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Pokémon Reborn Hardcore: Evolution is for babies


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Yeah guys, my next challenge is here, and it's harder than ever (Because I want to die, obviously).

So yeah, Hardcore NFE, if I win this I guess pokémon won't prove to be a challenge anymore, but what can you do...

Before I start, I have 4 question that you guys will choose, you have in your hands the key of how hard this thing will be, so yeah, bring it on.

The rules:

  • I can't use in battle any pokémon that can't evolve, no exceptions.
  • Set mode, Shift is for pussies.
  • No item in battle, like a competitive player.
  • I have to beat all the trainers, so yeah wish me luck against Solaris
  • I can't go to any important battle with my level over the level cap, gotta be hardcore.
  • For each important battle, you guys can decide a pokémon that I'm obligated to use, here are the list of those battles:

    Both double battles at the mansion

So yeah guys, and here are your choices:

  1. My starter
    1. Chimchar, he has that beautiful Nasty Plot and can go mixed.
    2. Snivy, he is fast, bulky and Contrary Leaf Storm is strong.
    3. Froakie, because he is the fastest and Protean.
  2. Axing a pokémon after each gym:
    1. Yes, like in the Rainbow Generation run, with this you may lose some great NFE and have to use least viable options.
    2. No, NFE is challenge enough.
  3. Have an obligatory pokémon for each gym choosen by the community:
    1. Totally yes, good luck beating Ciel with that awesome Metapod.
    2. No, that's stupid, go with the best you can, those base stats of the NFE are bad enough.
  4. A banlist:
    1. Yes, some NFE are as good as a lot of fully evolved pokémon. Things like Rhydon, Magneton, Sneasel, Magmar or Porygon2 shouldn't be used.
    2. No, you can use the few pokémon that can pull their weight, you deserve it.
Edited by Redo.
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The rules:

  • Set mode, Shift is for pussies.
  • No item in battle, like a competitive player.
  • I can't go to any important battle with my level over the level cap, gotta be hardcore.

Let me tell you, I don't even know if it is possible to do an NFE with this type of ruleset. Heck, I don't even know if it's possible for a regular run to with these rules. I would consider dropping them or allowing your pokemon to fully evolve should it be too much as some leaders like Shelly are brick walls that don't know how to die. Others are able to tear through anything that isn't defenses above 100 BST. But good luck regardless.

Also, one does not simply not go over the level cap in Hardcore.

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Let me tell you, I don't even know if it is possible to do an NFE with this type of ruleset. Heck, I don't even know if it's possible for a regular run to with these rules. I would consider dropping them or allowing your pokemon to fully evolve should it be too much as some leaders like Shelly are brick walls that don't know how to die. Others are able to tear through anything that isn't defenses above 100 BST. But good luck regardless.

Also, one does not simply not go over the level cap in Hardcore.

Nothing is impossible, the good NFE are there and, worst case scenario, I can easily re-catch everything and EV train them to perfection after Corey.

And for the level cap... well, the Common Candies are there and I'll ask if someone can edit me in infinite money or a stupid amount of Common Candies.

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I voted no on the releasing. The reason I added that to my run was having full access to any pokemon, even if I was limited to one per generation, was not a real challenge. You're already limiting yourself by only using NFE. To hobble yourself further with releasing is just brutal. However, having an obligatory fan chosen pokemon seems like a great way to include your audience.

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I voted no on the releasing. The reason I added that to my run was having full access to any pokemon, even if I was limited to one per generation, was not a real challenge. You're already limiting yourself by only using NFE. To hobble yourself further with releasing is just brutal. However, having an obligatory fan chosen pokemon seems like a great way to include your audience.

If you guy don't troll me, it's an awesome idea, with pokémon that aren't in the main team of anyone having the time to shine to particular gym leaders (Like Butterfree vs Ciel).

And about the banlist that some people want, please tell me all the pokémon I should ban, so later in the game I don't have to rebattle some leaders because "ELECTABUZZ IS TOO OP, NO FUN, HE IS WAY BETTER THAN RAICHU OR <INSERT ELECTRIC TYPE HERE>, BATTLE IT AGAIN!"

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Ok guys, time to close the poll, the following things won:

  1. Snivy is my starter.
  2. No axe
  3. Yes on the obligatory community pokémon.
  4. No banlist.

So yeah, I'm going to start soon the challenge, but for now you guys can choose the obligatory one for the following battles, remember this is a democracy and the most wanted pokémon is on the team.

Also, if you guys don't choose anything, I can't continue playing, so please try to at least say "Use Metapod for ALL THE GYM LEADERS" at least.

The following trainers get the obligatory pokémon rule:

  • Julia
  • Florinia
  • Corey
  • Shelly
  • Shade
  • Cal
  • Kiki
  • Solaris
  • Aya
  • Serra
  • Noel
  • El
  • Radomus
  • Luna
  • Samson
  • Charlotte
  • Blake
  • Terra
  • Both double battles at the mansion
  • Ciel

So cast your votes starting now! (I won't be able to play without at least 1 person saying "Use x for Julia")

ALSO, because I love you, I'll name my pokémon after people of this forum, cool right?

Edited by Redo.
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Hey, I loved your last run and will definitely follow this one.

Since I understand very little outside of "pick a starter, over-level and sweep the game with it" that the original games taught me, I'm gonna say Zigzagoon for Julia and Burmy for Florinia because i've never seen a Zigzagoon used for anything other than HMs and a Burmy at all. But a Pineco would be nice too hahha

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Hey, I loved your last run and will definitely follow this one.

Thanks mate, people following this is my motivation to continue.

Really guys, Noibat? Ugghhh well, the word of the people is my obligation.
Also, I'll only name the pokemon that are on the team that beat a gym leader/important battle, as a prize of some sort.
I got Snivy has my starter.
VS Cain:
Tackle spam beat Cain.
VS Victoria:
Tackle spam beat Victoria.
  • Goldeen
  • Zigzagoon
  • Grimer
  • Trubbish
  • Budew
  • Whismur
  • Noibat
VS Fern:
Trubbish'S Acid Spray destroyed Lombre, Servine and Roselia.
VS Aster and Eclipse:
Wiped te 1st time.
Wiped the 2nd time.
Wiped the 3rd time.
Wiped the 4th time
Got tired and changed to my best possible team (I box all the pokemon that hit the level cap (In this case Lv19) so I can continue grinding my rotation, but this proved impossible to beat those guys so I had to go back and withdraw some stuff).
Wiped a 5th time.
Wiped a 6th time.
Finally beat them in the 7th try. I had to use a cheap tactic of using Acid Spray to destroy both pokemon SpDef. Luckily for me the AI derped and used Shock Wave a lot of times on Goldeen. Commander you should nerf this battle a bit, specially the Magmar who was a pain.
VS Julia:
4, FOUR CRITICIAL HITS from Emolga of doom destroyed my team the 1st time.
I lost the 2nd time because of Noibat is a pokemon less... really guys, I hate you, why would you force me to use such a bad pokemon?
4th time, Emolga destroyed me.
5th time is the charm I guess, for once my strategy vs Magnemite failed as Grimer decided to miss that key Mud Bomb and died to a Charge Beam, also Goldeen died and Noibat [!] revenged both of them (To be fair, Noibat outspeed Magnemite and it was on red health) but then Emolga begin to destroy my team again until Servine put a stop to it. Luckily my MVP Roselia could easily use Growth 3 times on Chinchou (That thing couldn't touch him) and finally I could beat that Electrode.
Team after the battle:




Chubb ♀ Lv19 @ Black Sludge
Sticky Hold
-Mud Bomb
-Poison Gas
Dragon116 ♂ Lv21 @ Rose Incense
Poison Point
-Magical Leaf
-Mega Drain
-Stun Spore
Commander ♂ Lv19
-Leaf Tornado
-Vine Whip
vszarpellon ♂ Lv19 @ Black Sludge
-Acid Spray
-Poison Gas
-Toxic Spikes
MechaStan ♂ Lv19
-Wing Attack
D.Korematsu ♀ Lv19
-Water Pulse
-Horn Attack
-Tail Whip

Okay guys, you can continue to vote for my obligatory pokemon vs Florinia, but please no Noibat.
Edited by Redo.
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First I get a "It's too easy" now I get a "It's too tough" I suppose all I can really do is give Magmar Ember as Incinerate will do about the same amount of damage as Flame Burst. I'll change that for the 1.9 update. It was the one battle I didn't test because I was thinking they'd still be pitifully easy (I beat them effortlessly with their original moveset). It's a 9v2 so of course I'm going to make it somewhat of a challenge. Hopefully it'll be better in the update, but just saying so-and-so needs a nerf isn't helpful at all. I need a thorough explanation or at least something to work off of.

Julia is what I like to call the wake-up call boss. She's designed that way to change your thinking that having a Ground or Grass type will guarantee victory. It also is to make Pokemon who would normally suck in Reborn (Swalot, Pelipper, ie) and flip the usability table upside down to the level shift and early evolutions being critical against the early bosses. I had to redesign Florinia due to this. Trust me, Hariyama can't even sweep her anymore.

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if you got the ducklett egg, i would like to see ducklett against florina, other wise, i would like to see wormadam (you can chose what type, but i would suggest ground)

If I get Ducklett I can use it, but I can't use Wormadam as it's a fully evolved pokémon, and it break the point of this challenge run

Edited by Redo.
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Hmm...for Florinia since you won't have any bulk (Swirlix is about it), you're going to want some hard and fast hitters as one turn of her Pokemon living makes them all the more threatening. She has only a couple very strong attacks, but she's not an offensive leader which you'll quickly notice. 4 Status Effect Moves (Well five depending if you count a certain one), 2 Hazard moves, 1 Weather Changing, 2 Stat Enhancing Moves, and 1 Recovery Move.

Herdier is definitely something you want with Ice Fang (Fire works, but nothing on her team resists Ice) and you might want to poison one of your Pokemon and have Facade in order to dish out Max Damage since you won't have any evolved Pokemon. I don't know about Mr. Ice Cream, but it could work.

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First I finally fixed the first update for those who want to see my team in detail for Julia.


I'm a shiny Roslia. Not sure if happy or disturbed. I'm going to look positive and think happy.

Anyways, I'll repeat what I said earlier. Pineco for Florina. PIkachu for Corey.

You should be happy, you're shiny, male, and by the rules of this run you'll probably be forever in rotation because of sheer base stats.

First I get a "It's too easy" now I get a "It's too tough" I suppose all I can really do is give Magmar Ember as Incinerate will do about the same amount of damage as Flame Burst. I'll change that for the 1.9 update. It was the one battle I didn't test because I was thinking they'd still be pitifully easy (I beat them effortlessly with their original moveset). It's a 9v2 so of course I'm going to make it somewhat of a challenge. Hopefully it'll be better in the update, but just saying so-and-so needs a nerf isn't helpful at all. I need a thorough explanation or at least something to work off of.

Julia is what I like to call the wake-up call boss. She's designed that way to change your thinking that having a Ground or Grass type will guarantee victory. It also is to make Pokemon who would normally suck in Reborn (Swalot, Pelipper, ie) and flip the usability table upside down to the level shift and early evolutions being critical against the early bosses. I had to redesign Florinia due to this. Trust me, Hariyama can't even sweep her anymore.

Probably because my team wasn't made to beat Aster and Eclipse, but damn that battle was hard. Also, the thing that made both cheap is that both Electabuzz and Magmar could easily 0HKO all Fern's pokemon with Flame Burst and Fire Punch (Also mine, that Flame Burst was a pain).
Julia wasn't exactly impossible, the 1st time I lost to horrible hax in 4 consecutive CH on her side, it wasn't my strategy. But I could easily destroy her in my 2nd or 3rd try, in both cases it was a Electrode (30% HP remaining) vs Noibat, and I'm sure if I had Loudred or whatever that was actually an "okay" pokemon I would have been victorious. The 4th time bad missplay cost me the match and finally the 5th time 3 Growths (normally I had 1 in the Roselia vs Electrode) proved to be my answer.

sorry, i forgot it's an evolution of burmy....

No problem mate, mistakes happen.

:c I'm sorry for missing a Mud Bomb.

Anywayyy, for Florinia, how about using Vanillite?

No problem mate, you're awesome and an MVP, also you did your job of killing Magnemite all those time I failed to beat her in the end.

Hmm...for Florinia since you won't have any bulk (Swirlix is about it), you're going to want some hard and fast hitters as one turn of her Pokemon living makes them all the more threatening. She has only a couple very strong attacks, but she's not an offensive leader which you'll quickly notice. 4 Status Effect Moves (Well five depending if you count a certain one), 2 Hazard moves, 1 Weather Changing, 2 Stat Enhancing Moves, and 1 Recovery Move.

Herdier is definitely something you want with Ice Fang (Fire works, but nothing on her team resists Ice) and you might want to poison one of your Pokemon and have Facade in order to dish out Max Damage since you won't have any evolved Pokemon. I don't know about Mr. Ice Cream, but it could work.

Thanks for the help, Florinia was WAAAY harder than I expected but I beat her in the end.

So by popular choice my obligatory pokémon is Herdier who got the most vote, and to be honest I was considering it too before you obligated me to use it, I'm not complaining this time.


  • Onix
  • Klink
  • Pacham
  • Pidove
  • Makuhita
  • Mankey
  • Drowzee
  • Litleo
  • Vanillite
  • Electrike
  • Seel
  • Happiny
  • Lillipup
  • Slakoth
  • Shinx
  • Slugma
  • Spearow
  • Bellsprout

Wow, I did catch a lot this time.

VS Victoria:
Lost in my 1st try to that Pignite.
After my first lost I made my team a bit more "anti Victoria" with stuff like Goldeen and Noibat, well, this time was easier. Roselia handled the Scraggy and paralized the Pignite, but that pig killed Roselia, Goldeen and Trubbish before falling to Grimer, who also destroyed Kirlia. Finally Poliwag beat Grimer but Servine finished the job.
VS Scrafty Gang:
Well, I could set up easily my 2 Toxic Spikes, but my team was massacred by Dragonborn and the Moxie Scraggy, but Stallord, meet Grimer and Minimize, YES I STALLED 2 SCRAGGY (ONE WITH 3 IRON DEFENSE AND 3 AMNESIA) AND ONE SCRAFTY WITH ONE GRIMER AND WON, GG GAME.
VS Cain:
The AI derped and I won in my 1st try, because Cain's Grimer got 3 Minimize in but then decided to switch, and I'm happy with it. Well, Onix used Stealth Rock but failed to KO the Grimer, but then my own blob came in and he decided to switch, then a few kockouts on each side until my Servine ended this battle with Leech Seed saving my ass (It got me out of Night Shade range).
Trubbish used Acid Spray 3 times, then Tranquill finished the job with 1 Air Cutter.
VS Fern:
Minimize Grimer and Moxie Litleo did the job.
VS Florinia:
Breloom destroyed my team in my 1st try.
Also in my 2nd try... changing team.
Failed a 3rd time... DAMN THAT BRELOOM OF DOOM.
At least killed the Breloom in my 4th try... and died to the Gourgeist.
Dragon Dance, two +70 BP STAB and Toxic on a Sitrus Berry Harvest Tropius (Who is decently bulk)... Really? (Needless to say, it detroyed me in my 5th try).
CHUBB YOU'RE SO OP I LOVE YOU (No Homo). In my 6th tryOkay, I got my two Toxc Spikes in, but Cacturne killed Trubbish and Litleo. Luxio revenged them and paralized the Tropius and that was the key as Grimer used Minimize 3 times and that was the game. Tropius, Grotle, Breloom fainted to it's hand, Gourgeist managed to KO the blob but Tranquill was alive, first killing Gourgeist with Air Cutter and then poison stalling Cradily with Detect + Roost (With Roost Rock Slide failed to do 50% damage).


Forgot to take the screen before healing, my mistake. Herdier was in full HP and Tranquill around 50% damage. The rest were fainted.


vszarpellon ♂ Lv24 @ Black Sludge
-Acid Spray
-Poison Gas
-Toxic Spikes
gryson ♂ Lv24
-Fire Fang
-Work Up
wytch_doctr ♂ Lv24
-Fire Fang
-Work Up
Odybid ♀ Lv26
Super Luck
-Air Cutter
MetrololAce ♀ Lv24
-Fire Fang
Chubb ♀ Lv25
Sticky Hold
-Mud Bomb

Okay guys, cast your votes for Corey. This update shouldn't take that long.
Edited by Redo.
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