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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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If you could give me a female Modest Glaceon with a few decent IVs that would be awesome. Bonus points if it already knows Ice Beam and Shadow Ball. Thank you!


(I had already  beaten Julias gym before learning of this thread and I'd really rather not restart. Hope that's okay.)


Here you go! Game.rxdata

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I want to do a Poison monorun, but all the best poison types are so hard to get in early game so i could ask for the mons that i want. Thanks for the people who will help me.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone! 😄 Long-time player of Reborn here (Circa 2013 xD). I recently got back to playing, (Super Looooong Hiatus). Wanted to get back into playing Reborn, Esp now at 18 episodes! (WOW).  


Kinda wanted to start a new game with some handpicked mons (If that's kk) as I've done a couple mono-runs before in the past.  Would love it if someone could get some of these for meh.


Well here we gooo. (Apologies in advance for being a picky little Peterson xD)  


**(Note IV's Don't matter, but would be a nice touch if possible ;D)**


1. Modest Fenekkin/Female/shiny {Replace the one in my party) / @ Met LVL 5. 

Met area: {Whatever :D} Max IV's in all except attack. Egg Moves: Psychic Terrain, Wish HA: Magician 


2. Modest Alolan Vulpix / Female / Shiny / @ Met LVL 5 (If possible can he be holding an icestone? Ahah Yeah I totally understand if that sounds unreasonable, if so then just the mon will do :D) 

Max IVs in all but attack, Egg Move: Freeze-Dry  Ability: Snow Cloak


3. Impish Shiny Gible / Any Gender/ @ Met LVL 5 :HA: Rough-Skin 

Max IVs in all but SP.ATK.  Egg Move: Iron-Head, Body Slam 


4. Impish Shiny Wimpod / Any Gender/ @Met LVL 5 

Max IVs in all but SP.ATK. Egg Move: Spikes 


5. Jolly Type-Null @Met LVL 5 (Don't care about IV's) 


Thank you soooo much to whoever fulfills this request! 😄 I really appreciate it, and sorry in advance if it seems too unreasonable. If it is, please do let me know and I will lower it to an acceptable level. 


Thanks again! 😄




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i'm starting a Steel monorun with some specific pokémon

Jirachi, Beldum, Klink, Bronzor, Magnemite and type:null with steel memo (no need for the memory tho, pretty sure it is in the game). Would love if someone could add them to the save.

I apoligize

Game.rxdata (i dont know how early it needs to be so i saved after the train crash)

Edited by Yahen
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Hi everyone! I hope someone can help me out. I've been playing Reborn since episode 15 but my laptop broke and it took my save file with it. xC I'm gonna start again and I'm hoping someone could add this team in my game. I'd really appreciate it!


Just wanna try something new. All at level 1, female, no preference for nature and such 🙂

1. Tynamo

2. Axew

3. Deino

4. Lapras (Shell armor)

5. Gible (Rough skin)


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I was planning on doing a Dark/Ghost run and I was wondering if someone could give me a level 1-5 jolly Marshadow (not shiny please), preferably with good IVs and the moves Force palm, drain punch, assurance, and shadow sneak. Thanks in advance for the help, you guys are awesome. 


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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/30/2019 at 2:23 AM, TheOldGodDeuce said:

Hey, I'm trying to do a Ghost + fairy only team, the RNG for the egg from jasper ward didnt go in my favor, I was looking to get a Gengar. If I could get a pokemon from the Ghastly line, I would really appreciate it, Thnx.


Game.rxdata 153.28 kB · 0 downloads


Here you go! It's in Box 3 (with a little surprise 😜)

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  On 5/1/2019 at 5:08 AM, SerDerpenguin said:

Hi, I'm going to do a run with pokemon that have the levitate ability, I was hoping that I could get a Bronzor with Levitate and a Baltoy if possible. I don't have any preferences for the iv's or natures, anything you do will be greatly appreciated.

Game.rxdata 90.84 kB · 0 downloads


Here you go(there is a little bonus in the bag😉)

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  On 5/2/2019 at 9:45 AM, sanwinner said:

Hi guys, I was trying to do an egglocke of this game. Would it be possible for someone to set up an egglocke file for me?

I would like to get all the pokemons from the eggs with 31 IV's, if possible. Also, the save is not a fresh game, idk if that's a problem. 

Thanks ^^


Are you trying to start an egglocke right in the middle of your game or are you doing a fresh start? Because if you want to start from the beginning I can create a new savefile for that. Also never request an egglocke again because no one will ever dare to add each Pokemon one by one except me right now because I am bored 🙂 

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  On 5/5/2019 at 6:06 PM, Jk_Garchomp said:

Are you trying to start an egglocke right in the middle of your game or are you doing a fresh start? Because if you want to start from the beginning I can create a new savefile for that. Also never request an egglocke again because no one will ever dare to add each Pokemon one by one except me right now because I am bored 🙂 


Yeah I don't mind starting from the beginning!

Thank you so much dude and I'm sorry if I'm asking too much by asking for an egglocke 😅

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@sanwinner Here you go! Brand new savefile with (almost) 3 full boxes of eggs! Unfortunately, since just adding the Pokemon one by one and changing them into eggs (with one step to hatch btw) took so long, I did not have a look at the IV's and they don't have egg moves... BUT I did add one of each evolutionnary stones in the bag and some specific evolutionary items to make up for that. As well as a TON of Rare Candies. Have fun and good luck!

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  On 5/5/2019 at 8:33 PM, Jk_Garchomp said:

@sanwinner Here you go! Brand new savefile with (almost) 3 full boxes of eggs! Unfortunately, since just adding the Pokemon one by one and changing them into eggs (with one step to hatch btw) took so long, I did not have a look at the IV's and they don't have egg moves... BUT I did add one of each evolutionnary stones in the bag and some specific evolutionary items to make up for that. As well as a TON of Rare Candies. Have fun and good luck!

Game.rxdata 241.72 kB · 0 downloads



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