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Request-A-Mon Thread! (Pokemon Reborn Savefiles Only)


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The Flash Run.

Flash-Growlithe, shiny, male, Timid.

Reverse Flash-Blitzle, shiny, male, Hasty.

Killer Frost-Snorut, Non-Shiny, Female, Mild.

Vibe-Whismur, Non-shiny, Male, Modest.

Girder-Pawniard, Shiny, Male, Rash.

Firestorm - Fletching, Male, Non-Shiny, Hasty.

Done and PM'd!

I'd like to do a Squirtle Run, Plus one Psyduck. (if not just 6 squirtles)

EVs whatever you want, Natures whatever as well.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/4fb05u2c5ljczch/Game.rxdata < Game File.

Thank you in advance.

Done and PM'd!

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Hello, I've always wondered how good ghost types are so....

Ghastly Male Shiny

Moveset: Sludge Bomb (I want a poison type WITH poison type moves due to moveset)

If I am lucky, Dazzling Gleam would be nice


Ability: Levitate

Snorunt Female with Dawn Stone

Moveset: Ice Beam

Nature: Docile

Ability: Inner Focus

Litwick Female with Dusk Stone

Moveset: Psychic, Flamethrower

Nature: Naive

Ability: Flame Body

Honedge Femaile



Ability: No Guard

IV's all around the 25 mark

Can the mystery egg be changed to a male Frillish with the Iv's around the 25 mark

i love Giratina and having one is nice and has good IVs

Thanks in advance

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Hi everyone I am planning on coin an Ash Ketchum Kalos team themed run of reborn. Where I will be limiting myself to only using the pokemon on Ash's team in the anime in Kalos.

Unfortunately most of dh's team either isn't available or is available relatively later in the game. So If someone could add a goomy, fletchling Hawklucha, , and a pikachu ( maybe with a light ball?) I would greatly appreciate it. I already have a froakie and can get a noibat easily. Decent IVs/natures would be appreciated.

Thanks a ton


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Hey, so i'm looking to do a mono-type steel run and would really appreciate having a honehedge, skarmory and pawniard added to my file with a drillbur as my mystery egg (with decent move pools please!), if that is too much i'd love all those mons minus the pawniard, it would be awesome if these pokemon had average IV's and not perfect natures but decent/average.

If anyone could do this that would be awesome thankyou!Game.rxdata

Edited by mattyg
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Would like to do a Poison Mono type.

I want it to tell a story and not be a random run, to feel emotion to it. With that i'm setting up a background story for my mono run.

Basically finds an abandoned Shiny Nidoran (f) that was used for underground pokemon battles that do real trauma and damage to a pokemon, Nidoran didn't want to battle so was abused by past owners and thrown away even though it was a strong mon! Ourselves come from a successful family where we struggle to get rid of the black sheep/not as good as our siblings vibe. Since we're both upset and lonely we become a team and bond a strong friendship, creating a trainer willing to stand up for poison type mons. - Sad but i always feel like when i play an rpg that i have to be apart of it to really feel whats happening and love the story.

*Shiny* Nida (nidoran female) (F) @ Black Sludge Good IVs

Ability: Poison Point

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

Impish Nature

-Stealth Rocks

- Toxic Spikes

-Dragon Tail

- Super Fang

Stunky (male) Aftermath - 20's IV @Dread Plate

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD

Adamant Nature

-Sucker Punch

-Poison Jab



Skrelp (male) Adaptability - 20's IV @draco plat

EVs: 228 Hp /252 Spa /28 spe

Modest Nature

-Draco Meteor

-Sludge Wave

-Focus Blast



Edited by RESSS
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Hey, I'm looking at doing a Dark monotype run, if someone could please edit my save that would be greatly appreciated. The pokemon I'm looking for are



Sneasel in the Mystery egg and Razor claw in my items bag if possible :)

All with average IV's and decent movepools would be amazing thanks


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2nd time i have 5 files to edit rip


@Yuziriha you gave me your main save file instead of a new one, perhaps i can't edit it :/ please send me a PM with the correct file

@Dshuks done and pm'd

@mattyg done and pm'd

@RESSS i gave you the mons and what you asked for about IVs and natures, i didn't give you the movesets (too OP) and the EV spread as makes the game too easy this way and you can EV train 'em by yourself. I also didn't give you the Black Sludge, as it's relatively easy to find. Check your pms

@snoop done and pm'd, you can have a Razor Claw by reverting to an older episode

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I've been wanting to do a Ghost-type monorun for a while now. Funnily enough, I've never really used Ghost-types before, but if there's anything I love other than birbs, it's spookies. So here are my requests!



-Snorunt (F) (I'll probably keep it in my PC until I get that Dawn Stone. It'd be legal to use her but feels weird to use a non-Ghost for that long)


-Honedge (Shiny) (Shiny version is a freakin' bloody sword -- that's awesome for a spookies run! And I know it's OP, but I'll be self-imposing some limitations on it until it can be obtained for real, such as King's Shield and probably Sacred Sword being banned)

-Natures don't really matter as long as they're not awful.

-IVs preferably in the 20's range, though I don't pay as much attention to HP and speed (even though I should). It feels cheap to request it, but on any run I can spend a long time resetting until I get something decent, soooo...

-Mystery egg a guaranteed Frillish.

-Is it possible to make the Beryl Graveyard event a guaranteed Golett? Or do I just have to get lucky or wait for 7th Street to buy a bunch of Ill-Fated Dolls?

-An extra Dusk Stone in my inventory. Unfortunately there are more ghosts that need Dusk Stones to evolve than there are Dusk Stones to evolve them with.

Thank yous!


Edited by Timber Dragon
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I would like to do a dragon monotype run. Here are the mons that I would like. I'll try to keep it on the less OP side. Decent Ivs please.

Dratini @ Jolly Nature

Ability: Marvel Scale

No egg moves necessary unless you want to give it something.

Deino @ Timid Nature

I would like to have Earth Power and Dark Pulse for egg moves.

I would also like you to leave the Charmander that I chose as my starter as another "dragon" pokemon. My rules are going to be fairly loose for this playthrough considering the small amount of dragons currently in the game. If you would be willing to improve its Ivs that would be awesome, but leave its nature as timid :)

Thanks again! Let me know if theres any trouble with this request.

I know Dratini and Deino are pretty powerful, (or at least their final forms) but the both evolve fairly late so I think its fairly balanced. They will also be carrying me through most of the early mid game as the other mons I can pick up won't be all that useful.

Edit: Forget to attach file!


Edited by JaJaJa
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I would like to do a dragon monotype run. Here are the mons that I would like. I'll try to keep it on the less OP side. Decent Ivs please.

Dratini @ Jolly Nature

Ability: Marvel Scale

No egg moves necessary unless you want to give it something.

Deino @ Timid Nature

I would like to have Earth Power and Dark Pulse for egg moves.

I would also like you to leave the Charmander that I chose as my starter as another "dragon" pokemon. My rules are going to be fairly loose for this playthrough considering the small amount of dragons currently in the game. If you would be willing to improve its Ivs that would be awesome, but leave its nature as timid :)

Thanks again! Let me know if theres any trouble with this request.

I know Dratini and Deino are pretty powerful, (or at least their final forms) but the both evolve fairly late so I think its fairly balanced. They will also be carrying me through most of the early mid game as the other mons I can pick up won't be all that useful.

Edit: Forget to attach file!

not really done this for some one before, but I'll give it a shot! Will edit when I'm done

Edit: Here you go. The random initial IV's of them were pretty sweet so I just left them. gave charmander a bit of a special attack boost. dratini got aqua jet for fun. also deino has dragon rage which is broken.

Edited by DreamblitzX
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not really done this for some one before, but I'll give it a shot! Will edit when I'm done

Edit: Here you go. The random initial IV's of them were pretty sweet so I just left them. gave charmander a bit of a special attack boost. dratini got aqua jet for fun. also deino has dragon rage which is broken.

Thank you very much!!!

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Will someone get to my Ghost monorun eventually? I've been waiting on it a few days now...

I can try but I don't know how to change the mystery egg or the graveyard event. I could just add those pokemon and you could not use them till you've passed the appropriate point?

Edit: Should be done now. PM'ed to you =).

Edited by DreamblitzX
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Hi guys. I'm trying to do a mono run with the Rock type. And I really need to start with Larvitar since he is pretty much the core of the team.

The save is just after I picked my starter, so if you could add a male lvl 5 Larvitar (Guts) with Adamant nature and maxed IVs...

and the same thing with Aerodactyl, (male, lvl 5, adamant with maxed IVs). But of course, with the Rock Head ability :D ... that would be amazing and its all I ask :)

Thank you so much in advance!

EDIT: I just realised that it may be pretty hard to get a pokemon so "customized". If you can't get the right IVs there is no problem, just a good nature will suffice. But of course... if having maxed IVs is possible I'd prefer that :)


Edited by Clawnerinow
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I wanted to play through this game again, but to honor some event IRL I wanted to make my starter Munchlax (Idk if i'm doing a solo run yet soo


Bigboi - Munchlax, shiny, male, Careful. Perfect IVs and curse if possible

Ok i have PM'd you the save.

Hi guys. I'm trying to do a mono run with the Rock type. And I really need to start with Larvitar since he is pretty much the core of the team.

The save is just after I picked my starter, so if you could add a male lvl 5 Larvitar (Guts) with Adamant nature and maxed IVs...

and the same thing with Aerodactyl, (male, lvl 5, adamant with maxed IVs). But of course, with the Rock Head ability :D ... that would be amazing and its all I ask :)

Thank you so much in advance!

EDIT: I just realised that it may be pretty hard to get a pokemon so "customized". If you can't get the right IVs there is no problem, just a good nature will suffice. But of course... if having maxed IVs is possible I'd prefer that :)


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Hi, I'm doing a mono ice run. Looking for a good starter ice type starter, dunno if Bergmite would be an issue for balance or not and a female snorunt not worried about natures and ivs (just nothing terrible >.>) and a dawn stone to eventually evolve the snorunt into froslass. I'm not picky on moves, as long as I have a way to make mono ice viable early on. Also, some advice on mono ice teams would be nice, I haven't used many ice types (mainly just Glaceon, Froslass, and Mamoswine, my favorite ice types XD) Thanks in advance.


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Hi, I'm doing a mono ice run. Looking for a good starter ice type starter, dunno if Bergmite would be an issue for balance or not and a female snorunt not worried about natures and ivs (just nothing terrible >.>) and a dawn stone to eventually evolve the snorunt into froslass. I'm not picky on moves, as long as I have a way to make mono ice viable early on. Also, some advice on mono ice teams would be nice, I haven't used many ice types (mainly just Glaceon, Froslass, and Mamoswine, my favorite ice types XD) Thanks in advance.


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Hey there i really wanna do a 'roleplay playtrough' and for it i would love if i had my favourite pokemon larvesta/volcarona i tried a couple of times to get it from the mystery egg but to no avail :/

The nature etc. doesn't really matter i would like it to be female so i can breed tough!.

I would really appreciate it if you could set the egg to larvesta or if you could just add one to my box or something.

Thank you very much in advance!

Edited by mavis
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Can someone please change the Pokemon that I had received from the egg (Axew) to either a Togepi or Larvesta with epic speed please?

Highly appreciated

Edit: I decided not to change anything about the game, nor add any Pokemons. I'll just finish the game with whatever I can find. Thank you

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I think this time around, I'd like to try my hand at an Eevee-themed run.

There are only two specific Eeveelutions I want to request:

- Glaceon

- Leafeon

And that's only because those two cannot be obtained until MUCH later in the game.

I'd like to start out with a full team of Eeveelutions, but the other four can be determined via RNG.


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I am looking to do a ghost/dark run and was wondering if anyone could give me a Larvitar (adamant if possible) and sneasel (jolly if possible) for my starters

Saved file attached right after getting starter.

Thanks for any help


I think this time around, I'd like to try my hand at an Eevee-themed run.

There are only two specific Eeveelutions I want to request:

- Glaceon

- Leafeon

And that's only because those two cannot be obtained until MUCH later in the game.

I'd like to start out with a full team of Eeveelutions, but the other four can be determined via RNG.



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