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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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i still need help, if you don't mind doing it


Here is it


MDE2001 can i request to make some changes in my current save file in order to take some more dragon types??????? like to change trapinch in the casino and ad an other dragon type (like axew) and change the axew egg to an other poke like dratini or smthing??? if no thats no problem .

Since you wanted a Gible in your file i'll tell you this, i made a save file for a guy who asked some mons to start a Dragon mono some hours ago, i gave him Gible, Trapinch and Skrelp (along with Axew as a mistery egg). I still have that file, if you want it i just ask

How do you edit saves?

I (and all the others here i guess) use RPG Maker XP and Pokemon Essentials, it's a little bit complicated tho

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Okay, I'm going to be doing a Fire/Ice run, and currently, there's not many good fire/ice mons to go around. Especially ice types.

I have a few questions:

Is it possible to make the egg you get from the woman in Peridot to be Seel instead of Cacnea?
Can you also make the mystery Egg Larvesta?

and for some Pokemon requests.

-- If I can't get seel in the peridot ward egg, can I have it put in? Just a male seel with Signal Beam or Water Pulse? A modest nature is preferred (as long as it's IVs are decent, I'm fine).

-- Is it also too much to ask for a Shiny Vulpix? (It's my mascot) and I won't be able to get it until rather late in the game. I don't want any special moves on it. Just a female, bold shiny vulpix with decent IVs. (Flash Fire is preferred if this is possible)

-- A Sneasel with it's evolutionary item? Adamant or Jolly with Fake Out and either Ice Shard or Ice Punch??

If this is too much, then let me know. ^^;; I've never done this type of run before. But if you can do it, please and thank you <3


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Okay, I'm going to be doing a Fire/Ice run, and currently, there's not many good fire/ice mons to go around. Especially ice types.

I have a few questions:

Is it possible to make the egg you get from the woman in Peridot to be Seel instead of Cacnea?

Can you also make the mystery Egg Larvesta?

and for some Pokemon requests.

-- If I can't get seel in the peridot ward egg, can I have it put in? Just a male seel with Signal Beam or Water Pulse? A modest nature is preferred (as long as it's IVs are decent, I'm fine).

-- Is it also too much to ask for a Shiny Vulpix? (It's my mascot) and I won't be able to get it until rather late in the game. I don't want any special moves on it. Just a female, bold shiny vulpix with decent IVs. (Flash Fire is preferred if this is possible)

-- A Sneasel with it's evolutionary item? Adamant or Jolly with Fake Out and either Ice Shard or Ice Punch??

If this is too much, then let me know. ^^;; I've never done this type of run before. But if you can do it, please and thank you <3

If it's possible, I don't know how to, that said I have put a decent seel in for you.

I have put the shiny Vulpix in as well. Since it is already good and you can get ability capsules quite early on I have left the ability as is

I have also given you a sneasel, but not the razor claw. I will be glad to give it to you at a later point - say from the 5th gym at least.


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If it's possible, I don't know how to, that said I have put a decent seel in for you.

I have put the shiny Vulpix in as well. Since it is already good and you can get ability capsules quite early on I have left the ability as is

I have also given you a sneasel, but not the razor claw. I will be glad to give it to you at a later point - say from the 5th gym at least.

Okay, thank you so much! :)

Edit: The vulpix didn't end up shiny, but I'm not too terribly worried. :)

Edited by XxSilentWinterxX
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Hey everyone, new to the forums obviously. Played through reborn a couple of times and really enjoy the heck out of this game. Decided to give myself a little bit of a challenge this time and do a monotype. I've always been partial to the bug type so I decided to do a bug monotype. Unfortunately I did not get Larvesta from the mystery egg so that is where I need the forums help. I would like a Larvesta with a helpful nature most importantly. Evs/ IVs aren't that huge of an issue to me. If its not too big of a hassle I would also like to have Zen Headbutt as an egg move on larvesta, mostly just to help with grinding. I am new to this forum so please let me know if I upload this file wrong or upload the wrong file. I just beat Kiki in the academy and I'm not sure if this all had to be done before the start of the game. Thanks for the help in advance!!!

Reposting since it didn't get done before!


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Hello all I'm starting to actually get through battles without ragequitting this ghost mono and mystery egg of course says no go. If someone could replace this azurill I got with the frillish I had hoped was inside I'd be a pretty happy guy. Ivs natures etc are unimportant. Just a cute lil water ghost is fine by me.

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Hello all I'm starting to actually get through battles without ragequitting this ghost mono and mystery egg of course says no go. If someone could replace this azurill I got with the frillish I had hoped was inside I'd be a pretty happy guy. Ivs natures etc are unimportant. Just a cute lil water ghost is fine by me.

Here is your cute lil water ghost


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Hello! I was running a mono poison run, and was hoping to get a Zubat a little earlier then it's available in the game? It's quite silly, but I'm already worried about fighting type pokemon!

The Zubat itself doesn't need to be anything special! I don't really care about ability or any moves, I could just use one! Thank you so much!

Oh, if you did want to do something, you could make it shiny? But I'll just be grateful to get it period.

Again, thank you so much!

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Hello! I was running a mono poison run, and was hoping to get a Zubat a little earlier then it's available in the game? It's quite silly, but I'm already worried about fighting type pokemon!

The Zubat itself doesn't need to be anything special! I don't really care about ability or any moves, I could just use one! Thank you so much!

Oh, if you did want to do something, you could make it shiny? But I'll just be grateful to get it period.

Again, thank you so much!

Here, i made it shiny


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Alright so turns out ghost may be a little out of my league at the moment. Trying a round two for hardcore and seeing how ground can take away my sanity. I have the king of memes as my starter, I just need a couple teammates to help him out. I want Gible since it evolves to the ever so gangster garcheezy but Flygon is so iconic and actually learns earthquake. Lastly Sandile I think would be a neat addition given my newfound hatred of dark moves. Just surprise me on the dragon one I guess. Thanks in advance my savior.

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