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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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I'm doing a bird themed run, where mons are either birds or have bird-like features. While the list happens to include awesome mons like Blaziken, the vast vast majority of what's on the list is some combination of Normal/Flying. I was wondering if you could hax some birdies into my team so the lack of type diversity for most of the game doesn't drive me crazy. Decent IVs and not-awful natures would be very much appreciated.

-Magby. I'd honestly be okay even if I never got Magmortar as long as I get a Magby from the get-go.

-Porygon, hopefully including an Up-Grade in my inventory so I can evolve it once I get a Linkstone. It shouldn't be too unreasonable since I don't get one until Lapis Ward, so I wouldn't have too much power too early.

-Fletchling... with Gale Wings. In my defense, this would be my third Fire-type (my starter is Torchic fyi)

-And Swablu, I guess? This one isn't that big a deal. It's mainly so I can have something early on besides Normal or Fire.

-Oh, and I'd like the mystery egg to be a guaranteed Vullaby. I've already fought Victoria in my save file.


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A'ight since i resolved recently my issues with RPG Maker i'm feeling generous, so i gave you what you wanted (Fletchling has neutral nature and not-so-stunning IVs btw, its line is OP even with these stats)

Done and PM'd o/

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Thanks a bunch! *-* tbh I forgot to mention Skarmory too. Sorry! It kinda slipped my mind since I deleted all the unobtainable Pokemon off my little list... but funny how I remembered Fletchling (the IVs on it actually aren't bad :D Is the line really that OP? I've never used it before).

However, I wouldn't want a Skarmory so early in the game. It's too stronk to have as an immediate party member, and there's probably a reason why it's currently unobtainable, so I wonder if it's possible to put it somewhere else... like replace it with another event Pokemon somewhere. If it's not asking too much, I mean. It's mainly there for type variety, and it still shares most of my available mons' weakness to Electric. (Dr. Sigmund's gonna be fun...) And hey, if need be I can just depend on an Empoleon to cover any Steel-type defensive-y needs.

But anyway, thanks again. I even got the Up-Grade for Porygon! Much appreciated.

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So I tried to make a request, but I can't upload my game.rxdata file. Next to the "attach files" space, is reads "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments." What does that mean and how can I fix that?

Edited by ty_taurus
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  On 6/15/2016 at 2:20 AM, ty_taurus said:

So I tried to make a request, but I can't upload my game.rxdata file. Next to the "attach files" space, is reads "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments." What does that mean and how can I fix that?

Go to your profile>rdit profile>manage attachments and delete the old ones

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  On 6/15/2016 at 2:20 AM, ty_taurus said:
So I tried to make a request, but I can't upload my game.rxdata file. Next to the "attach files" space, is reads "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments." What does that mean and how can I fix that?

Otherwise you could upload your game to something like Dropbox or Mediafire and then give us the link to download it

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  On 6/15/2016 at 6:09 AM, Njab said:

Go to your profile>rdit profile>manage attachments and delete the old ones

This worked, thank you :)

I'm looking to do a mono-fairy run. I have 3 requests plus Cottonee for my mystery egg. I'm listing all the details that I would like ideally, but just know that I fully respect what you decide is best for the integrity of the game.

Togepi - Male - Modest

IV priority: Sp Atk / HP / Def

Bonus: *Dazzling Gleam*

Togetic is my favorite Pokemon, and I just want to make it clear that I do NOT intend to evolve him into a Togekiss. I ask for Dazzling Gleam for two reasons, A. Togepi doesn't learn offensive moves except for the risky metronome, and B. Togetic can't learn any stab moves other than Fairy Wind. It would be nice to have a stab move, but if you feel it's just not a good idea, than I'd ask for Togetic instead of Togepi so I can have at least magical leaf.

Eevee - Male - Modest

IV Priority: Sp Atk / Spd

I know Eeveelutions are powerful for early game, and if you feel it's too much, I thought making his happiness be -255 would help balance him out. This would mean I'd have to do twice the work to evolve Eevee, so I won't have access to sylveon for quite some time. Male also means I can't breed the low happiness away.

Carbink - Calm / Bold

IV Priority: HP / Def / Sp Def

No notes for Carbink.

Do what you feel is best, and thank you very much for your assistance.

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  On 6/21/2016 at 4:22 AM, Cronos5010 said:

Your resident hopeless monotyper checking in; so can anyone add in a gastly and a duskull into the following save file; I'm not really asking for anything special when it comes to EVs.


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  On 6/21/2016 at 4:37 AM, Crow_BlackFeather said:

does it specifically have to be pokemon reborn or can we request pokemon to be put into rejuvenation as well?

Only Pokemon Reborn as it says in the thread title.

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Okay, I'd like to try a Mono Poison type Run (Yes I'm aware of the many vast poison types you can get early, But this would help.) Could I get a Gastly, a Skrelp, and a Shiny Skorupi? At least decent Ivs, abilities and natures don't matter, Random egg move of your choice, and make them all female. I'm currently in the starter room, so it'd be best to just put them in my PC.

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So, I'm doing a mono-rock run, like the good ol' times, and couldn't find a huge flora even past gym 4, sooo, with all the OP mons outta there, these wouldn't be worse

Rhyhorn My favorite :v

Nature and Abilities : Adamant/Jolly-Rock Head

IVs: Hp/Atk and or Def

Egg Moves: Magnitude, Iron Tail, Curse, or Elemental Fangs

As for mistery agg, I really don't know, any one of these 2:


Nature and Abilities: Same as above

IVs: Same as above

Egg Moves: Head Smash

Lileep: Storm Drain/Suction Cups

IVs:Spd/Def and or Spa

Egg Moves: Stealth rock/ Mirror Coat or Recover

Looking foward for this...also forgot this, Dan is awesome

Edit: Could rhyhorn hold a protector?

Edited by LeMarkyNoob
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I would like to do a Mono Rock/ground run

with the pokemon following pokemon with there eggmoves (you can select the eggmoves unless suggested next to the pokemons name) and I don't care about the abilities

Larvitar (please shiny)

Aerodactyl (Fire fang and thunder fang please)


Nidoran female


& Wooper

Can't wait and thankyou for doing this you da best
you can replace all 6 of the pokemon that are in my party there all scrap mons that I caught outfront of the starting area

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Edited by Crow_BlackFeather
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In preparation for Episode 16 I thought I would try a Hardcore monodragon run (staying away from all the semi-ubers), would it be possible if I could have:

Horsea (with a dragon scale please)
Trapinch (wont use it until after Julia)

And have my mystery egg changed to an Axew?

Don't care at all about egg moves and natures

Thank you!

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Edited by Bardechia
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LeMarkyNoob and Barde I'll get to your save files Friday or Saturday if nobody else hops in. As for the rest, I don't do unavailable or Pseudos as a rule so you'll have to wait for someone else to do them.

LeMarkyNoob - One thing is that Rhyhorn is a mystery egg option so if you flip Rhyhorn with either Lileep or Aron I can do that (both come around the same time anyways but I'd probably give Lileep if you don't specify). Only other thing is Head Smash Aron, but I'll give it an exception since well it's kind of hard to get (I just don't like getting a 140 BP move at the start). I do promote breeding over requesting breed moves since well, they're gone if you delete them since it's hacked in. If you breed, you can relearn the move at any time though. That's all I'll say in case you want to make revisions.

Bardechia - While your request is fine, I will say Horsea is available before Shelly in Hardcore, however, the Dragon Scale is completely unobtainable until Episode 16 comes out. Looking back, I might add the dragon scale chance back in, but let me know if you still want the Horsea added in or just the dragon scale instead.

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  On 6/23/2016 at 3:52 PM, Commander said:

LeMarkyNoob and Barde I'll get to your save files Friday or Saturday if nobody else hops in. As for the rest, I don't do unavailable or Pseudos as a rule so you'll have to wait for someone else to do them.

LeMarkyNoob - One thing is that Rhyhorn is a mystery egg option so if you flip Rhyhorn with either Lileep or Aron I can do that (both come around the same time anyways but I'd probably give Lileep if you don't specify). Only other thing is Head Smash Aron, but I'll give it an exception since well it's kind of hard to get (I just don't like getting a 140 BP move at the start). I do promote breeding over requesting breed moves since well, they're gone if you delete them since it's hacked in. If you breed, you can relearn the move at any time though. That's all I'll say in case you want to make revisions.

Bardechia - While your request is fine, I will say Horsea is available before Shelly in Hardcore, however, the Dragon Scale is completely unobtainable until Episode 16 comes out. Looking back, I might add the dragon scale chance back in, but let me know if you still want the Horsea added in or just the dragon scale instead.

Actually, could you swap aron with rhyhorn and discard all egg moves if no one does?

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Well there are 5 requests uhm? Alright, i'll take them

I'll update this and send the files to everyone when everything will be ready

EDIT: I finished now, just some points

@Heartless, I gave you what you asked for, no egg moves

@LeMarkyNoob, I gave you an Aron (no Head Smash tho for the reasons mentioned by Commander) and Rhyhorn as Mystery Egg

@Crow_BlackFeather, 6 mons were a bit too much so i gave you 3 that can help you get through early game: Nidoran, Rhyhorn and Gible. Beware, you haven't asked other specified things so IVs and Natures are random

@Flo1994, Beldum is a pseudo, i gave you Zen Headbutt as to level up with only Take Down is a pain but it has Serious Nature and not so special IVs

@Bardechia, I gave you what you asked for but i forgot to add the Dragon Scale. My bad, PM me when you'll have an Horsea and i'll give it to you. Random IVs and natures

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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The Flash Run.

Flash-Growlithe, shiny, male, Timid.

Reverse Flash-Blitzle, shiny, male, Hasty.

Killer Frost-Snorut, Non-Shiny, Female, Mild.

Vibe-Whismur, Non-shiny, Male, Modest.

Girder-Pawniard, Shiny, Male, Rash.

Firestorm - Fletching, Male, Non-Shiny, Hasty.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 9:33 AM, MEga DAVE said:

So... if it is no bother can i request

a togepi? :D (i don`t care about iv`s moves, i just adore the little guy)

a froakie/fletchling ( same as 1st don`t care about those either)

my game save is here (... 300 kb + dang it)


this thread is for special/mono runs not for asking to get any pokemon you want on your save file
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