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Verdant Tales: Symphonic Horizon


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    • Who cares, I just want to play a well-made game!
  2. 2. Who is your favorite character?

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    • It makes sense, given the very "different nature" of your game, so yes.

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that's because vice looks goofy while allan looks like he could be the "hot" dood

Well, you wouldn't be wrong about Vice looking really goofy in his swimsuit XD because here is his finished CG. I still find him wearing all that to be really entertaining XD


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Well, you wouldn't be wrong about Vice looking really goofy in his swimsuit XD because here is his finished CG. I still find him wearing all that to be really entertaining XD


Looks really good, but... The upper chest area is a little to low and it looks like there is no depth from the Stomach to Waist... Anyway, past that, it looks really good!

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I'm gonna come right out and say what many are thinking. This fangame shows a huge amount of promise, the concept, the visuals, everything is above average. That being said it IS a game after all, and it'd be great to see more game related aspects rather than just artwork, plus it'd be a little less costly on your end too. Great work so far, but I really want to see some more of that actual work that youve done on the world.

Edited to show what I meant by my post.

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Looks really good, but... The upper chest area is a little to low and it looks like there is no depth from the Stomach to Waist... Anyway, past that, it looks really good!

I think it's best not to tell me the critiques, since I am not the one who drew them. Also, I don't think those really matter, since this is used only for the sake of turning this into a costume; also, I addressed this before, but if I was to change what you stated, I would have to pay for those minute changes. But, thanks for the compliments though!

I'm gonna come right out and say what many are thinking. This fangame shows a huge amount of promise, the concept, the visuals, everything is above average. That being said it IS a game after all, and it'd be great to see more game related aspects rather than just artwork, plus it'd be a little less costly on your end too. Great work so far, but I really want to see some more of that actual work, thank you [:

I think you should probably... look through the thread before posting something like that. Not trying to sound rude or anything, but yeah...

There is work to be shown, you just have to dig through the forum posts. In-fact... I already showed off one of the costumes in this video, as well as other gameplay videos. Also, I showed off many skit videos, which... compliments a lot of this game, in terms of this game being heavily inspired by the Tales series. So, I have shown a lot, and proved that my game is more than what I am showing in terms of artwork. Also, I don't mind paying for the artwork, I really don't; especially since I don't have anything to lose, in terms of me spending my money on my game.

Also, if you want more confirmation on the gameplay, you can ask Masquerain, since she is my Beta Tester.


And just so I don't hear this from anyone else, I am posting these videos alongside the other videos on the main thread. Just to clear up any other theories on the amount of gameplay that I have shown off.

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Oh no no no I don't mean these. I've watched most of these videos as they were released, I just mean that we see a lot more artwork, character and design stuff than new game stuff. I didn't mean to sound rude, I'm just pretty hyped for this game and want to see more of it. I should've clarified that when I said more of your work, I meant more of the work on your world.

I'm not an angry nitpicker, but a fan of symphonic horizon who checks in daily, wanting to see more of the worlds back story because the current game play that's been shown tends to surround the characters, which already have huge backstory throughout the thread.

That being said, I did miss a couple of these videos, which do show off a bit of what I wanted to see. I hope it goes well for you and I'll be sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for release. Good luck man, really.

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Oh no no no I don't mean these. I've watched all of the videos as they were released, I just mean that we see a lot more artwork, character and design stuff than new game stuff. I didn't mean to sound rude, I'm just pretty hyped for this game and want to see more of it. I should've clarified that when I said more of your work, I meant more of the work on your world.

I'm not an angry nitpicker, but a fan of symphonic horizon who checks in daily, wanting to see more of the worlds back story because the current game play that's been shown tends to surround the characters, which already have huge backstory throughout the thread.

That being said, I did miss a couple of these videos, which do show off a bit of what I wanted to see. I hope it goes well for you and I'll be sitting around twiddling my thumbs waiting for release. Good luck man.

Ohhh, okay, yeah, my bad, and I do apologize for sounding a little harsh with my response.

But, yes, I do intend to upload more content in relation to the characters, and whatnot, however, at the moment; more of that stuff will be revealed once I am able to pay off some of the spriting commissions that I have on my hands currently.

Welp, I am glad you got to see some of these videos, and I do encourage you to go throughout the forum posts that are here, especially some of the earlier ones, and see what all you missed.

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Pokemon Symphonic Horizon - Verdant Tales Flashback: Mia Vance

These are flashback scenes that play throughout the game, and depict past events. These take place whenever Vice or a certain character experiences a wave of memories coming back to them, and black out. Moreso in Vice' case, since his "Black out counter" is pretty high up there.

I know I am stepping into prequel game territory, but, since I was making flashback scenes involving the previous heroes of the game, I decided to show off Vivian's older sister, and her badassness! That's right, Mia's sword isn't just for show, and I am going to make it usable in Symphonic Horizon, as a means of using cut. However, Vivian would be the only one to use it. The best part about her sword is when she uses it to threaten other characters, or Vaan, whenever he comments on her boobs XD

Also, because the fan-girls demanded it...


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Character Artwork and Stuff - Important

So, here is Allan's Summer Beach Attire, for those of you who are interested! Personally, I think he looks a lot better than Vice, but that's simply because he is meant to look cooler, and more like himself. Plus he doesn't have to constantly run around with a snorkel attached to his face.


So, I am going to be taking a small break from artwork, after all of the beach attire costumes have been posted, simply because I am not at work until May rolls around, simply because I am now back in school. I am also going to be slow to update, since I am focusing on other side-projects in relation to my game, as well as learning new programming languages.

So, for now, I am going to be posting some small videos here and there about my game, but until then, this is what you'll be getting.

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Allan is badass, ofc he is cooler! Also, enjoy school and good luck with dem new languages :ph34r:

Allan is badass, and so is Vivian, which makes them a perfect pair XD Don't know what Vivian has to do with this, but I just thought I'd mention her.

After finishing the main storyline event at Namira Village, the first visit, you can head back to Auburn Straight and enter the portal to the Fragmented Passing. That said, this is a super boss, and is extremely hard, so it's best to be really high leveled, before you take on any of the 4 Fragmented Silhouettes.

Speaking of Vivian, I just finished putting together a Secret Boss Battle in the game that is exclusive to Vivian only. This is one of 4 Fragmented Silhouette's that you can fight in the game. All 4 of them correspond to the original 4 protagonists from Symphonic Horizon: Verdant Tales. This fight... is a bitch, for lack of a better word XD On Hard or higher, you need to have perfect stats, otherwise you will just flat out lose. Also, I made this look WAYYYY too easy, since I cheated perfect stats onto my Pokemon.

Also, I created a brand new field effect called "Fragmented End" or otherwise known as "The End." What I originally intended for it to do was be a field effect that worked like Perish Song, where at the beginning of the fight you have 1 turn to switch out, or otherwise be instantly KO'd. This would only apply to the first turn, however, and it only effects the Pokemon that was previously sent out. This effect is exclusive ONLY to the fight with Mia Vance, where you see before the fight that she curses Vivian, and the fight begins with "Fragmented End" taking effect. What The End actually does, instead, is boost the power of Dark Type Moves, and lowers the power of Fighting Type moves.

Since Mia is one of the original 4 heroes, she has some knowledge of Verdant Transformation, and is able to use it on her Greninja. Which, by the way, her Greninja by default is supposed to be Shiny, but I forgot to edit that into the game XD

For winning the fight, you get an optional skit to play, as well as Mia's Sword, aka:

The Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven <--- I am proud of that name XD Also, you obtain Greninja's Verdant Arte: Renegade Strike, as well as Mia's Verdant Soul.

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This is ... simply amazing!

I love the 'Tales of' series <3

I have nothing else to say besides that I'm afraid :P

Glad to see another person who also loves the Tales series as much as me! I'm sure you will enjoy this game, if you enjoy the Tales series.

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If this ever gets finished, absolutely count me in! Don't blame me for being sceptical, I've seen many ambitious games just die without ever getting finished.

For each character you've also added a note about age in "Pokemon Symphonic Horizon 2: Dawn of a New World" - what's that? Are you planning a sequel as well or does the game time-skip?

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If this ever gets finished, absolutely count me in! Don't blame me for being sceptical, I've seem many ambitious games just die without ever getting finished.

For each character you've also added a note about age in "Pokemon Symphonic Horizon 2: Dawn of a New World" - what's that? Are you planning a sequel as well or does the game time-skip?

Well, I've been working on this game for 4 years now, and I am very picky in regards to the quality of my game. If it's gonna take another year or two for my game to be released, for the sake of quality assurance, then that's how it's gonna be :P Also, since I spent upwards to 7000 dollars on my game, chances are I'm not gonna drop the project XD And I forgot to change the Dawn of a New World title, it's going to have a name change, but yes, it is a sequel that takes place a few years after the events of the original game ;)

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So, tonight I kind of wanted to show off a little of what I've been working on, these past few days. First off: I've been working with some "magic" let's say to simulate the effects that are made inside of forest locations, like Eterna Forest, where you can see the forest canopy actually animate. With a little bit of that magic, I managed to simulate that very same effect. Secondly: I restructured and remastered the entire beginning of the game section, which consists of about 20-30 minutes of content, before you gain access to your first party member. The area that is in question is coincidentally one of the new areas that was added to the beginning of the game. On top of that, I created new, custom lighting effects for the game, to help give off that very... fantasy Pokemon vibe that I was going for. The lights that you see aren't the usual "OutdoorLight" event, but rather a custom lighting effect made by me.

This area is named: The Road to Dawn - Graveyard. And I'm sure my tester will know exactly what this place is, since she has played my game before ;D


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that's some pretty stuff right there. Also, 7k dollars? o.O what the fridge have you been doing to spend so much

Well... let's just say that I kind of... postponed my college payments, and every paycheck I got this year was dedicated to my game XD (I totally am going to regret doing that.) The artwork and sprites aren't being donated out of kindness :P But, yeah, that there is some of the new lighting effects that I created, as well as a change in position for Ariana's grave ;) Mainly because, over time, I got kind of tired of the original location, and that area was just kind of a place that had made, because younger me didn't know any better XD

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You spent 7k on this project.... It will be a masterpiece. And Eevee not being able to evolve but gain it's evolution's moves is something I been wanting for a long time in Pokemon games. Lik Every Pokemon game should have an Eevee being able to learn some of it's evolution's moves.

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You spent 7k on this project.... It will be a masterpiece. And Eevee not being able to evolve but gain it's evolution's moves is something I been wanting for a long time in Pokemon games. Lik Every Pokemon game should have an Eevee being able to learn some of it's evolution's moves.

Doubtful that it will be a masterpiece, especially since I had to take so many shortcuts in terms of tilesets, due to me having virtually no talent in that field at all. But Eevee also has access to Verdant Transformation, which makes it even more unique in this game, especially since that kind of transformation can only be done under very strict circumstances, and it is one of 2 Pokemon that can use it.

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One other thing I wanted to make mention of was some of the changes to the gameplay, as well as general difficulty selection.

First off: If you ever decide to play the game in Mania Mode, one thing that can be noticed is that the battle style is permanently on "Set" and cannot be put to "Shift." And for those of you who don't know what the battle styles are, basically - if you play on Shift, after you defeat a Pokemon, you will be prompted to switch your Pokemon or stay in. On Set however, you cannot change out your Pokemon, which makes Mania Mode THAT much more harder.

Another thing is that, whenever you fight the Fragmented Silhouettes, your difficulty will be set to Normal Mode, since, regardless of Difficulty they will always be extremely hard, also there is a bug that can occur which can crash the game. Although, in those fights, you are forced to fight them in "Set" Mode, and cannot change it.

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Your dedication is fascinating.

I do hope that I can help a little after this year to help but I'm still in my last year in school and I am just applying for jobs now. :P

On the subject of difficulty... mania seems like the most insane option so I'll choose it.

Well, I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the work that I've put into my game :) I hope that your last year of school goes well for you!

Mania Difficulty applies these changes to the gameplay:

  • Enemy Trainers gain 1 - 3 additional Pokemon on their teams, assuming that they don't already have a team of 6.
  • Enemy Trainers Pokemon can gain heightened levels ranging from 5 - 15, and this number is dependent on the average Pokemon in their team, as well as their average levels rounded down.
  • Battle Style is permanently on "Set" Mode, and cannot be changed.
  • You can gain items as well as gain access to certain areas depending if you are currently playing on Mania. This does not affect story in any way.
  • Verdant Artes do not have perfect accuracy, and instead given an Accuracy of 80, which means that there is a potential to whiff a move like Renegade Strike, Stardust Breaker, Verdant Drive, Nightingale, Aura Storm, and Temporal Bind. All of which are 1 PP, only, one-hit KO techniques.

Hard Mode, which is nowhere near as brutal as Mania, applies these changes to the gameplay.

  • Enemy Trainers gain 1 - 2 additional Pokemon on their teams, assuming that they don't already have a team of 6.
  • Enemy Trainers Pokemon can gain heightened levels ranging from 5 - 10, and this number is dependent on the average Pokemon in their team, as well as their average levels rounded down.
  • You can gain items as well as gain access to certain areas depending if you are currently playing on Hard. This does not affect story in any way.

Since I'm explaining the game mechanics here, I might as well delve into Verdant Transformation. This is the benefits to the transformation, as well as downsides. Most of these do not translate in-game, but it is just assumed that they do through dialogue with all these changes in the transformation.

  • Trainer and Pokemon utilize shared vision, and whatever the Trainer sees, the Pokemon also sees, and vice versa.
  • The Trainer and Pokemon's heart and mind become linked, and as such becomes one. Which allows for telepathic communication between the Trainer and Pokemon.
  • Emotions in battle are shared between the two as well.
  • Strength, endurance and speed are pushed far beyond the limits of Mega Evolution, so much so that Verdant Eevee was strong enough to take on Allan's Mega Lucario with little to no effort, and even managed to defeat it without taking any damage.
  • The Trainer gains a dual-voice of whichever Verdant Soul was used from one of the 4 previous heroes of Lumia. So, if Vice had Vaan's Verdant Soul, whenever Vice would talk, you would hear both Vaan and Vice say the exact same lines.
  • If the Pokemon receives damage from an opponent, that damage also translates to the Trainer, and if taken too far, can cause the Trainer to collapse from the shared pain.
  • The form has an unofficial time limit, and because of that, can only be maintained within the amount of time given. This however can be negated through rigorous training in the transformation itself. Such as when Vice began training with Eevee to master the transformation even further, which extended the time limit from 30 minutes to almost double, if not completely ignoring the time limit in-general.

In-game however, the time limit is not present, but again, it is stated through dialogue all the advantages and disadvantages that the form carry with it.

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