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RPGR (Random Poke Gen Run) Starring Gang KM


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A big welcome to my thread guys!

As the title says it all, I will be doing an RPGR with the Gang KM, which you guys will choose who I will be going with. Its fun since I chose random pokemons, with aces and newblings, which might be great for experiment.

NOTE: You may only choose 3 groups, exactly 18 pokemons.

Here are your contestants! Some of these pokemons are not fully evolved, but I placed their name in fully evolved.

Group 1:


Fearow - Pre-Flobot til Pre-Corey

Reuniclus - Pre-Radomus(?)

Gastrodon - Pre-Aya to Pre-Serra

Kangaskhan - Pre-Charlotte(?)

Leavanny - Post-Flobot

Dusknoir - Pre-Shade

Group 2:


Vespiquen - Pre-Julia

Kingdra - Post-Samson

Grovyle - Starter

Drifblim - Pre/Post-Corey

Amoonguss - Pre-Aya

Gallade - Pre-Serra

Group 3:


Smeargle - Pre(??)

Poliwrath - Pre-Serra

Linoone - Pre-Julia (if doesn't appear) Pre-Radomus

Dragalge - Pre-Serra (Good Rod)

Hitmonlee - Pre-Radomus

Tyrantrum - Fossil so...

Group 4:


Slurpuff - Post-Julia

Bisharp - Route 4

Delcatty - Pre-Flobot

Dewgong - Pre-Flobot or Pre-Luna

Accelgor - Post-Serra/Post-Noel

Froslass - Pre-Shade/Pre-Samson

Group 5:


Donphan - Pre-Corey

Ludicolo - Post-Julia

Cacturne - (Love this guy) Pre-Flobot

Dustox/Beautifly - Pre-Julia

Camerupt - (whenever its raining) Pre-Julia or Post-Julia

Xatu - Post-Corey (Nuzleaf Fortress) Pre-Radomus

Here, after the 7th post, I will now choose either most picked group or a random number according to the date of the post.

Hence, after I picked the 18 pokes, I will now set their names by a random name gen. You may decide what Movepool they get.

You may suggest their Nature/Ability/Movepool for the future gameplay.

Let the decision begin!

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