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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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Hey everyone, new to the forums obviously. Played through reborn a couple of times and really enjoy the heck out of this game. Decided to give myself a little bit of a challenge this time and do a monotype. I've always been partial to the bug type so I decided to do a bug monotype. Unfortunately I did not get Larvesta from the mystery egg so that is where I need the forums help. I would like a Larvesta with a helpful nature most importantly. Evs/ IVs aren't that huge of an issue to me. If its not too big of a hassle I would also like to have Zen Headbutt as an egg move on larvesta, mostly just to help with grinding. I am new to this forum so please let me know if I upload this file wrong or upload the wrong file. I just beat Kiki in the academy and I'm not sure if this all had to be done before the start of the game. Thanks for the help in advance!!!

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Hi people!

I need to ask you another pokemon for my Ice mono, because beat Julia's hardcore team with a 4 base form mons team and with the rules i set is just impossible (No in-battle items, Set mode because i hate myself), i can bring down her Magnemite and Emolga, but Chinchou is a pain in the *ss and i don't have anything to counter it.

So, i'd like one of these 2 mons:

-The first and impossible one is Rotom in its Ice form. Yeah, it's a dream that probably won't be realized but that thing could be a great help to my team (Uproar could wreck Chinchou easily if combined with Rotom's Ice base Sp. Atk)

-The second one i'd like to have is Snover, with its typing Chinchou wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Obviously, if you want to hack them both you're free to do that ahah, but even just one of them would be fine (don't care about their IVs/nature, i leave them up to you).

Thanks in advance!

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Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Hello. :)

I've recently been thinking about trying a mono-ice-run and could use some help with getting started. (Since most of all Ice Types seem to be out of my immediate reach gameplay-wise.)

If somebody could spare the time and add a Snover, a female Snorunt, a Cubchoo and a Shellder to my save file, I'd be very grateful. Also, if you don't mind helping out some more, giving Snorunt the ability "Ice Body" and Shellder "Skill Link" would be great. If not, no worries, these ability-changing capsules were put into the game for a reason after all. ^_^

Thank you very much.

See you later, Alligator


I still need your help Steffo, if you don't mind. :)

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I would like to restart my main run. If it's not too much trouble, can you please add the following Pokemons:

1). Dieno at level 5

2). Togepi to be obtained in the mystery egg

That would mean a lot to me, and thank you very much

Edit: A friend of mine did it for, so you don't have to do it. Tank you very much.

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From now on, i'll try to help with the requests since this thread seems to be a little bit "dead" well Genesis is back technically, but who knows if he's gonna hack again

Now regarding to the previous requests, please let me know somehow (pm or even here, by editing your post and saying "I need help Steffo" or something like that) if you still want the pokemon, to avoid the add of mons that aren't requested anymore

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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  On 1/6/2016 at 10:47 PM, Xrada said:


Ive recently started a mono ground playthrough. Unfortunately my mystery egg is a staryu and since it refuses to become a ground type id love it if you could change it to drilbur. Ivs/egg moves dont matter for me.

Thanks a ton!

Still need it if not asked to much ^^. Pokemon reborn has been put on hold for the exams so there's no real pressure or anything.


Edit: THanks alot!

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Hey everyone I am back, just having some trouble with my editing software, well laptop actually. Gonna have it formatted after backing everything up and stuff. Hope to be back up and running by tomorrow or Friday at the latest

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  On 1/11/2016 at 10:22 PM, Xrada said:

Still need it if not asked to much ^^. Pokemon reborn has been put on hold for the exams so there's no real pressure or anything.


Hm, I never got around to helping with this thread in the way I planned to. I kind of forgot about it tbh. Anyway, I've done this for you. Your egg should hatch into a drilbur.

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i heard gus aboutt this topic and i am so trealled!!!!! i want to do a dragon monotype run. i heard that you can ask to have the pokemon you want as a starter but i have this question. Even pokemon they are unavailable or only from the available. If the first is possible i would like a gible to have as a starter. If the second, then i want a tyrant or an axew.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 10:14 AM, Pausaunias said:

i heard gus aboutt this topic and i am so trealled!!!!! i want to do a dragon monotype run. i heard that you can ask to have the pokemon you want as a starter but i have this question. Even pokemon they are unavailable or only from the available. If the first is possible i would like a gible to have as a starter. If the second, then i want a tyrant or an axew.

Given it is for the purpose of a mono run and you have very limited options in the early game I decided to give you a gible.

Good luck with your run.

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Whats poppin people :3

I really want to do a Mono-Bug Run, so I got a request or 2......

Most importantly it would be cool if you could make it so i get a Larvesta in the Mystery Egg when i get there....

My second request are both probably over the top buuuuuut it would be so nice to have: 1. Scyther as starter.....Nature and Ability don`t really matter, if IV`s are decent that would to nice....


2. Good IV`ed Yanma with Giga Drain....again Nature and Ability don`t really matter here....

Again Larvesta is the most important part here and i will really appreciate the help...if you get me one of the other requests tho, I WILL love you forever~

Cya guys and stay save :]

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  On 1/13/2016 at 10:44 AM, I´mOG_Barney139 said:

Whats poppin people :3

I really want to do a Mono-Bug Run, so I got a request or 2......

Most importantly it would be cool if you could make it so i get a Larvesta in the Mystery Egg when i get there....

My second request are both probably over the top buuuuuut it would be so nice to have: 1. Scyther as starter.....Nature and Ability don`t really matter, if IV`s are decent that would to nice....


2. Good IV`ed Yanma with Giga Drain....again Nature and Ability don`t really matter here....

Again Larvesta is the most important part here and i will really appreciate the help...if you get me one of the other requests tho, I WILL love you forever~

Cya guys and stay save :]

Here is it, i gave you a Yanma with Speed Boost and pretty decent IVs (Giga Drain included), sorry for the egg but i actually don't know how to do it

Btw when you'll have your egg just pass me your file with a PM and i'll edit it


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Hello again. Doing a Hardcore ghost run which is a little hard to pull off was wondering if I can get three mons. Female Snorunt, Litwick with energy ball if you got one laying around and most importantly Ghastly with thunderbolt /sludge bomb. EVs don't matter. Timid pokes are fine. Thanks in advance. Don't forget giratina and aegislash

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  On 1/13/2016 at 2:52 PM, Damage said:

Hello again. Doing a Hardcore ghost run which is a little hard to pull off was wondering if I can get three mons. Female Snorunt, Litwick with energy ball if you got one laying around and most importantly Ghastly with thunderbolt /sludge bomb. EVs don't matter. Timid pokes are fine. Thanks in advance. Don't forget giratina and aegislash

Here is it, i gave you exactly what you asked for


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  On 1/2/2016 at 2:52 PM, Faapp said:

hey, i wanna have all the pokemon, but because i'm stupid i sold the "rare candy" you need to get piplup so i came here hoping i could get one :D

IVs and nature are not important

Thanks in advance! :)

i still need help, if you don't mind doing it


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MDE2001 can i request to make some changes in my current save file in order to take some more dragon types??????? like to change trapinch in the casino and ad an other dragon type (like axew) and change the axew egg to an other poke like dratini or smthing??? if no thats no problem .

Edited by Pausaunias
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  On 1/13/2016 at 2:24 PM, AndSoThereIsSt3ffo said:

Here is it, i gave you a Yanma with Speed Boost and pretty decent IVs (Giga Drain included), sorry for the egg but i actually don't know how to do it

Btw when you'll have your egg just pass me your file with a PM and i'll edit it


Wooow thanks so much fren :] <3

Okay i`ll do that if I`m not lucky enough and get Larvesta :D

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