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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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Hello There!


I've just made an account on the Forums and I've discovered this fantastic thread! I've decided to do a Monotype Playthrough of the Game! As my favorite type is Steel Type, I'll be doing a Steel Type Monotype!

- The Items could not be added. I've just put them there if you allow me to have them [:

- I would like the IVs to be Good, So 25+ would be greatly appreciated please [:

- I also asked for 1 Shiny if it's possible to have please [:

- Most of the moves that the Pokémon have are either Egg Moves, as I do not plan to breed any of them, or Moves that they can learn before level 5 [:

- All the Pokémon are listed Below :


Magnemite @ Leftovers  
Ability: Sturdy  
Level: 5  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def  
- Hidden Power [Ice]  
- Thunder Shock  
- Thunder Wave  
- Supersonic  


Aron (M) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Rock Head  
Level: 5  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Head Smash  
- Superpower  
- Harden  
- Tackle  


Beldum @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Clear Body  
Level: 5  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Take Down  


Pawniard (M) @ Lum Berry  
Ability: Defiant  
Level: 5  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Sucker Punch  
- Swords Dance  
- Substitute  
- Scratch  


Piplup (M) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Torrent  
Level: 5  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature  
- Pound  
- Growl  


Skarmory (M) @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Sturdy  
Level: 5  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Brave Bird  
- Whirlwind  
- Stealth Rock  
- Roost  


I would be really grateful if you could grant all of my wishes. <3


Thank you in advance and Have a nice day!



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Saw this amazing thread and people, and I would like to request help for a green pokemon run. :)

Below is the list of pokemon. It would be good if all comes with good IVs. Any moves will do, preferably for them to start at level 5. Thank you!


Ralts (Female) Nature: Modest  Ability: Trace
Solosis (Male) Nature: Relaxed Ability: Magic Guard
Shroomish (Male) Nature: Jolly Ability: Poison Heal
Trapinch (Male) Nature: Adamant Ability: Sheer Force
Poliwag (Male) Nature: Calm Ability: Swift Swim (HA) for Drizzle Politoed
Snivy (Female) Nature: Timid Ability: Contrary
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I' ve decided to so a fairy and psychic run and get fustrated at Shade.....

So can someone please grant this wish:

I'm doing a run that I can only obtain another pokemon for my team after I beat a certain gym leader.


-Just make sure the IV's aren't that bad, around 20to something like 31 :)


In the PC ( not used until after Corey)

All level 1 please.......

Flabebe Female/Flower Veil/No egg or tm Moves/Modest Nature

Mawile Female/Hyper Cutter/shiny/Ice fang, but it doesn't matter/Adamant Nature

Beldum/Light Metal/shiny (I know I can catch it....you don't need to give it if you think it's to.....)/Quiet Nature

Ralts/Female/Any random ablility/shiny plz/Bashful Nature

Slowpoke/Female/Regenerator/Can have Scald with it? So I won't have as much trouble with Charlotte/Timid Nature


In my team, all lv 5:

Baltoy/Levitate/shiny/Naive Nature

Eevee/Female/Anticipation/shiny/Can I have Shadow Ball?......../Modest Nature

Xatu/male/Early Bird/Can I at least have a Roost and Drill Peck?/Quirky Nature

Can you also change my fennekin to a shiny......I've resetting for 2 hours already............(And if I'm lucky, can you please increas the speed IV to 15)


Thanks in Advance~~ :)


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Hey guys i would like to do a ghost mono run.Here is the team:



Moves:Shadow Ball,Sludge Bomb,Destiny Bond



Moves:Shadow Force,Shadow Sneak



Moves:Heat Wave,Shadow Ball

Shiny(but normal is cool as well)

Items:Dusk Stone



Moves:Shadow Sneak,Swords Dance

Items:Dusk Stone



Moves:Drain Punch,Thunder Punch


Hope i'm not asking for too much 

Edit:Level 5 would be preferable plus if possible i would want the IVs to be 25+



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  On 3/5/2017 at 4:34 AM, MistDrop said:

Yes, but I need help. I want to do a Reborn Wonderlocke, but I don't want to lose my team. Can I trade them to you so that they won't lose their Digital Existence?


You can make another savefile without losing the other one. Go to Local Drive C then go the user folder and access saved games then the pokemon reborn folder. Rename the Game.rxdata file to another name. After which you can have another save file without losing the first one.

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  On 3/5/2017 at 5:38 AM, Mr. Divergent said:

You can make another savefile without losing the other one. Go to Local Drive C then go the user folder and access saved games then the pokemon reborn folder. Rename the Game.rxdata file to another name. After which you can have another save file without losing the first one.


Yes I fully understand.

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Hey guys, I was hoping to do a runthrough of Reborn with a team of Pokemon that I've never really used in the main games or in a fan game (even though I've always been really interested in using them):


Sneasel (M)—shiny; jolly; IVs with high attack and speed, average for the rest; assault vest; drain punch, ice punch, knock off, poison jab

Lileep—shiny; sassy; IVs with high Sp. Attack and High Sp. Def, average for the rest; leftovers

Scyther (M)—shiny; adamant; IVs with high attack and speed, average for the rest; metal coat; technician; bug bite, vacuum wave, iron head

Remoraid—shiny; calm; IVs with high Sp. Attack and high Sp. Def, average for the rest; king rock

Honedge—shiny; adamant; high attack IV, average for the rest

Minccino (F)—shiny; high attack IV, average for the rest; razor claw; attract


I've always thought that Sneasel/Weavile was REALLY cool, and thought that using it as my "starter" would be fun, so if it could replace my starter that would be splendid. And if they could all be Level 5 that would also be splendid.


I can see why this might be asking too much, but if it wouldn't be too much then I'd really appreciate the help you could give me--thanks!


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  On 3/5/2017 at 4:34 AM, MistDrop said:

Yes, but I need help. I want to do a Reborn Wonderlocke, but I don't want to lose my team. Can I trade them to you so that they won't lose their Digital Existence?


oups sorry for the wait. Didn't go on the site for the whole week hehe. Well, you could simply take your savefile from the folder "Saved Games" (you should be able to find it by typing that in the start menu of windows. If you have a mac, no idea) and just put it somewhere safe in your computer and then start a new game.


Edit : I just saw that someone else answered your question oopsie.

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  On 3/5/2017 at 4:34 AM, MistDrop said:

Yes, but I need help. I want to do a Reborn Wonderlocke, but I don't want to lose my team. Can I trade them to you so that they won't lose their Digital Existence?


I have 3 or 4 save files and i just rename the folder. Like Pokémon reborn_ice for my ice run when i play with another save 


The one the game starts is pokémon reborn. Any other name is just for you to know what tha save file is

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Ok... people are out of control with the things they're asking. The thread started as an alternative to do challenge runs that were not possible to do at the time and you're all asking for full teams with competitive movesets, abilities, IVs and even EVs. This completely destroys the point of the thread and it takes a lot of work to do.


With that said I'm sorry. Maybe someone else can complete your requests, but remember it will take time and there's also the possibility that it doesn't get done at all.


Also the Online Play thread exists, there are lots of people that will trade you some of the pokemon you are asking here for nothing in return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I want to do a run of Reborn where I'm basically playing as Red (the version from the games).


Can someone replace the following events with these guys?


Whismur hiding in the house near the train station into   


Lv. 5 Squirtle


Modest Nature


Rain Dish


Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Aura Sphere (Won't use that move till it's a Blastoise, just want it to have it for later)



Panpour that those thugs are threatening to toss into the water


Lv. 5 Pichu


Naive Nature




Light Ball


Tackle, Tail Whip, Thunder Shock




Fire Type under the bridge during rain


Lv. 5 Charmander


Hasty Nature 


Scratch, Dragon Dance, Ember



Teddiursa replaced with


Lv. 5 Eevee


Timid Nature




Tackle, Growl, Bite



Spoink replaced with



Lv 10 Munchlax


Careful Nature


Tackle, Defense Curl, Metronome




For the IVs, as long as they're above 20, I don't really care. Thanks in advance!










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Has anybody done a mono-ditto run?


I'd kind of like to try (although since it'd be so hard, having 6 imposter/full-IV'd dittos, half with quick powder and half with metal powder, would be preferable)


I want to see how far I can go without whiting out


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  On 3/29/2017 at 10:52 AM, Yuziriha said:

It has been like 3 weeks already.........

you don't need to do it.


The people hard at work making these custom sets don't need a passive aggressive attitude.


Anyways, I've been doing a Gym Leader run, and since Adrienn's  battle had been released, could someone add a Shiny Florges w/ Dazzling Gleam to my run?

Thanks in advance!

Leader Run

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like to do a mono-dark run and it would be quite nice to start with a few of my Fav. Monsters.

I would enjoy if it's possible i can get the following Pokemons :


Deino ; Lv 5 ; calm

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 SpA / 252Speed


Pawniard ; Lv 5 ; adamant

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 A / 252 Speed


Murkrow ; LV 5 ; adamant

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 A / 252 Speed

maybe with duskstone but not necessary

I like to have them with decent Iv arround the 20 but this is also not so necessary

Thank you very much it would be too good if you can fulfill my wishes

best regards Kantstein <3


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  On 4/13/2017 at 8:55 AM, kantstein said:

I like to do a mono-dark run and it would be quite nice to start with a few of my Fav. Monsters.

I would enjoy if it's possible i can get the following Pokemons :


Deino ; Lv 5 ; calm

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 SpA / 252Speed


Pawniard ; Lv 5 ; adamant

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 A / 252 Speed


Murkrow ; LV 5 ; adamant

Ev : 6 Hp / 252 A / 252 Speed

maybe with duskstone but not necessary

I like to have them with decent Iv arround the 20 but this is also not so necessary

Thank you very much it would be too good if you can fulfill my wishes

best regards Kantstein <3

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Done and PM'd

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/22/2017 at 5:18 AM, gryson said:

hey, i wonna try a bug mono run

because of the early acces to a lot of bugs, i only request a female combee with good iv's and nature

and the mystery egg to be larvesta ( or a larvesta with good nature and iv's in the pc level 1)


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Done and PM'd

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Hey I was hoping to do a Sneasel-starter run;


A lvl 5 Male Sneasel with Ice Punch, along with decent Attack/Speed IVs (while holding a Razor Claw), and a lvl 1 Bidoof named Peanut Butter with literally the IVs (while holding a King's Rock) would be absolutely wonderful and appreciated.




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I'd like to do a monotype Dark run. And I was hoping that someone could implement these two pokemon:


Larvitar Lv. 5

Jolly Nature

Ability: Guts

EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed


Dragon Dance


Stealth Rock

Iron Head


Deino Lv. 5

Timid Nature

EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Sp.Attack/ 252 Speed


Dragon Rage

Dark Pulse

Earth Power



Also if it isn't to much, could they please have decent IV's (maybe around the 20's ?)

Perfect IV's would be to boring and unfair.

As for my reasoning: I love the challenge of leveling these to up. It won't be easy but hey, that's what Reborn is known for.


Thank you very much.


Here is my save file:











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  On 4/23/2017 at 1:41 PM, HakuryuYukio said:



I'd like to do a monotype Dark run. And I was hoping that someone could implement these two pokemon:


Larvitar Lv. 5

Jolly Nature

Ability: Guts

EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Attack/ 252 Speed


Dragon Dance


Stealth Rock

Iron Head


Deino Lv. 5

Timid Nature

EV's: 4 HP/ 252 Sp.Attack/ 252 Speed


Dragon Rage

Dark Pulse

Earth Power



Also if it isn't to much, could they please have decent IV's (maybe around the 20's ?)

Perfect IV's would be to boring and unfair.

As for my reasoning: I love the challenge of leveling these to up. It won't be easy but hey, that's what Reborn is known for.


Thank you very much.


Here is my save file:











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