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Need help with my pokemon.


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Blaziken, level 50

Naughty Nature

Speed Boost

-Brave Bird

-Blaze Kick

-Sky Uppercut

-Bulk Up

Meowstic, level 50

Modest Nature



-Disarming Voice


-Shadow Ball

Noivern, level 51

Modest Nature


(recommend a moveset)

Petilil, level 50 (need sunstone, but can't unlock the door to the tunnels in the wasteland)

Timid Nature


(recommend a moveset)

Scrafty, level 52

Adamant Nature


-Brick Break




Ampharos, level 51

Modest Nature


-Thunder Wave


-Signal Beam

-Power Gem

Espeon, level 49

Timid Nature

Magic Bounce





(Need help for moves, there is nothing it can learn)

Gardevoir, in training

Modest Nature


-Magical Leaf


-Draining Kiss

-Calm Mind

I have more pokemon in my box, but they are rather underleveled and not evolved.

Things I need

-a water type

-a ground type

-a poison type

-a tank

-another sweeper

Please leave suggestions for stuff down below!! Keep in mind that all of these pokemon are in rotation!!

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Well, for tanks there's a whole bunch of options that we have, there's Steelix, Reuiniclus, Hippowdown, Tentacruel and Carricosta.

For sweepers, a sheer force nidoking would probably do you wonders, and you probably won't even need to breed for it because it learns a lot off of tms, like sludge wave and flamethrower, and it learns earth power from leveling.

My personal favorite water type available in the game right now is Tentacruel, it's got high special defense, and it's typing has really good coverage. This should also cover three of your wanted aspects, being a tank, water, and poison.

For a ground type, I have two in mind, my personal favorite pokemon, diggersby, with a set something along the lines of huge power, earthquake, strength, swords dance, and quick attack, it's nearly unstoppable, and is only hindered by it's speed, as it one shots pretty much everything. Another good ground type(if you're lucky) is Excadrill, you can get this guy from the mystery egg event. Excadrill sets in reborn usually look something like swords dance, earthquake, metal claw, rock slide. If you also choose to take a hippowdown as your tank, you can set up a sandstom and just watch excadril sweep entire teams by itself with sand rush, giving excadril a free agility.

Edited by AnimeFg
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Flygon is a really good Ground type. I also reccomend that you do the Mudkip sidequest. Swampert is a great pokemon, offensively and especially defensively. Scolipede, Roserade are really good. Toxicroak is phenomenal, and it gets a water immunity with Dry Skin. Like Lord_Ludo and AnimeFg said, Nidoking has beautiful coverage.


Trapinch is in the top prize at the arcade, (Mudkip can be found with this video I think you must be pre Episode 15 tho), Venipede jump out of trees in the Byxbysion Wasteland, Budew can be found "Event North of Peridot Ward near the gates, requires a Rose Incense. (Weather can be Clear or Sunny)" and Croagunk will join you once you have Corey's Silver Ring (In his room at the Beryl Gym) and talk to it in the cave to the south of the power plant.

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Last time I checked (I might have done something wrong), in ep15, you can't get Trapinch in the arcade anymore. I was sad :(

Can you get Azumarril? Because that thing is so powerful (if you get it as one of those mystery eggs, awesome) and levels up fast (800.000 exp at lvl100). It can definitely take a hit, and retaliate firmly. (Tip: breed Aqua Jet on it)

Crobat is also pretty good. You can run a special Nasty Plot set (Etesian knows all about that), or a physical Brave Bird or Acrobatics set (check smogon for that). Decent bulk and a definite powerhouse at times.

Also, Toxicroak profits more from Poison Touch rather than Dry Skin, iirc.

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Yes Trapinch was moved to the trade Pokemon in the forest before Spinel town.

Azumarill is now one of the 17 Mystery egg pokemon.

Both are good options yes, if you really want an Azumarill and haven't done the Mystery Egg yet you can go back to Episode 14 and you'll just get an Azurill.

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EDIT: Alright, forgot to mention, my suggestions are for everything you can get, whether it's already obtainable or if you need to progress more. Use the pinned Location Guide V3 in the On The Hunt section to see what's where.

If you go back to E12 or earlier, the old Gen 1-5 system for breeding was used that let you breed TM moves (check this section's pinned guide for details). If you go back, you can get Blaziken Swords Dance instead of Bulk Up. Also, later on, you'll find a Bounce tutor, use that (or breed Baton Pass) instead of Brave Bird. Blaziken's gimmick is that it can get up Speed and Attack boosts and sweep, but recoil moves REALLY get in the way of that. I know Bounce is a somewhat inaccurate move, but you can get a Wide Lens and boost Bounce to almost 95% accuracy and HJK, once you get it, to 99% accuracy.

MmmmmmmmmNO. Meowstic is really bad compared to other Psychic types available around where you are. I've talked about Psychic types in-game recently, so mind if I copy-paste?

-Reuniclus should be obvious just by looking at it's stats. Hits hard, takes hits. Yes, it's really slow, but it gets Trick Room, which not only makes it almost impossible to "outspeed", but it can also help out your team's slower members. For a set, Regenerator/Magic Guard with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Calm Mind/Hidden Power/Energy Ball(E12).

-Alakazam is kind of a fast frail Reuniclus. Thus inferior because Reuniclus can patch up it's speed while Alakazam will always be frail. Run Psychic, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power, Energy Ball(E12).

-Gothitelle is best with Calm Mind, which it can set up well because of it's great bulk. Psychic, SB, Calm Mind, Energy Ball(E12)/Thunderbolt(E12).

-Sigilyph does things differently. It's got a nice set in Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Charge Beam, Air Slash. The idea is to get your bulk up with CP (which is rather easy with it's good speed), get up your Sp.Atk with Charge Beam and then spam 380 BP Stored Power (or Air Slash/Charge Beam if your foe resists it). Buuuuuut, if you don't mind a not-Psychic type replacing Meowstic, get a Clefable. It also uses CP, SP and Charge Beam, but gets Minimize. So you can be almost unhittable, on top of having max defenses and Sp.Atk. More buffs also mean a more powerful SP, which is 500 BP.

-Swoobat is...iffy, but it can REALLY pay off. Yes, it's frail and not too strong, but it's ability Simple doubles all stat changes and it's fast as hell, so you can easily use Calm Mind to double your Sp.Def and Sp.Atk, making you really specially bulky and strong quickly. Simple with Calm Mind, Psychic/Stored Power, Air Slash and Hidden Power/Charge Beam/Endeavor. Note that Simple doubles effectiveness of buffs, not number, so +3 Sp.Atk with Simple is the same as regular +6, so setting up more than 3 CMs is pointless, but Stored Power still calculates it as just +3, so SP after 3 CMs will still be 140 BP, not 260 (which is why Charge Beam can be handy, the buffs don't change your Sp.Atk past 3, but can power up SP).

-Metagross is pretty simple, Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break/Hammer Arm. Some people run Bullet Punch over Agility, but BP is a 40 BP move, only used cause it's priority, to let you "outspeed" and hit something. If you use Agility once, you'll be able to outspeed almost anything and then go for any move, including Meteor Mash, which is twice as strong as Bullet Punch is.

-Contrary Malamar with Superpower, Knock Off, Psycho Cut, Light Screen/Rock Slide(E12)/Destiny Bond. This one is the most unreliable, as it can't really deal with special attackers at all (unless you use Light Screen) and is rather weak before getting some Contrary Superpoewr boosts.

Eh, I'm no fan of Noivern, personally. People like it cause it's fast and all, but I really think it just lacks power, you can definitely do better than 97 base Sp.Atk. IF you wanna stick with it, run Dragon Pulse, Hurricane (or Air Slash if you actually want to hit something), Flamethrower (TM from the 13th gym) or Boomburst (mostly for doubles, stack up on Normal Gems) or Super Fang.

Buuuuuuuut I'd say switch it. For replacements, depends if you want a Dragon or a Flying type (or both, since I see you're mentioning a rotation):

For Flying types, there's Honchkrow, Archeops, Swellow (if you get the Toxic Orb), Staraptor, Simple Swoobat, Sigilyph, Braviary, Vivillon and Hawlucha.

-Honch has a simple set of Moxie with Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Drill Peck/Brave Bird, Tailwind/something. The only thing that really stops Honchkrow from getting some Moxie boosts and sweeping whole teams is it's lack of speed. But get up a Tailwind and you're good to go. Sure, Tailwind only lasts 4 turns, but that's plenty of time to get up enough attack boosts that you can just spam Sucker Punch effectively once Tailwind is done. For your Flying STAB, I'd recommend Drill Peck. Brave Bird is stronger, but power isn't an issue with Moxie, and Brave Bird recoil is really high and bad on something with this much power.

-Archeops is the strongest without boost, with 140 Base Attack. Just get it Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Earthquake (E12) and Dragon Claw (or Knock Off or Endeavor for Defeatist).

-Swellow and Staraptor are pretty similar, even their Brave Birds do almost exactly the same damage. And neither lasts long, Staraptor has Reckless BB, Swellow has Guts BB with a Toxic Orb. Swellow actually hits harder with it's Normal STAB, but Staraptor gets Close Combat. Which of these you want is really a preference thing.

For sets, Swellow runs Guts with Brave Bird, Facade(Arcade TM), Thief (TM before the 14th gym), Endeavor/Mirror Move/Quick Attack. Here, you can see where to get the Toxic Orb you need to activate Guts easily.

For Staraptor, it's Reckless with Brave Bird, Return (or Double-Edge if you got really unlucky and got a Toge from the Mystery Egg), Close Combat, Endeavor/Quick Attack/Thief/Mirror Move.

-Already talked about Swoobat up there^^.

-And Sigilyph^^.

-Braviary is kind of a mix of a bad Staraptor and bad Honckrow. Any ability with Tailwind, Superpower, Brave Bird, Crush Claw/Thrash (or Shadow Claw (if you beat Shade in E15) or Rock Tomb (TM before the 15th gym)).

-Vivillon is a bit iffy. It can either outspeed something and put it to sleep, then set up and sweep, or be outsped and effortlessly killed. Compound Eyes with Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Hurricane, Bug Buzz.

-Hawlucha is simple. Unburden (stack up on Flying/Fighting gems) with Swords Dance, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Earthquake(E12)/Stone Edge(E12)/Rock Slide(E12)/Poison Jab(E12)/Feather Dance.

------For Dragon types: there's really only Druddigon, Dragalge and Tyrantrum. All of which are really simple.

-For Druddigon, run Sheer Force wtih Superpower, Outrage/Dragon Claw, Sucker Punch, Fire Fang/Thunder Fang/Earthquake(E12)/Rock Tomb(TM before the 15th gym)/Rock Slide(E12).

-For Dragalge, run Adaptability with Dragon Pulse, Sludge Bomb/Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf(TM after the 12th gym)/Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt(E12). (or Hidden Power)

-For Tyrantrum, it's Rock Head with Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Head Smash (88% accuracy with a Wide Lens) and Dragon Claw.

Actually, you don't need to unlock that door to get a Sun Stone. If you have the Mining Kit (if not, check the item guide I linked earlier), you can just save in front of a mining rock and soft reset until you get a Sun Stone from it...might take a while.

For an actual set, it's like Vivillon's set, Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder, Petal Dance, Hidden Power. Make it's ability Own Tempo instead of Chlorophyll, so that Petal Dance doesn't confuse you. Also, how good this set is really depends on what Hidden Power you get (Rock would be perfect for it). Look at the guide to see how to get the IVs for a specific Hidden Power or...try the Trading Service topic?

-If you don't wanna go for that specific Hidden Power, Lilligant will still be alright, but not better than Gourgeist. Gourgeist is THE bulkiest thing in the entire game (at least physically bulky). Frisk/Pickup with Leech Seed, Will-o-Wisp(E12), Protect(E12) and Phantom Force. The gimmick is simple, use WoW on the foe to halve their attack and make them lose 1/8th of their HP each turn, LS to give yourself recovery and take another 1/8th per turn, then alternate between Protect and PF to be unhittable every 2 out of 3 turns while LS and WoW do damage. This thing soloed Solaris Garchomp for me.

Scrafty's a lot better with Dragon Dance, HJK, Crunch and Ice Punch (Thunder Punch only hits 2 types supereffectively, both IP and TP would mostly be used to hit the Flying types Scrafty is weak to). It's kinda like Honchkrow, fix up it's speed issues and Moxie lets it sweep.

Alright, I guess? Ampharos is bulky, but not that bulky. And it's slow, so it'll be worn down . Instead, either get a Magnezone to make have a bulkier Electric type (though it'll still be worn down eventually and Magnezone's "coverage" is just sad) or a Heliolisk. Heliolisk is waaaaaaay faster, has incredible coverage with things like Surf, Grass Knot and Dark Pulse. And it's abilities will be really good against any gym leader that brings weather. Also, if you have a Ninetales around (or a level 1 Vulpix, that works too (although Ninetales is worth a team slot, especially if you've got a rotation going)), you can have Heliolisk's Solar Power active all the time, and SP Heliolisk REALLY hurts.

Well, again, better Psychic types and all that jazz. Though Espeon is actually usable. Keep Psychic, give it the Grass Knot TM you'll get before the 13th gym, see what Hidden Power you can get onto it, go to E12 and get it Shadow Ball (female Meowstic with SB, hatch a male Espurr with SB, breed that with a female Eevee).

No.Gardevoir is both slow and really physically frail, so howevermany CMs you get up, you either have to waste them all and switch or waste them all and get killed. You can run it without CM, but without boosts, there's plenty of better Psychic types and Fairy types.

For Fairy type replacements, again, copy-pasting:

For Fairy types, you've got yourself Granbull, Clefable, Sylveon, Azumarill (if you did the Growlithe trade before E15 or if you get lucky in E15) and I guess Whimsicott.

-Granbull is pretty physically bulk especially with Intimidate, has great coverage and hits pretty hard. It's especially useful if you have a TR setter to help with that terrible speed.

-Clefable's biggest plus is that it has the bulk that let's it pull of a Minimize, Charge Beam, Cosmic Power, Stored Power set very well. Minimize makes you almost unhittable (especially with Cute Charm as it's ability), Comsic Power makes it so that you take almost no damage when you do get hit, Charge Beam buffs up that not-so-great Sp.Atk, Stored Power is your nuke button. With evasion, both defenses and your sp.atk at max, Stored Power has 500 BP, which is frightening without taking into account that your Sp.Atk is at +6.

-Sylveon's my favorite Fairy type because of it's combination of Pixilate and Trump Card, which gives it a 390 BP nuke which can be fired off turn one (just go waste some PP battling wild Pokemon or something). It's also got godly Sp.Def. But like all Eevelutions, it's other coverage options are terrible.

-Azumarill can be used in 2 ways, either a Belly Drum set-up-er (though that means you'll almost exclusively be using Aqua Jet) or just with 4 attacks (where you can do whatever you want, Azumarill has the bulk to take a hit or two).

-Whimsicott is really more of a supporter, it's Sp.Atk is really not that good. But it can trivialize all "boss fights", against a single Pokemon that's much higher level than any of yours, which happen a lot. But if that's what you wanna use it for, a Prankster Murkrow with Perish Song is way better. I wouldn't use either as a member of my default 6 though.

For sets, in order:

-Intimidate, Play Rough, Outrage/Fire/Thunder/Ice Fang/Crunch/Close Combat/Brick Break(TM later)/ Iron Tail(tutor later)/Earthquake(pre-E13 breeding(the chain would be Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Snubbul or Sandshrew/Diglett/Wooper/Numel>Mankey>Snubbul for EQ and CC))

-Cute Charm, Minimize, Comsic Power, Charge Beam, Stored Power.

-Pixilate, Trump Card, Hidden Power (ideally Ground), Shadow Ball, Round (TM in the Obsidia Department Store). Another options would be Trump Card (without wasting PP in the wild), Round, Curse and Hidden Power Ground/Dig. Curse buffs up your bad physical defense, so that you can stay in on anything and spam Pixilated moves. Ground+Fairy is almost perfect neutral coverage, so use either Dig or Hidden Power Ground (Dig is obviously way easier to get, pre-E13 breeding (via Sandshrew/Diglett/Onix/Dunsparce>Eevee))

-Huge Power, Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough or Huge Power, Waterfall, Play Rough, Superpower/Bounce (tutor later)/Brick Break/Aqua Jet/Body Slam.

-Prankster, Tailwind/Memento/Leech Seed/Encore/Stun Powder. (Just FYI, Prankster only ups the priority of status moves by 1 level, so Trick Room would still have -6 priority).

Now, for the things you say you need. I already suggested a lot of sweepers and the best tank (and IMO, the only one worth using).

For Water types

Kingler, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Clawitzer, Empoleon and Relicanth are the ones that...do anything worth a team slot, while Feraligatr, Empoleon and Gorebyss are the best Water types in the game IMO. Sets:

-Sheer Force, Agility, Waterfall, Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break/Knock Off for Kingler (Archen>Corphish>Krabby for RS and KO in E12, Kricketune/Karrablast/Ninjask/Dwebble>Skorupi>Krabby for XS and KO in E12, Corphish>Archen>Anorith>Krabby for all RS and XS or all three in E12)

-Adaptability, Knock Off, Waterfall/Crabhammer, Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet/Rock Slide(E12)/X-Scissor(E12)/Brick Break. Aqua Jet is pointless if you aren't using SD, chains for RS and XS are the same as for Krabby.

-Water Veil, Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail.

-Mega Launcher, Water Pulse/Scald(E12), Ice Beam(E12)/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Sludge Wave for Clawitzer, the chain for Ice Beam and Scald is in the guide.

-Rock Head/Sturdy, Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake(E12), Zen Headbutt/Yawn for Relicanth (Whiscash for Zen Headbutt and EQ, Wooper or Whiscash for EQ).

-Any Ability, Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Hidden Power Grass/Electric, Shell Smash for Gorebyss. Psychic is also an option for a 3rd attack if you're too lazy to get the right Hidden Power, but HP Grass/Electric works much better. You can also go with Baton Pass.

-Torrent, Agility, Surf/Scald(E12)/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam(E12), Grass Knot for Empoleon. Chain in the guide.

-Sheer Force, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance for Feraligatr.

There's also the mystery egg from the police in the Jasper Ward, which can give you, for Water types, Tentacruel, Starmie and Azumarill. For those:

-Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald(E12)/Surf, Ice Beam(E12), Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD(E12), Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Natural Cure, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Power Gem, Icy Wind/Minimize.

-Huge Power, Belly Drum/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Bounce/Superpower/Brick Break/Body Slam.

For Ground types

There's Hippowdon, Rhyperior, Krookodile, Stunfisk, kind of Golurk, NIdoking, Torterra, Mamoswine.

-Sand Force (Sand Rush only benefits you by getting tiny amounts of chip damage, but hurts your entire team for the same amount) with Earthquake, Crunch/Body Slam/Fire Fang/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/a Rock move from E12.

-Solid Rock with Earthquake, a Rock move, Megahorn/Poison Jab/Hammer Arm/Shadow Claw/Metal Burst.

-Moxie with Earthquake, Crunch, a Rock move from E12, Outrage.

-Static with Scald(E12), Discharge, Earth Power, Sludge Wave (TM soonish).

-Iron Fist with Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Heavy Slam (another option is No Guard with Dynamic Punch instead of Hammer Arm and Phantom Force over Shadow Punch). Golurk is slow and not that bulky, so I wouldn't recommend it over any of the other Ground types here, but hey, it's usable.

-Sheer Force with Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Ice Beam/Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Icy Wind, Sucker Punch (Icy Wind is from a tutor, the other three are from E12)

-Overgrow with Wood Hammer/Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Body Slam/Crunch/Superpower/a Rock move from E12.

-Thick Fat with Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear/Icicle Crash, a Rock move from E12/Body Slam. Another option is Curse, Avalanche, Earthquake, Ice Shard.

For Poison types

Arbok, Crobat, Nidoking, Muk, Drapion, Toxicroak, Dragalge, Tentacruel (if you got it from the Mystery Egg), Roserade, Scolipede.

-Intimidate with Coil, Sucker Punch, Gunk Shot, Earthquake.

-A physical set works, Acrobatics, Cross Poison, Zen Headbutt/Bite, Curse (yes, Curse. one of Crobat's main assets is it's speed, but if you stack up on some White Herbs, you can use Curse to buff Attack and Speed, have the White Herb remove the Speed drop and have Acrobatics at full itemless power). But a special set is stronger. Nasty Plot, Venoshock (especially good if you have some Toxic Spiker, even a level 1 Pineco works), Air Slash and Hidden Power Fighting/Ground.

-Covered above.

-Poison Touch (30% chance to poison with all contact moves, 44% chance with Poison Jab) with Poison Jab, Shadow Sneak, Curse/Dig(E12), Brick Break(TM from the 12th gym).

-Sniper with Agility, Swords Dance/Dig(both from E12), Night Slash, Cross Poison. Sniper makes critical hits do 2.25x damage instead of 1.5x. And moves with upped crit rates are guaranteed to crit if you have Drapion hold a Scope Lens(from the Department Store)

-Toxicroak is really good with Poison Touch with Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, or really bad with no set-up move.

-Covered above.

-Covered above.

-Technician with Hidden Power (ideally Fire or Rock), Sludge Bomb(E12), Giga Drain/Magical Leaf/Leaf Storm, Extrasensory.

-Speed Boost with Megahorn, Poison Jab(E12), Rock Climb, Pursuit.

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Looking at your team there are a few pokemon that you can keep like blaziken, noivern and gardevoir.

So looking at the above 3, we still need to cover water, ground and poison as you wanted. Blastoise and nidoking are 2 pretty good options imo as they fulfil your need for all 3 types. Blastoise can function as a semi-tank(?) and nidoking can be the sweeper with the wide array of tm moves you can get on it. Flamethrower, sludge wave, earth power and megahorn would be an example of a moveset you can try on nidoking. The last pokemom I typically likes to run a cleric, which might or might not helps in-game for you, but it's my style and has helped me alot. I personally used sylveon and you can consider that, though that might clash with gardevoir in terms of typing, so you might also consider espeon as your psychic type. Reuniclus is also a good option as a psychic type since it has decent bulk and hits pretty hard. It also gets recover and trick room which could make it pretty self-sufficient.

Your noivern could run something like dragon pulse, air slash/hurricane, flamethrower and tailwind for example consider theres a fair amount of double battles tailwind can come in handy.

Edited by Akiyama
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Water type eh. here is a list of water types you can consider putting in your team. some of which can't be gotten yet but you can consider putting them in you team and use a sub water type before you can get the spesific water pokemon you like.

Physical Attack water types


Ability:Huge power

Aqua jet(egg move)

Belly drum(egg move)

Superpower( can be replaced with waterfall if you don't want coverage)

Play Rough


Ability:Rock solid

Aqua jet(can be replaced with waterfall)

Shell smash

Aqua Tail(can be replaced with waterfall)

Rock Slide


Ability:Tough Claws

Item: wide lens

Razor shell

shell smash

Stone edge

Cross Chop


Ability:Swift Swim

Ice fang(use heart scale)

Aqua Tail

Aqua jet

Crunch(use heart scale)



crunch/knock off/night slash

Razor shell


Swords dance


Ability: Sheer force


Metal Claw

Secret Power

Protect(replace with brick break)


Ability:speed boost

Aqua jet(replace with water fall when you get it)


Poison Fang

Ice Fang




Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt



Ability:Swift swim

Rain Dance

Wake-Up Slap(replace with brick break once you get the TM)

Belly drum/Body Slam( can be relaced with thief/bulldoze/Rock Tomb once you get the TM)

Waterfall(replace with Body Slam/Submision before you get the Hm)


Ability:Lightning Rod


Poison Jab




Ability:Sheer Force


Ice punch( breed using this chain: Medicham(ice punch)>buneary>delibird>Totodile, replace with ice fang if you dont bother breeding)



Quagsire(bluky sweeper)

Ability:Water Absorb

Curse(egg move, breed by using this chain Yamask(curse)>shellos(recover)>wooper )


Recover( egg move,breed by using this chain Yamask(curse)>shellos(recover)>wooper)

Waterfall( can be replaced with yawn to do even more set up when cause i dont think the ai will switch if you use yawn)



Curse(egg move, just breed it with a bergmite with Curse+Avalanche)


Avalanche(egg move, just breed it with a bergmite with Curse+Avalanche)



Ability:Swift Swim


Ice fang

Aqua Tail/waterfall

Shell Smash





Strength/skull bash(Egg move breed with shapedo)




Swords Dance

Aqua jet/waterfall

Metal Claw

Drill peck

Special Attack water types


Ability:Rain Dish/Torrent

Hydro Pump(can be replace with water spout if you can find a pokemon to breed)

Dark Pulse( teach when you get the tm which is after the dark gym which is the 9th gym but till than replace with water pulse)

Dragon Pulse(egg move , replace with Rain dance if you do not bother breeding)

Flash cannon(use heart scale to teach)


Ability:Swift swim

Hydro Pump(replace with surf,water pulse if you hate the low accuracy)

Signal Beam

Air Slash

Rain Dance(replace with Mirror coat if you are breeding)


Ability:RainDish/Swift Swim

Energy ball

Hydro pump

Giga drain

Mist(replace with rain dance if you do not have a rain dance pokemon)


Ability:Water Absorb

Aurora Beam

Muddy Water

Hydro Pump

Shadow ball(if you got it from shade earlier, replace with rain dance)


Ability:Rain Dish/keen eye(use keen eye when running surf in Charlotte gym hehe it will make everyone in the super heated feild lose accuracy)

Rain Dance(can be replace with mist if you have already have a rain set up pokemon)

Surf(replace with mist if you want a super support tanky pelipper)





surf( can be replaced with scald if you wanna breed in episode 12)

Icy wind(move tutor,can be replaced with ice beam if you breed in episode 12)

Dragon pulse(egg move)



Ability: Water absorb

Surf(can be replaced with scald)

Ice beam

Freeze Dry(egg move)

Dragon pulse( breeding,can be replaced with thunderbolt if you breed in episode 12)


Ability:Volt absorb


Signal Beam

Icy wind(ice beam if you wanna breed in episode 12)



Ability:Mega launcher

Dark pulse

Dragon pulse

Water pulse

Aura sphere


Ability:swift swim


dragon pulse

Rain dance

Icy wind(move tutor)

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