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macho brace?


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No, but there are Power Items for sale in the Obsidea Department store on floor 4 (i think). Each one focuses on a specific stat, giving 4 EVs in that stat every battle. If you wanted to train speed, for instance, you could equip a Power Anklet to the pokemon in training and go fight swoobats in the railnet and get 5 Speed EV per fight (4 from power anklet and 1 from swoobat). Or multitask and fight grimer for 1 HP EV and get 4 Speed EV at the same time. Multitasking is the best way to train SP.d since there isn't any really good area to train Sp.d at.

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Thanks, that answered another question I had as well. is there information on things that are different for pokemon reborn? moves that have different effects in reborn or items that act differently in reborn?

There shouldn't be any, really. The only things that might be different are new Items or Fields that give moves different effects.

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