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(UN)Official Fallout 4 Hype Thread

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I thought I'd make a thread for all you closet-Lone-Wanderers, you Megaton-Massacring-Mutants, you Legion-Loving-Lunatics, for all you Scourges of Humanity, and Messiahs alike, to share your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for this awesome upcoming game!

I'll get the ball rolling by saying I want it to be closer to Fallout 3 than New Vegas *whips out experimental MIRV and beckons the Telsa Beaton wielders closer*

I liked the darker atmosphere, and above all that you could go anywhere, and entirely neglect the main quest from the beginning- no being blocked by Cazadores 10 metres outside of Goodsprings, or giant radscorpions by the graveyard. That and the music. Goddamn the music in Fallout 3 was amazing.

So hit me with your opinions, and let's at least try to be civil ;)

Oh, and btw, check the spoiler if you know how to embed stuff...

Hey I'm trying to embed a countdown to F4's release, but I have no clue how... I've got the embed code, but just no clue how to embed it into a forum post, if that's even possible.

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