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Favorite Normal, Bird, Cocoon, Pikachu and Pseudo legend tropes?


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With all these "favorite X?" threads, I thought this one would be interesting too. You know how every generation you get certain tropes that are almost a tradition on GF's part at this point? You got rattata, pidgey and caterpie in gen 1, and from then on, you've been getting the equivalent of rattata, pidgey and caterpie in pretty much every gen ever since. There's also the special case of Pikachu and its clones, that is a trope generally hated by most people, but worth noting anyways.

Just to refresh your memory, these are the normal tropes of each gen:

  • Gen 1: Rattata - Raticate
  • Gen 2: Sentret - Furret
  • Gen 3: Zigzagoon - Linoone
  • Gen 4: Bidoof - Bibarel
  • Gen 5: Patrat - Watchog // Lillipup - Herdier - Stoutland (kinda?)
  • Gen 6: Bunnelby - Diggersby

These are the bird tropes:

  • Gen 1: Pidgey - Pidgeotto - Pidgeot // Spearow - Fearow
  • Gen 2: Hoothoot - Noctowl
  • Gen 3: Taillow - Swellow
  • Gen 4: Starly - Staravia - Staraptor
  • Gen 5: Pidove - Tranquill - Unfezant
  • Gen 6: Fletchling - Fletchinder - Talonflame

These are the cocoon tropes of each gen. Note that this trope includes all worm-->cocoon-->bug lines, not only butterflies:

  • Gen 1: Caterpie - Metapod - Butterfree // Weedle - Kakuna - Beedrill
  • Gen 2: - (the closest thing would be Ledyba - Ledian // Spinarak - Ariados, I suppose)
  • Gen 3: Wurmple - Cascoon/Silcoon - Dustox/Beautifly
  • Gen 4: Burmy - Wormadam/Mothim (it has a slight spin to the trope, but it fits regardless)
  • Gen 5: Sewaddle - Swadloon - Leavanny // Venipede - Whirlipede - Scolipede (thanks to Monochrome for the reminder!)
  • Gen 6: Scatterbug - Spewpa - Vivillon

And finally, these are the pikachu clones of each gen:

  • Gen 1: Pikachu lol
  • Gen 2: Pichu (although it is Pikachu's prevo, has some merit there I guess) // Marill - Azumarill (kinda? I guess Pikablue and all...)
  • Gen 3: Plusle and Minum
  • Gen 4: Pachirisu
  • Gen 5: Emolga
  • Gen 6: Dedenne

Now, which are your most/least favorite ones? I like Furret, Zigzagoon, Swellow, Staraptor, Noctowl, Beedrill, Leavanny and Emolga/Pachirisu.

EDIT: Thanks to the idea of our fellow Chubb here (one post below), I'm also including pseudo legends here, since you indeed get one each gen. The pseudo legends are:

  • Gen 1: Dratini - Dragonair - Dragonite
  • Gen 2: Larvitar - Pupitar - Tyranitar
  • Gen 3: Bagon - Shelgon - Salamence // Beldum - Metang- Metagross
  • Gen 4: Gible - Gabite - Garchomp
  • Gen 5: Deino - Zweilous - Hydreigon
  • Gen 6: Goomy - Sliggoo - Goodra

From these, I love Dragonair, Hydreigon, Goodra, Metagross and Tyranitar. Salamence and Garchomp too, but not as much.

Edited by zimvader42
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Maybe add Pseudolegendaries too? Anyway, for that, my favorite would be Hydreigon or Goodra.

Hmm, true, good idea there Chubb. I would add fossils as well but we already have (two) topics for fav fossil mon, would be kinda redundant.

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Fav: Zigzagoon with dat pick up.

Least: Sentret.


Fav: Swellow because true speed.

Least: Fuck the pidove and it's evolution.


Fav: Vivillion with dat quiver powder.

Least:Burmy and it's evolutions.

Pikachu's type.

Fav: Pikachu/Pichu itself. Admitly i love volt tackle so much and with light ball <3

Least: Plusle and minun.


Fav: Metagross because only not dragon type and nostalgic lol.

Least: None but if i would choose dragonite.

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Hmm, it seems you people call these tropes "normal, bird, pikachu and pseudo". I think I'm gonna edit the title to make it shorter xD

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Normies: Linoone <3 so elegant, so sincere.... I love them ^^

Bird: Talonflame I guess, and not for competitive reasons, you scrubs. I have one in Pokemon Y to help me hatch eggs, he's the only Pokemon who can have Flame Body and Fly (aside from Moltres, but it only gets FB as a hidden ability). It was just too convenient not to have him, haha. His name is Twitter and I love him <3

Pikachu: Pachirisu, I guess, but I'll never use one for as long as I live. I kinda hate all of them (including Pikachu).

Bug: Tied between Vivillon and Butterfree. I like Butterfree for nostalgic reasons, but in all honesty Vivillon is just a better version.

Psuedo: Dragonair is pretty, albeit not ideal in battle. Tyranitar is pretty neat looking too, and I've never used one before... hmm...

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For Favourite

Normal Rodent: Bibarel, Simple Curse, Amnesia and best HM slave ever, enough said

Bird: Pidgeot and its mega

Cocoon/Bug: All of them, except you Wormadam

Pikaclone: Emolga

Pseudo: All the dragons

For Least Favourite

Normal Rodent: No one really, they are all decent

Bird: Same, aside from Pidgeot, i like them equally

Cocoon/Bug: still Wormadam

Pikaclone: Plusle and Minun, gimmicky ability Plus and Minus see no light of day, and Lightning Rod is too situational, and no new looks/typing from them to set them apart from other pikaclones

Pseudo: If i have to nitpick, Tyrannitar i guess, too slow for my liking, i dont hate or like it

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My favourites:

Normal Pokemon: Linoone

Bird: Dawn the Staraptor obviously

Bug: Leavanny

Pikaclone: Pichu

Pichu's line is my favourite, but in (decreasing) order of preference they are Raichu, Pichu and Pikachu.

Pseudo Legendary: I like all of them, but I seem to have a preference for Metagross, Garchomp and Hydreigon.

Least Favourites:

Normal Pokemon: Watchog

Bird: Noctowl (I never used one), or Unfezant (nice attack, only special flying type moves. GF = Genius)

Bug: Burmy

Pikaclone: Plusle/Minun

Pseudo Legendary: ones not mentioned above (Dragonite, Goodra, Salamence, Tyranitar)

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Normal rodents: This one's hard. I like Rattata, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Patrat and Bunnelby all quite a lot. Though, if I were to choose one of them as my favorite, I'd pick Bidoof. Or Bunnelby.

Regional birds: Used to be Pidgey all the way, then it changed to Starly. Currently it's Taillow though.

Regional bugs: Can't even argue about this one, it's Butterfree.

NotChus: Emolga or Pachirisu. I guess I like Pachirisu a little more than Emolga. Plusle and Minun deserve a shoutout for their role in the original Ranger.

Pseudos: Hydreigon, with Metagross and Garchomp following not too far behind.

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Normal: Probably Linoone. It's the only one of this trope to get two of the most amazing moves in Extremespeed and Belly Drum. Also Racoons are pretty cool. I never really liked the Furret family. Their design is prettt cute, but man they have nothing to bring to the table in competitive play.

Bird: Staraptor from day one was my favorite. It looks just as boss as the power it packs. It's the only bird without a broken ability (looking at you Gale Wings) I can see in normal play. Likewise, I don't really like Talonflame. Other than Gale Wings, it has nothing awesome to bring to the table unless you count Will-o-Wisp. Also it broke the Normal/Flying cycle GF had going for 5 generations.

Bug: Beedrill. Mega Beedrill is the only reason I like anything from this trope. Otherwise the rest of them pretty much suck.

Pikaclone: Pachirisu is my favorite. You know you are doing something right when you show up in a World Championship finals. Dedenne is the worst imo. It brought little that the others could.

Pseudolegend: A silver Pokemon from the silver age of the games. Metagross. Just the badass look enough will warrant it as my favorite. Pretty good stats too. However, they screwed up on Goodra. They turned it into a wall rather than a sweeper/tank like all the other pseudos.

And that is what I think.

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Normal Rodent: Rattata line for fave, Patrat for least liked

Bird: ALL OF THEM, I'm sorry but I love them all don't make me choose please I beg you

Insects: Scatterbug line for fave, Sewaddle for least liked

Pika-'mons: Dedenne for fave, Plusle and Minun for least fave but more because I find them to be useless, not because they're not cute

Pseudo: METAGROSS <33 And I don't like Dragonite.

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Naturally Raticate is a mon that gets no love. It's your everyday sewer rat, it's cunning, can be troublesome if you give it enough time, and it's eventually getting a Mega (which is long due). After that... it should be Ivorip.


Missingno is the only bird for me.


Actually, gen2's Pika-clone is Maril, even if it's not electric type. I'd go for that and Azumarill. This preference existed long before it was a fairy. The others are irrelevant, useless, and badly drawn. OK Pikachu's and Pachi's designs are neat, but the others... ugh.


Beedrill has always been cooler that the others, but honestly... none is really worth it.

Charizard's retarded cousin

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Rodent - Linoone. I really like the design and Belly Drum E-Speed can hurt

Bird - Swellow. I really hated Swellow's sprite in RSE but they changed it in DPPt by giving it a more majestic sprite which I really like. Gen 6 sorta backtracked on this tho. Competitively, I really love using Specs Boomburst Swellow in NU xD

Coccon - Butterfree. Nostalgic reasons - and the most memorable anime episode features this lovely Pokemon

Pika Clone - Pikachu. Am I the only one here that actually likes Pikachu?

Pseudo - Garchomp. Garchomp was meh for me until Survivor Reborn came along and I got to play as Garchomp xD

Least Favorites:

Rodent - Watchog. Eww wtf is thing.

Bird - Unfezant. I really don't like its design, and it is probably the most mediocre region bird Pokemon.

Coccon - Dustox. Annoying + Weird Color Scheme. I don't really like moths in general but at least Mothim contained simple colors...

Pika Clone - I personally like them all... they're all pretty cute xD

Pseudo - Tyranitar. I HATE SANDSTORMS. You and that obese hippopotamus can go to hell

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Rodent - Raticate. Don't really care for any of the others honestly as they all are pretty meh. Raticate gets endeavor and sucker punch which is awesome.

Bird - Pidgeot. Again, don't really have a prefernce here as most of the birds I like about the same (except Ufezant...who can die in a hole).

Coccon - Venomoth. I suppose Beautifly would have to do. Another group of Pokemon I don't have a particular favorite, but Beautifly grew on me through a nuzlocke.

Pika Clone - Pikachu. I may hate Pikachu as an entity, but Raichu is my favorite of the rodents as it's actually pretty decent in game. Blame the anime for pretty much screwing the superior rodent.

Pseudo - Metagross. Psychic is my ace type for a reason and you'll rarely see me fight a Psychic Mono without this beats (I have done it before though).

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Normal (Rodent):; I'd go with Zigzagoon-Linoone since it is the only one I've catched tbh. I also kinda like Bunnelby-Diggersby but I haven't played XY yet :(

Birdie: Starly all the way

Cocoon: Eehm..this one is hard(? I guess the Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox just because it was my first shiny ever lol.

Pikaclone: Marill: Cute and powerful, and it is the only non-electric pikachu

Pseudolegendary: I'm taking Dratini

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I love to see all these mons that are almost never mentioned in favorite lists get some love! Well the pseudos usually make it to those lists but anyways.

Wouldn't venipede line count as well?

Yes, how could I forget! Thanks for the reminder, this and other line I was reminded of earlier have been added to the OP.

@Jericho: yes, I added the stoutland and venipede line upon being reminded of them. Stoutland is not a rodent, but neither are zigzagoon and sentret, so stoutland is fine as well as a choice for the normal type trope. Venipede is indeed a cocoon line, and so unlike Venonat, it has been added to the list of choices as well.

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My favorites would be:

  • Normal: Diggersby tho
  • Bird: Talonflame
  • Bug: Butterfree
  • Pikachu wannabe: Pachirisu
  • Pseudo-Legendary: Dragonite

As for my least favorites:

  • Normal: Bibarel
  • Bird: Unfezant
  • Bug: Ledian
  • Pikachu wannabe: Plusle/Minun
  • Pseudo-Legendary: Goodra
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