq, and if you outspeed you can hit him with another to KO him. Mamo with thick fat can also tank Blaziken if it uses a Fire move, and you can return with an EQ.

I'd suggest using Calm Mind on Gardevoir. Hypnosis+Dream Eater is just not good enough at this stage. Alakazam's Attack base stat is Atrocious so I wouldn't have Iron Tail or Psycho Cut.

Ampharos, just as a general suggestion, is a Special Attacker so Fire Punch is useless. I'd suggest Signal Beam, Discharge, Dragon Pulse and Power Gem as its moveset.

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