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Winter's Eve - Psychic Mono (Regular)


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...Ha, you thought this would be Ice? Well I can't deny I may have that planned for the future, but nope, Psychic it is!

Anyway, so I never really thought about creating a thread for this before, because I'm one of those people suffering from chronic "who would even read this" fears, not to mention I'm not the kind of person who really puts a lot of effort into getting the perfectly functioning, super-well-built team. I just kinda do whatever.

But oh well, what use is it if I don't even try. So here's my mono. It's the first time I do this, unless you count my Diamond Water mono, which was actually just a Gastrodon solo most the time.

So, what is this run?

Basically, just a regular Psychic monotype, using the normal version of Reborn, not Hardcore.

The idea came from both the fact that I'd been wanting to try out a mono in Reborn, and me creating a certain character sprite for fun. You see, some months ago I've been linked to a thread in which Ame posted sprites for the Seijaya sisters, Eve and Lumi.

I thought it'd be fun to practise sprite editing by giving Eve a versus sprite, and when I was finished with that, figured I might as well use it, somehow.

Thus, the Psychic mono was born.


- only Psychic types or those which evolve into Psychic types can be used in battle

- HM users can be non-Psychic, but may not be used in battle

- all team pokémon will receive snow/ice-related nicknames

- Espeon may not be boxed

Post-episode goal:

- complete the Pokédex as good as possible (after E15)





I love silly things, I really do. Canonically, this run makes absolutely no sense at all, seeing as, of course, Eve is very much an actual character in the game, and can hardly be in two places at the same time especially not alone, hue hue

But I'll still run with the theme a bit, which is why I added two extra rules to this run.

Firstly, as Eve's signature pokémon, Espeon will not be boxed once obtained.

Second, every pokémon that joins the team will receive a nickname relating to snow or ice, in reference to the cutest little sister, Lumi.

Other than that, there's not really anything I can do to make this run "in-character", so just sit back and enjoy the occasional moment where the dialogue gets a funny or interesting new meaning thanks to this choice.

1: Julia

I didn't take a lot of screenshots at this point, sorry.

Anyway, Eve starts off the game just as we all know it - almost blown up in an attack on Peridot station, where she meets Ame and goes on to receive her first Pokémon.

Since this is a Psychic run, my choice is very limited - Fennekin it is.

But look! It's a shiny!



Eve's sparkly new friend receives the name Grímsvötn, which is a volcano located at the Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland. Shush, it's the best I could do with the name theme. Fennekin IS a Fire type, after all.

Grímsvötn, in any case, goes on to utilize hax in her very first battle. A promising start.

After being given everything she needs to be given, Eve is allowed to explore the Peridot Ward as she wishes.

She picks up a Bidoof and eventually trades Bibarel in for Munna. Munna cannot be renamed, and therefore is called Shimmer.

A female Espurr joins the team as well, nicknamed Firn.


Shelly makes her first appearance as she takes a look at a sick Kricketot, and I suppose the first thing that can be said about the whole ordeal is that Shelly surely reminds Eve quite a bit of somebody else...

After running around defeating every trainer in the Ward and on Opal Bridge, and after a little mission consisting of kicking Meteor ass in the factory, Eve is allowed to challenge Julia.


Actually, it's got to be mentioned that Eve was not actually all that great. A weakness becomes apparent early on: her team is not very efficient when it comes to fighting Rock types. This might be a problem in the future, considering Rock is Team Meteor's main type. Perhaps picking up Exeggcute would be a good idea, but for now, there are no Psychic types available that could help with this issue. Unless Eve gets lucky and receives a Staryu egg, that is.



The battle is surprisingly easy, even though a blunder resulted in Munna fainting fairly early.

With the first badge on her hand, Eve leaves the gym, and Victoria brings news of a... shocking development in the Obsidia Ward.

Or rather, it would be shocking, if Eve were not Eve.

Perhaps she's a time traveller. Hey, you never know!


Sounds inconvenient.

In any case, she is asked to help investigating Obsidia, with the hint that whatever caused the trouble might be found in the park.

Oh aren't we anxious to find out what it might be?

2: Florinia

On her way through the slums of Obsidia, Eve encounters a gang of Scraggy, and for reasons unknown to me, the field decided to derp.


I'll just assume we're going to fight Luna on this.

...Just kidding, of course. But I wanted to include this screenshot, so here, have a bunch of pokémon fighting in the void.


After a little detour to the Coral Ward, where she meets Cain, who acquires a new team member, Eve finally reaches the park in company of Florinia and Amaria.

The two gym leaders go ahead to investigate the location, but a scream informs Eve that sssssomething happened to them.

And in what must surely constitute as one of the weirdest things that could possibly happen to her, she faces... herself. Sort of.


Honestly, I'd pay an arm and a leg to know what was going on in their minds at this point.

Okay, which of your stupid experiments went wrong this time?! - Zero, probably.


"What I create I can destroy" - Eve, the one with a body of her own

Tangrowth does not last long after being set on fire by Grímsvötn and subsequently facing Espurr. Without the Forest field that used to be in place before E15, the first PULSEmon fight is less challenging, and Eve manages a clear victory against Zero.

You've got to admit, there's something comical about being Eve, and then listening to also Eve scolding Zero for his incompetence.



Maybe next time they should let Eve fight, to see which of them can outsmart the other.

Gives the phrase "you are your own worst enemy" a completely new meaning, doesn't it?

ZEL leave, and Florinia invites Eve to challenge her at the gym.

Before taking her up on the offer, Eve returns once more to the Coral Ward and picks up a fourth team member: a Spoink by the name of Slush.

Slush needs a bit of training, but luckily, Fern decides that it is high time he proved to Eve just how much of a jerk he can be. Attempting to lock her out of the gym, he provides her with a great opportunity to battle a number of trainers, so that by the end of her little tour of the Onyx Trainer School, Eve's team is well-levelled and ready for the challenge.

...After showing Fern who really is the boss, of course.


You can read this with the obvious and intended meaning in mind, or you can ponder if Rini is secretly a Meteor.

In any case, Eve's gonna fight her.



It is tedious. So tedious. Lacking a Fighting or Bug type to effectively counter Cradily, the whole match becomes a stalling competition. But in the end, Firn finishes the nightmarish fossil off, and Eve receives the Canopy badge.

Along with a new mission: find out what happened in the Jasper and Beryl wards, and see if anything can be done to improve the situation.

Making her way through the Jasper Ward, Eve stumbles, unsurprisingly, across various members of Team Meteor, and ultimately a second PULSE.

And hey, look who's waiting for us!


No, of course not. Please explain it to her. I'm sure she needs the help.


They both look like they could do with a bit more sleep. At least Eve seems to be aware of the existence of something called a hairbrush, but of course, this is not the time for remarks about Taka's appearance.

We've got a Tangrowth to take down.


Oh, what was that? You want to confuse my team? Well, suck it, little demon spawn, not on Eve's watch.

Own Tempo makes Slush immune to Chatter's nasty side effect, but not only that - Slush is faster, and confuses a weakened Chatot before it can land a hit. And then this battle comes to an ironic end, as Chatot knocks itself out from confusion.

Take THAT.

Taka unconvincingly gives Eve a hint about the third PULSE, which is totally_not_a_trap.jpg

But he probably knows he can count on her to make an appearance, and thus leaves her alone.


Eve meets Heather, a little girl that's apparently hell-bent on inflicting violence upon a bunch of terrorists. Then she's on her way to Beryl.

3: Corey

Before she finds the last PULSE, Eve takes a trip through the Rhodochrosite Jungle and has a little adventure by the side.


Fern seems to have forgotten that Eve possesses a Fire 'mon, which makes his mockery and threat to leave her rotting in the cage a lot less effective. But it's okay. We know by now that he thrives on this sort of thing.

After finding all the missing Police officers, Eve decides that now would be the perfect time to take a break and breed a Growlithe. Y'know. It's not like there's terrorists to stop.

Unfortunately, the egg trade doesn't work out in our favour:


Whimsicott is pretty adorable, but since it isn't a Psychic type, the egg is placed in the box and left behind.


He sounds so thrilled to see her again. Almost reminds him of a time when he didn't have to hang out with her every minute of his existence. And now there's two of them! Poor guy just can't catch a rest.


Sometimes the dialogue in this run isn't funny - it just hurts.

If normal Lumi already makes you feel sad for the poor girl, I present to you "I am fighting my own sister" Lumi.

It doesn't even matter how the situation came to be, it's just pretty damn sad.


Taking out ZEL's team first, Eve has no problem at all with this battle, not even in the face of the dreaded Umbreon, which could have been a serious threat to her Psychic-based team.

Firn continues to be the nightmare of PULSEgrowth, and there's not even a need to send Slush in to take care of that Chatot this time.

Taka and ZEL depart, leaving our mysterious masked stranger behind. He tries to flee, now being outnumbered, but before he manages, the Police have him cornered, and Heather receives the shock of her life when it turns out the Meteor Agent is nobody else than her own father - Corey, gym leader of the Beryl Ward.

Corey flees and hides in his gym, but of course, it's pointless. Eve tracks him down, and challenges him to a battle - or rather, he tries to take her down, after placing the blame for what happened on her.

Classy, Corey.



Most of Corey's team is not a challenge thanks to my type advantage, and the poisonous mist amplifies Grímsvötn's fire moves against Skuntank. Only Crobat proves tricky, almost knocking out Meowstic.

It is worth noting that Eve's team is still quite small - no new additions since Slush.

The totem pole gave her a Golett, and she did not pick up Gothita or train Swoobat. Even though the latter would have taken care of the mist field easily, and might have made the whole battle a lot less risky. Oops.

Well... We all know what happens next. Corey invites us to join him on the Beryl Bridge, and before Eve knows, he jumps.


Fern appears just in time to prove himself an insensitive prick, and advises Eve to go down to the Lapis Ward.

Before she can make her way there, however, something causes a very loud explosion. Huh.

Turns out Team Meteor blew up the Grand Stairway in the upper Obsidia Ward.

Below there? A cave. And because apparently no minute can pass in Reborn without anything bad happening, our dear friend Victoria gets captured by Team Meteor.

Eve is goaded into following them, and so she does.

Down in the cave, she meets someone... strange.

And learns something about the city's history as well. It appears Reborn has been built over a vault filled with vast power, which can only be unlocked by four keys - the Seals of Love, Pain, Faith, and the Beyond.



Sounds fishy.


4: Shelly

Now you may be wondering: Hmm, if the last gym battle has been so close, maybe it would be best to train another Pokémon or two. And yes, that would indeed have been a great tactic. With a quick visit to the orphanage in between Corey's battle and the challenge against Shelly, there would have been enough time to do so.

But that's not how Eve rolls, apparently.

Nope. After the drama surrounding Shelly and the quick detour to the orphanage, it's challenge time already.

This is the bug gym. Eve's entire team sans Grímsvötn has a weakness to this type, and yet here she is, abut to face Shelly 4 vs. 6.


I could have said "There can only be one!", but as we came to learn already, that's not the case.

I guess there's always room for more Eves, then.


It's beautiful. Can Eve move in, and would it be okay if she brought along a Lumi?


What a cute, shy, lovely girl. You know what's a tragedy? Lumi and Shelly will probably never get the opportunity to become friends.



Competitive is a blessing in this gym. Boosted by a couple of Struggle Bug, Firn turns into a killing machine and ends up finishing off the worst opponents, Heather and Anorith, rather quickly, before they manage to do much damage.

I do have to admit that I made use of a couple potions here, but then again, being two Pokémon short of a full team, that was kinda necessary.

In the end, Shelly is defeated, and Eve receives her third badge.

Oh, and of course, trouble always finds a way, and so Eve has to return to the orphanage once more.

Not before finally getting a new addition to her team, however: Comet, a Solrock.


All that purple...



Anna is really precious, and right she is, because Shelly is a cutie and obviously quite well-liked by people.


The parallels between how Shelly and Lumi speak will kill me.


5: Shade

I am so very guilty of not taking enough screenshots sometimes.

Like now. I trust most people know what happens at this point of the game, but still, it's a bit sad, isn't it?

Because there's nothing at all for me to post in between the escape from the orphanage, and challenging Shade.


Oh nevermind, it's just the Disaster Pokémon again, no need to worry.

I suppose at least Eve doesn't have to be worried that Shade could die, considering he's... yeah.


From one gym with an advantage against Psychic right to the next.

Meowstic can take care of the field by lighting it up via Charge Beam, and it's ability to use Shadow Ball also gives it a decent move against Shade's team of Ghost types.


Eve trained up Solrock for the sole purpose of defeating Chandelure, yet it is, once more, Firn who does the work for the team. 1HKO'ing Chandelure with Shadow Ball, the battle is over, and Eve leaves the power plant with the Omen Badge and the knowledge that her allies have just been taken hostage by Team Meteor.


To save them, she will need HM Strength, obtainable by challenging and defeating Fighting type leader Kiki.

So off we go, to Apophyll Academy!

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6: Cal

...Well, not quite as soon as she'd wish. In the Coral Ward we meet Amaria, who tells Eve that she has a boat she could lend her. But before that is possible, she requests help - Team Meteor is using the Blacksteam Factory in Peridot to pollute the lake, and if there's one thing Amaria doesn't tolerate, it's crap like that.

Eve enters the factory, eventually gets separated from Amaria...


...and meets someone who she is probably not very happy to see...


Yep, it's her. And no, we have no idea why there's two of her.


"With all due respect, sir - I invented this shit." - things Eve would never say


"As I was saying..."


She couldn't deny that he's efficient. He's taking action right there and then, attempting to get her out of the way once and for all.

Too bad Amaria doesn't like the idea.





Looks like we found a key, huh?


She's getting real fed up with herself here.


Which Eve he's talking to is open for interpretation, but I'm gonna take a quick guess and say "both".


A sun pokémon versus another sun pokémon, even though one of them is actually called the "Meteorite Pokémon".


And damn it, I hate PULSE Muk's Protean.



He's pretty brutal, man.


After taking the boat and landing at Apophyll Beach, Eve meets Victoria again, and gets introduced to Kiki.

Kiki is hesitant to hand them the HM, but eventually agrees to do so if Eve can prove herself worthy.

To do so, she has to defeat Cal, ex-Fire gym leader.



Unfortunately for him, there's not much his team can do against Eve's, and the battle ends soon after it began.

7: Kiki

Back at the Apophyll Academy, Eve is finally allowed to challenge Kiki.

Of course, not before Victoria tries to stop her, arguing that she cannot let it happen in the light of Kiki's worsening health.

But since there's still a bunch of children locked up somewhere with Team Meteor and a reckless doctor, this is a risk Eve is willing to take.



With full focus...!

After two gyms with a type advantage against Eve, here's one with a disadvantage. Makes the whole thing quite a bit easier, so soon she's on her way to the top of Pyrous Mountain.

Before anything else happens, Eve has to find Cain, who seems to have gotten lost on his way to Apophyll.

We find him on Azurine Island, trapped by the Meteors.

Eve also picks up a new team member: Hail, a female Meditite.


Did it taka you by surprise?


The rivalry continues. This time, it was a bit more narrow.

Did I mention there's been another team addition? Because there was!


firefox.exe has stopped responding


My boyfriend's family has a pet duck. That duck is called Snowflake, because, well, she's white.

Smoochum's got a permanent duckface going on, so I called her Snowflake.

Snowflake was trained to lv. 45 and learned Perish Song. You all know what for.

Eve is on her way to face Solaris.


You know, a bit of humility would suit you rather well.



"delete" is an interesting choice of word, really.


I gotta say, using Cheren's versus sprite as the base for Eve's was a great idea. She always looks ever so slightly bored by the proceedings.


Smoochdoom. The mental image of this tiny creature boldly facing a full-grown landshark is hilarious enough, but it gets better when one factors in that it is equipped with a Focus Sash and will be using Perish Song.


Smoochum is the only pokémon on Eve's team that actually fainted; Garchomp missed both of its next attacks, leaving the other five at full health.

In any case, Eve defeats Solaris with a little bit of trickery - nothing less than what should be expected from someone more known for their wits than their strength-, but


...apparently, losing isn't exactly the kind of thing he's had in mind, so he calls off the battle.

Cain thinks it's outrageous, but Eve would likely agree that honour is not as important as the mission one has.

Unfortunately for our little group, this means Garchomp is still in condition to kill Kiki.

Victoria refuses Eve the badge, and instead suggests she take on Aya, Cain's sister, in the Wasteland.

8: Aya

Entrance to the Wasteland is granted to Eve after she defeats Cain, who is reluctant to open the gate for us.

On her way through the Wastes, another Pokémon joins the team:



At the time Eve challenges Aya, her team consists of Delphox / Meowstic / Solrock / Jynx / Grumpig.

Malamar and Meditite are still in training.

There's a challenge from Fern before Eve gets to fight Aya, but he's hardly a challenge, and can be glossed over.




Half of Aya's team gets knocked out by Jynx, the rest aren't any trouble either, what with the advantage that Psychic has over Poison.

And finally, fi-na-lly, Eve gets her next badge, and the ability to use Strength outside of battle. Which means she can go and save the kids now!

Using the Underground Railnet to get to the old Yureyu building, Eve and Cain team up to search for the children.

Along the way, they meet familiar faces


...like Ricardo and Hilda, who seem slightly traumatized by Amaria and Deliverance. Counselling would probably help here, just not with Sigmund.


This is one of those moments that are already emotional during any regular playthrough. Shelly is precious and the urge to protect her is strong. But consider this: this is Eve's perspective. And something about the situation -a young girl being held hostage by a Meteor threatening to kill her- seems... familiar.

Congratulations, Meteor grunts you probably just activated Eve's Mama Bear instinct.


It hurts.

Eve decides to ignore Sigmund. Instead, she decides that it is more effective, more important, to fight the Meteor Admin who led the kidnapping mission - Sirius.



He's relatively easy to defeat, and part of me really wants to create a sprite of Eve wearing his jacket. Can I headcanon that she steals his jacket?

The kids are freed, together, Eve and the group reach the Belrose Mansion at the Tanzan Lake, and Eve is sent to fetch medicine for Anna, who suddenly started feeling sick. On the way to Spinel Town, another team member joins the party:




The perhaps most vital member of Eve's team so far. Espeon is her signature pokémon, so without this, the team wasn't complete at all. I picked a shiny because I want to give Espeon an edited sprite. Took a while to find one with Special EVs that don't suck. Six hours, in fact.

His name is Snow, both because the daughter of the train dude is named Snow, and because that's what the name Lumi translates to. Was debating to just flat.out name it Lumi, but it's male, and in any case, I already named my main run's Espeon that.

9. Serra

In Spinel Town, Eve meets Serra, the local gym leader, who specializes in Ice types. That, and her son, Bennett, who has a huge fascination with Bug types.

After some rather interesting events, in which a man named El appears to search for his daughter, Luna, and ends up promising Bennett a place among the Elite 4, Eve gets to challenge the gym.

This means a battle with Bennett, too.


Unfortunately for him, Grímsvötn sweeps his team without any problems, and it is time for the real challenge.


Serra's dry humor is great, by the way.


Nothing got me worked up more than Aurorus. That thing was bulky, and actually thwarted my attempts at a proper sweep twice, by KOing Grímsvötn who had been set up to eventually outspeed Froslass.

Securing the badge, Eve bids farewell to Serra, and returns to the Belrose Mansion after buying the needed Medicine.

Unfortunately for the group, Meteor decided that they would really like the orphans back.

With the help of the oldest Belrose sister, Saphira, preparations are made to defend the kids at all costs.

For Eve, this means a battle against Sigmund.



Rotom is dangeous. Honestly, this thing is terrifying. And seeing as Grímsvötn was Eve's last pokémon, this is a very narrow victory.

But a victory nonetheless.


Saphira blasts Sigmund through the wall, and Sirius, who apparently got fed up with the whole situation, decides to take her hostage, rather than the orphans.


What the hell is wrong with this guy?!


She's been on Meteor territory more times than she's liked to.


I find it strange that it's supposed to have been two months between Corey's death and this, considering how much the group has had to hurry. But oh well.

10: Noel

Together with Laura, Eve sets off to get Saphira back, which means they have to invade their base in Tanzan Mountain.


Laura is gentle. That's respectable.


Oh, it's Hilda! Hey, hey, remember what else is ice? Lapras.


They were probably stupid and put Saphira in here without taking her Pokémon away, but I find the mental image of her bursting through the bars on her own much more amusing.

Eve, on the other hand, is surely at least slightly disheartened by the lack of common sense displayed by the Meteors here.



Eve eventually stumbles upon Saphira, as well as Laura, and together they confront the ones in charge of Tanzan Base - Sirius, ZEL and Sigmund. This is bound to be fun, but first, there's an emotional outburst from Sigmund - who doesn't appear to have such a firm grasp on his nerves after all.


The trio learns that Meteor is experimenting with PULSE Abra to enhance its teleportational powers. The whole thing is a huge mess, because nobody appears able to control Abra. Sirius decides to test it out on the intruders.


Can't even argue with him, really.


Laura shares a memory she has about a girl named Lin, triggered by Sirius' mention of the name earlier.


Sounds like a horror story from the beginning to the end.

Anyway, Eve and Laura find themselves in the depths of Tanzan Mountain, amidst toxic puddles and heaps of trash.

When they try to find a way out of there, something very big and very fast takes them by surprise.

Laura gets knocked out, and Eve has to face the source of the constant earthquakes.



Nothing that can't be done. Grímsvötn and Shimmer take care of the steel giant, and then it's time to get back to the base.

Up there, Abra is still out of control, and Eve -no, not this Eve, the other one- has a glorious idea:

Make Eve help them.


ZEL's problem solving strategies revolve around this principle an awful lot.


You know, Zero, maybe you should try being less rude and impatient.


Tragically, I forgot to take a screenshot of the last turn, but err, here's a placeholder.


Lin is about to arrive, and Sirius is pretty much terrified of how she might react to the whole mess.

His plan is to pretend that Eve is a Meteor, not an intruder.


I think she has had enough practise with this.


Where is the lie?

Lin doesn't buy the story, but before she can do much about it, something distracts the Meteors - it appears a certain giant steelix has breached the walls of the base. Disgruntled, Lin hurries to investigate this.

The remaining Meteors urge Eve to leave while she still can. Which is uncharacteristically nice of Sirius, really.



Did you miss the faint taste of heartbreak? No? Doesn't matter. Here's some more tragic dialogue.

11: Noel

Returning to the Mansion, Eve barely gets the time to catch some breath, before Anna suggests that now would be the perfect time for a gym battle. Her twin bother Noel, the Normal type gym leader, will be Eve's opponent.

This calls for a team overhaul, and so Eve hurries off to hold a training session first.

Her team at this point:

Meowstic / Delphox / Solrock / Medicham / Malamar / Espeon



Medicham Hi Jump Kick'd Porygon-Z and various others into oblivion, the only real troublemaker was Clefable. Still, despite Cinccino's Skill Link, Porygon's Tri Attack and Clefable's Magic Guard, Eve won.

And yes, that's an overlevelled Delphox up there. Hey, it worked, and that's what matters, right?

Shortly after the battle, the group hears something explode close by.

It's okay, this kind of shit happens a lot in Reborn.



Of course, Shelly refers to the Belrose sisters, the twins, and Eve, but this is still pretty funny to read.

Eve ventures into Tanzan Mountain to take a look at all the destruction, and meets Saphira, who is still very much alive, despite the fall she took during her fight against Lin.


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You didnt have that much challenge didn't you? Well, you're team is freakin good to be honest o: Never thought Fennekin was a good starter but whatever that's freaking good *-*

Well, resetting eevee i wouldnt do it but still that was cool ^^

Anyway, i'm looking forward the mirror match Psychic VS Psychic, that will be intense i guess since radomus is a decent psychic user :)

Update asap *-*

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6 hours for that Eevee? I could not ever manage that, you're insane. Psychic FTW, it's a really good type in Reborn as I learned from my psychic/ice dual run. I had trouble with shelly but you beat her so easily.

It was a bit of a nightmare, really :'D Not only did it somehow take me ages to find the first shiny, but I also kept ending up with absolutely shitty IVs.

[14.10.2015 23:36:09] Mal-ama-r: i've been trying to get a shiny eevee for like 1 1/2 hours now

rip me

[15.10.2015 00:12:50] Mal-ama-r: FINALLY

[15.10.2015 00:13:00] Mal-ama-r: but it's got

1 Sp Atk IV rip

[15.10.2015 03:35:43] Mal-ama-r: this is getting ridiculous

but hey

i got my eevee

with 31 spa and 29spd

only took me 5 1/2h c:

Here's two of my rejects. I can put up with bad IVs usually, but I wasn't gonna put up with those SpA ones.



Psychic/Ice dual? Tell me more o: (Or do you have a thread somewhere?) I am considering doing both Ice and Dark runs in the future, so this is interesting~

And don't worry, I did not beat Shelly easily. It took me a handful of failures to figure out the exact way to approach it.

I already used Meowstic for this battle in a previous run, but in that one, I also had Noctowl and Growlithe with me, so it didn't matter if Meowstic fainted early.

Here, I had to try and somehow keep it alive until the end. Musharna was great for this, because it could take more attacks than the rest of them. So I first had Meowstic and Musharna teamed up, and sent in Braixen as late as I could.

It was the only team member of mine that wasn't a Psychic type at that point, which was a huge advantage.

You didnt have that much challenge didn't you? Well, you're team is freakin good to be honest o: Never thought Fennekin was a good starter but whatever that's freaking good *-*

Well, resetting eevee i wouldnt do it but still that was cool ^^

Anyway, i'm looking forward the mirror match Psychic VS Psychic, that will be intense i guess since radomus is a decent psychic user :)

Update asap *-*

You gotta keep in mind that I'm "only" playing regular Reborn, unlike all those brave folks here who are mono'ing Hardcore^^

Since this is my fourth run, I already know what awaits me at each gym and boss battle, so I can prepare my team properly.

On my first run I had massive trouble getting past Florinia and Luna, but none at all with Serra.

In this one I've struggled against Serra thanks to her new field effect and Froslass. And I kinda dread facing Luna.

Fennekin was my only option as a starter, since there are no others that get Psychic typings. I gotta admit Delphox was never one of my favourites, but it is definitely useful. It's important for me to have a Fire type, and the only others are Victini and Zen Mode Darmanitan.

Radomus will be interesting for sure! I usually have no trouble at all with him, but I haven't exactly had to fight him with a full Psychic team so far.

Very excited to make further progress with the game, because soon I'll be able to get Beldum. No way I'd pass up on the chance to grab Metagross for my team <3

Btw here's Snow, the shiny Espeon.


Originally only wanted a shiny so I could edit in a collar, then thought I might as well...

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Is it Radomus time yet? No, not quite! But we've got an Arceus battle! Which was... almost disappointingly easy for how worried I was about it. But then again, Arceus did get nerfed for E15 (possibly as a compensation for battling on the Crystal Field).

After Eve defeated Noel, we witnessed an explosion over at Tanzan Mountain, and it turns out Saphira survived the confrontation with Lin, and blew up the Meteor base.

She then decides to entrust Eve with the Ruby Ring and the Amethyst Pendant, claiming that it would be safer for me to have them, and asking me to meet up with the group later.




Aww, look, she does care!

Eve finds herself exiting Tanzan Mountain towards the Aventurine Woods and Route 1.

Before she can progress in relative peace, however, she's got a little annoyance to deal with.


You can imagine what battles are like on this field.



Like this, mostly.

Eve spends some time exploring Route 1 and the Woods, until she ends up at Vanhanen Castle, where she meets Radomus, Reborn's resident Psychic leader.


Of course, Radomus and Gardevoir already know her, and it's kinda disturbing, really.


You'll be glad she did later. (She joined Aqua, btw.)

At Vanhanen Castle, Eve is also finally introduced to Luna, the girl Bennett so obviously has a crush on. Radomus tells us that she, of course, is not his real daughter, and just showed up one day, like she did at Serra's place.

Our little meeting is interrupted by the arrival of Cain, and since he and Eve are both there to challenge Radomus, they hold a little rival battle.

Cain apparently changed his team a little to avoid being completely steamrolled by Radomus' Psychic team. Let's see...



Malamar > Absol

The battle doesn't take very long, considering my team is able to counter everything Cain threw at it.

Superpower proves once more to be a great move on Malamar.

Our idle chit-chat with Radomus and Luna is interrupted by a message: Someone kidnapped Gardevoir, and wants to blackmail Radomus into "releasing" Luna. Oh El, that's silly.

Radomus doesn't think it ecessary to follow El, but Luna wants to, so he does it anyway. Cain and Eve follow.

The group makes their way to the Grand Gates, and kind of accidentally find out that they can access the caverns beneath through a crack on the floor.

After wandering through the cave for a bit, they find themselves standing in the shadow of a mysterious building - and face-to-face with someone called Adrienn.

Adrienn believes that Eve stole the two key objects from El - or, at least, that's the story El has told. And Gardevoir is acting very strange indeed - claiming that she despises Radomus and doesn't want him to be her trainer.

Radomus doesn't seem phased by this at all, arousing suspicion from Cain and Adrienn.

Making their way through the building - the Citae Arc d'Astrae-, Eve has to solve a couple of riddles, until bein granted access to the top level of the place. Along the way, Adrienn is revealed to be of non-binary gender, preferring the pronouns xe/xem.

Xe's pretty cute, by the way.


Sigilyph isn't going to join the team yet - this one is for breeding purposes. Turns out it also has 0 SpA IV, so there's that.

A shiny Xatu gets captured as well, nicknamed Glacier.

In front of a sealed door, El waits for the group. He rambles on about the power stored within the Citae, and how he wonders if it would be possible to awaken Arceus again.

After a short debate with Radomus, it is left up to Eve to decide whether it's El or Radomus who is to be trusted.

Eve decides that it's Radomus.


Wise choice.

The "Gardevoir" by El's side is revealed to have been a Ditto all along. El then lets it transform into a copy of Arceus, and begins a battle with Eve.


What's more heretic - creating a Ditto copy of Arceus, or fighting said copy?


First, it needs to be weakened. Grímsvötn takes a Shadow Ball and keeps using Will-o-Wisp on Dittoceus until El stops using Full Heal on it. After successfully inflicting the burn status, Judgment knocks Grímsvörn out.

Eve's attempt to use Medicham fails thanks to a Shadow Ball. Bit of a shame; I was hoping to get a chance to use High Jump Kick + STAb + Fist Plate + Pure Power.

Dittoceus continues to burn. Next up is Ice.


Ice takes a Shadow Ball and uses Superpower on Dittoceus. Then he gets ko'd by Judgment.


...And last, Firn outspeeds the false god, and finishes it off with Psychic.

With that, Dittoceus faints, and El is defeated.


And because that's just how things work around here, everyone talks for a bit, and then they leave Eve behind, all alone.

Current team:

Delphox / Meowstic / Malamar / Medicham / Espeon / Jynx


Gonna breed a decent Sigilyph next, to replace Jynx. Oh, and catch Beldum.

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You can't get Beldum until post Luna. That's when the machine in Aya's house goes haywire. I'm also surprised you have such a weak Espeon, given that thing should be your mascot given the 5 and a half hours you spent getting it.

Nyargh, damn it, you know what? I completely forgot about that Beldum part. Figures that my excitement would get ahead of me there .-.

As for Espeon, there's actually an easy explanation for how this happened: I wasn't actually expecting to win against Arceus already :'D

I was training my team at the Citae anyway, since the Unown there give good Exp, and save for Espeon, nothing needs EV training any more (and Xatu, Natu and Sigilyph are just what Espeon needs). When I had half of my team at Lv 60, I thought it'd be interesting to do a test run against Arceus, specifically because I wanted to test out if Delphox could manage burning it, and if Medicham would land a hit.

I certainly didn't expect to beat it during my first try (and a test no less); my original plan was to have the whole team at Lv 60 at this point.

Rest assured Espeon's gonna be at its max level in time for Radomus. As for why I didn't train it for Noel - like I said, easier to do the EV training at the Citae.

Post-Arceus is, incidentally, also the time when I started using Espeon in my first run, where it's sorta my second ace after Klinklang.

Sometimes I think that in hindsight, it'd have made more sense to ask someone to hack me Eevee as a starter, but too late now.

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