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Can you change your ability to a hidden ability?


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I was resetting the game like mad trying to get a good nature/good ivs for my Froakie. I didn't get Protean or a good nature but I got these IVS:







I know some of you breeders are like thats nothing but for me who isn't really interested in breeding like mad to get the perfect IV dittos or whatever thats pretty dam cool/lucky.

Is it possible to get Protean somehow by changing abilities or will I have to breed this Froakie?

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Yes, there are ability capsules hidden around Reborn City.

Unlike the normal games, you can get your pokemon's hidden abilities from using them in Reborn.

The first one you can find is hidden on a boulder just outside of Team Meteor's factory. It has a large antenna on it and you can easily find it while walking up the tracks in Peridot ward(This is before your first gym battle, don't worry).

Edited by aquawaffle
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There are ability capsules throughout reborn in fact one of them is a hidden item right outside one of the factories. You can use that to change the ability though it cycles through them which means that the next one migh not be protean and you'll have to find another ability capsule to change it again.

EDIT: Ninja'd, you were too fast for me THIS time but mark my words I WILL get you next time *Steps backwards into the shadows*

Edited by micky33000000
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Thanks guys those IVs I got were actually quite beastly. I was shocked. Like what are the odds of getting 3 perfect IVs and 2 close to perfect IVs on a non bred pokemon. Attack doesn't even matter so I am very happy with that.

As for the ability capsule not giving the right ability I could just save scum for that I guess.

So ability capsules can give hidden abilities in this? I believe the real game doesn't do that.

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Froakie, as well as all the other starters only have their normal ability, which powers up their respective type's attacks when their HP is low, and their hidden abilities.

That's 2 abilities, so you'll only have to worry about finding the one ability capsule.

Also, when using an ability capsule, the game cycles from normal ability 1 to normal ability 2(if it has a second normal ability), and then its hidden ability, and then back to normal ability 1. In that order every time. So, it's not random. Froakie only has Torrent and Protean, so you wont have to worry.

Edited by aquawaffle
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Unfortunately you can't like I said before it cycle through them it doesn't just pick at random unfortunately so I guess we'll see.

And as I said before: starters only have 1 ability apart from their hidden abilities.

Felixng's Froakie is guaranteed to get Protean from the the ability capsule.

Edit: I might've misunderstood Micky's post.

Edited by aquawaffle
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And as I said before: starters only have 1 ability apart from their hidden abilities.

Felixng's Froakie is guaranteed to get Protean from the the ability capsule.

Um, pretty sure he said what you quoted to tell OP that you can't save scum because it goes in order, so that he doesn't waste time soft resetting with something because he can't get form ability #1 straight to #3. At least that's what it looks like.

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Another question can I get Technician on my Kricketott when it evolves if its ability currenlt is Shed Skin(not the hidden ability)?

I already used my ability capsule and I wouldn't use it on a temp pokemon anyway.

Basically when a pokemon evolves is the ability chosen random or set at what it was before(hidden/normal)?

Edited by felixng2016
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Hidden ability pre-evo will still evolve into HA evo, in another words, what are you looking for in Kricketot is Run Away ability in order to evolve it into Technician, you can still use a. capsule on Kricketot

Same logic applies to first ability pre-evo evolving into first ability evo, so is second ability if the species and its evo have got second ability

Given how precious a. capsule is, wasting it on temp mon might not be worthwhile tho

Ability in evolution is set, unless pre-evo has only one ability and evo form has two abilities, then the ability can branch out, in kricketot's case it has only got one ability and one HA, therefore the regular ability one evolves into regular ability Kricketune, same goes to HA being HA Kricketune, will not interfere with each other

Edited by TimTim
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I figured. I didn't think and just saved when I got that pokemon lol. Sometimes I get caught off guard and dont realize getting a pokemon or dont pay much attention so I didn't save right before that happens. I think in this case I thought it was just a weak bug pokemon but its actually really good with technician early.

How annoying :/.

Edited by felixng2016
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