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Best Doubles Tactics


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There's a lot of things you can do in doubles that makes singles seem boring in comparison. So I'll start this off:

Slaking hitting a Cofagrigus to get Mummy instead of Truant.

Frost Breath Cryogonal and Anger Point Primape

Beat Up Whimsicott and Justified Terrakion: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/doublesou-287734374

Edited by wytch_doctr
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I've seen some weird tactics in VGC (which is Doubles) before that have really thrown me off. Mostly having to do with Trick Room shenanigans. Once I faced a Mega Gardy and Amoonguss core and it turns out Gardy was packing TR.

Another fun thing I've seen is Mega Salamence + Sylveon core using Round. Round has a weird mechanic where all the users go right after the first user literally. So Aerilate + Pixilate. Fast MegaMence goes with a Round, and slow af Sylveon goes immediately after with it's own Round.

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I've seen some weird tactics in VGC (which is Doubles) before that have really thrown me off. Mostly having to do with Trick Room shenanigans. Once I faced a Mega Gardy and Amoonguss core and it turns out Gardy was packing TR.

There are literally so many Amoonguses (Amoongi?) in VGC.. And TR + spore throws me off

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Here are some cores that I noticed that do well in Doubles:

Mega Kangaskhan - Amoonguss - Azumarill:

- Probably one of the strongest cores in the current VGC metagame, but basically you have all the tools you need to setup a win condition with Azumarill or even have Mega Kangaskhan do work as well. Because of Amoonguss' Regenerator ability as well as the utility of Spore + Rage Powder, you can switch it in and out of battle to reset Kangaskhan's Fake Out to create openings for Azumarill or other allies to do work.

Charizard Y + Landorus-T + Sylveon:

This trio just has probably one of the best coverage and brings lots of options to the table with what they provide for the team and for each other. Lots of spread move damage as well as utility in Landorus-T's Intimidate and Charizard Y's Drought. Sylveon also patches up some of the poor matchups that the allies have while just breaking down walls in general.

Japan Sand (Mega Salamence + scarf Tyranitar + friends):

Another fun core that I liked to play with in Doubles that became popular through the Japanese VGC players. Essentially the idea is to have scarf Tyranitar utilize a very powerful 120 BP Assurance by having Pokemon that can activate it such as Mega Salamence Hyper Voice, Amoonguss Rocky Helmet, Azumarill Aqua Jet, Aegislash Shadow Sneak, etc.

Perish Trap:

Yeah, you can make an entire team built around winning via Perish Song. Mega Gengar, Scrafty, Amoonguss, and probably Gothitelle and some other Pokemon would be great to make this strategy work. This team ended up winning a VGC regional this past season: http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-TEAM-REPORT-Pokemon-Team-Wolfe-Glick-s-1st-Place-Perish-Trap-Team

Here are some cores that I like to use for fun or just trolling:

Defog Pokemon + Contrary Serperior / Malamar.

If you wanna piss people off, Defog into a Serperior / Malamar with Substitute + Leftovers. Need I say more?

Water Spout Mega Blastoise in Tailwind + redirection:

Unfortunately I wish Mega Blastoise was more viable than it is, but honestly who doesn't like spamming Water Spout and watching your entire enemy team just get decimated by one attack (assuming you preserve Blastoise's HP).

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I like to have a Dark type out alongside Lucario and have the Dark type use beat up on it. Combined with Lucario's Justified ability......oh lord.

Cottonee can learn Beat Up too. But in all seriousness, Lucario's defenses and speed are poor and will probably be ohko'ed or 2hko'ed

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Cottonee can learn Beat Up too. But in all seriousness, Lucario's defenses and speed are poor and will probably be ohko'ed or 2hko'ed

Cottonee can learn Beat Up too. But in all seriousness, Lucario's defenses and speed are poor and will probably be ohko'ed or 2hko'ed

True, but there's always Extremespeed. Besides, Cobalion has Justified too.

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