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Verdant Tales: Symphonic Horizon


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  On 1/26/2017 at 9:14 PM, Dylanrockin said:

Also, loads of bug-fixes, which drive me nuts ;w;


Well, with a game that's as ambitious as this is, along with all of the custom things you have going on such as the Verdant Arts, there's bound to be a lot of bugfixing to do. (Which is really quite sad sometimes, seeing that your fixing of a bug has managed to create a different bug) But all the effort is going to pay off; from what we can see about the game, it definitely looks like it's going to be quite the game once it's released.


Edit: After reading through what I just said, I don't think ambitious is the word that I'm looking for. I'll keep thinking until then

Edited by Dypatome
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  On 1/27/2017 at 1:14 AM, Dypatome said:

Well, with a game that's as ambitious as this is, along with all of the custom things you have going on such as the Verdant Arts, there's bound to be a lot of bugfixing to do. (Which is really quite sad sometimes, seeing that your fixing of a bug has managed to create a different bug) But all the effort is going to pay off; from what we can see about the game, it definitely looks like it's going to be quite the game once it's released.


Edit: After reading through what I just said, I don't think ambitious is the word that I'm looking for. I'll keep thinking until then



Things have been pretty slow lately, and that's pretty much to do with school intervening and me having Calculus 2 and Numerical Analysis in the same term, which sucks major peni'. But, I've been trying to sneak in some Dev. time, when I can, since I've been swamped as of late.


But, as of late, I've just been fixing bugs that are presented to me by one of my testers, since that is pretty much the only time I have at the moment, unless I'm working on a weekend, which then I have plenty of time to make stuff for my game ^^


Also, for shits and giggles, here's a little something that I've been up to:



Edited by Dylanrockin
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  On 1/31/2017 at 2:24 PM, Dypatome said:

Animated cutscenes for the game? I'm even more excited for release, even if that's a long ways off.



  On 1/31/2017 at 6:02 PM, DemICE said:

Yep I feel so lucky to be inherently patient in such cases




Well, you're in luck, because I have the first few seconds of the animation that this is tied to, here:


Japanese Dub

English Dub


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  On 1/31/2017 at 9:23 PM, Dylanrockin said:

Well, you're in luck, because I have the first few seconds of the animation that this is tied to, here:


You tease, you.

Also, last question:

How big are you estimating the file for the game to be? (Or, at least, how big is it now?)

I'm just curious as to whether or not it's going to be a bigger download than Reborn is; I'd assume it's going to be bigger, but I could be wrong.

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  On 2/1/2017 at 2:33 AM, Dypatome said:

You tease, you.

Also, last question:

How big are you estimating the file for the game to be? (Or, at least, how big is it now?)

I'm just curious as to whether or not it's going to be a bigger download than Reborn is; I'd assume it's going to be bigger, but I could be wrong.



Well, the game is about 5GB in size, that's without the animations. The animations included make it 6GB+. That will most likely be going up, since I haven't finished a few of the new animations, yet.

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  On 2/1/2017 at 2:47 AM, Dylanrockin said:

Well, the game is about 5GB in size, that's without the animations. The animations included make it 6GB+. That will most likely be going up, since I haven't finished a few of the new animations, yet.


That's a ton! On one hand though, it just means the game is that much more detailed than others.

Still looking forward to it; keep up the good work.

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  On 2/1/2017 at 9:58 PM, DemICE said:

6gb ...   thats nearly 10 times the size of reborn xd



Well, it mostly has to do with a lot of the custom aspects of the game, music and graphics that contribute heavily to it. But the animations also play a large roll in it as well.

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So, as of the past few days I came down with Pneumonia and a high fever, thanks to who knows what, while I was working at my school's musical for the past 2 weeks. I don't know how I caught it, and I'm surprised that I actually got sick, since I haven't gotten sick in over 4-5 years now. What's worse is that I can't even get out of bed to do anything, since my body feels so weak, and fatigued, and I can't even go to school. That's a bad thing in itself, since I can't afford to miss school, given how hard my classes are.


By the way, screw that musical, since it went on for way longer than it should've. It should've only gone on for 1 week, from Wed - Sunday, but no, they thought it'd be funny to run the show for 2 weeks, and exhaust everyone, while making it impossible to do homework, or relax after a hard day's work. It didn't help that a lot of people in the show were sick as well, so I probably owe my illness to them.


So, in short, I won't be working on my game, much, for the next few days, until I can recover.

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Git gud asap dood.




Pneumonia of all things, that's quite odd. Usually it's flu or the like, but take your needed rest.




P.S. Am I blind or ignorant? I can't figure out where the place is for editing one's signature 乁( ´-` )_/¯

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  On 2/7/2017 at 10:47 AM, Masquerain said:

Git gud asap dood.




Pneumonia of all things, that's quite odd. Usually it's flu or the like, but take your needed rest.




P.S. Am I blind or ignorant? I can't figure out where the place is for editing one's signature 乁( ´-` )_/¯



I haven't posted anything in awhile, but that's mostly because I've been extremely ill. I'm feeling much better, now, except emotionally, given that I've been out of school for 5 whole days, and I have 2 classes that I cannot fail at all, and have no idea what's been going on in it since. Aside from that, I've started up work on my game again, finishing up events and trying out some new things, while including the Christmas and Halloween costumes into the game.


Also, I wanted to ask my followers a question, before people freak out on me. Now, how would you guys feel if my Manga Artist set up a Patreon for the Manga of my game? And I say my Manga Artist and not me, because if I ended up setting one up, they'd assume all that money would go towards my game, which is in fact illegal and frowned upon. Which is not the case. The reason why I say that is because it would help with the cost of printing pages and actually binding the pages of the manga, because I don't know if any of you know this or not, but that stuff costs a miniature fortune (at least for a college grad), so we're planning using Patreon money to help cover for the costs of binding so that way I can focus on paying for the pages of the manga. I don't want a Patreon for my game, since I pay for everything myself and I'm too much of a proud bastard to accept money from fans, to help make my game. However, the manga is a different story, given how much it costs to make, and print pages, as well as get bindings for said pages. It helps her out in the long run, and the manga can be printed for a longer running.


Not a cent goes to me, and all of it goes towards the manga, which... honestly... I prefer way more over the game, but that's just personal bias. And mostly because I can do whatever I want with the visual gags, and other funny stuff that I couldn't do with the game.


What do you guys think, before I get chased out of Reborn by an angry mob with Shotguns?

Edited by Dylanrockin
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  On 2/12/2017 at 2:02 PM, Dylanrockin said:


I haven't posted anything in awhile, but that's mostly because I've been extremely ill. I'm feeling much better, now, except emotionally, given that I've been out of school for 5 whole days, and I have 2 classes that I cannot fail at all, and have no idea what's been going on in it since. Aside from that, I've started up work on my game again, finishing up events and trying out some new things, while including the Christmas and Halloween costumes into the game.


Also, I wanted to ask my followers a question, before people freak out on me. Now, how would you guys feel if my Manga Artist set up a Patreon for the Manga of my game? And I say my Manga Artist and not me, because if I ended up setting one up, they'd assume all that money would go towards my game, which is in fact illegal and frowned upon. Which is not the case. The reason why I say that is because it would help with the cost of printing pages and actually binding the pages of the manga, because I don't know if any of you know this or not, but that stuff costs a miniature fortune (at least for a college grad), so we're planning using Patreon money to help cover for the costs of binding so that way I can focus on paying for the pages of the manga. I don't want a Patreon for my game, since I pay for everything myself and I'm too much of a proud bastard to accept money from fans, to help make my game. However, the manga is a different story, given how much it costs to make, and print pages, as well as get bindings for said pages. It helps her out in the long run, and the manga can be printed for a longer running.


Not a cent goes to me, and all of it goes towards the manga, which... honestly... I prefer way more over the game, but that's just personal bias. And mostly because I can do whatever I want with the visual gags, and other funny stuff that I couldn't do with the game.


What do you guys think, before I get chased out of Reborn by an angry mob with Shotguns?


Good that you're passing it off. Make sure to inform yourself about those 2 classes, even if you have to ask randoms for their notes. Or... just e-mail the teachers about it. I hope they'd be helpful enough to let you know what you missed.



Do not forget to take a break from the game if your school work is threatening to have you get in trouble.


Regarding the manga patreon stuff. I'm personally not much of a manga reader so it doesn't affect me directly, but I see no reason why any artist should not start a donation fund via patreon for the work they do. Whoever wishes to support them can do so. As a university student myself, I'm well aware of how tedious printing is when it comes to costs so there's no doubt there at all. I say, the artist should by all means go for it. After all, nobody is obliged to become a patron.

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  On 2/12/2017 at 4:30 PM, Masquerain said:

Good that you're passing it off. Make sure to inform yourself about those 2 classes, even if you have to ask randoms for their notes. Or... just e-mail the teachers about it. I hope they'd be helpful enough to let you know what you missed.



Do not forget to take a break from the game if your school work is threatening to have you get in trouble.


Regarding the manga patreon stuff. I'm personally not much of a manga reader so it doesn't affect me directly, but I see no reason why any artist should not start a donation fund via patreon for the work they do. Whoever wishes to support them can do so. As a university student myself, I'm well aware of how tedious printing is when it comes to costs so there's no doubt there at all. I say, the artist should by all means go for it. After all, nobody is obliged to become a patron.



  On 2/12/2017 at 4:54 PM, DemICE said:

the way you put it i don't see anything wrong with starting the patreon stuff.  xcept the next thing you know is nintendo hunting down unauthorised pokemon mangas too lol



Well, the thing is - with Manga and artwork it's a much different story than video games being marketed. There was an article that I read online about why convention goers who sell prints/merch of their artwork or stuff in relation to copyrighted characters aren't given C&D's or sued, is because Nintendo/Game Freak cannot tell people who do that to stop. Because, those people aren't making a living off of 1 time only prints or merchandise and conventions.


The article in question is here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/the-law-of-anime/2013-02-15/2


And I mentioned Patreon for my manga, because I see various Japanese Pixiv artists with Patreon's all the time, especially those who do Nuzlocke comics on dA, and they haven't been warned since. Also, if you search Ebay for Pokemon doujins, you will see many of them being sold on there, especially weird shit like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-YAOI-Doujinshi-Comic-Emmet-x-Ingo-Kudari-x-Nobori-Bound-Angurametoro-/381926278147?hash=item58ec948403:g:jxIAAOSwopRYfSRC <--- is actually a thing.


And this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Black-and-White-Doujinshi-Dojinshi-Comic-N-x-Hilda-Present-for-you-/381645964352?hash=item58dbdf4440:g:nF0AAOSwSWJXQnqt

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  On 2/12/2017 at 5:09 PM, Dylanrockin said:



Well, the thing is - with Manga and artwork it's a much different story than video games being marketed. There was an article that I read online about why convention goers who sell prints/merch of their artwork or stuff in relation to copyrighted characters aren't given C&D's or sued, is because Nintendo/Game Freak cannot tell people who do that to stop. Because, those people aren't making a living off of 1 time only prints or merchandise and conventions.


The article in question is here: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/the-law-of-anime/2013-02-15/2


And I mentioned Patreon for my manga, because I see various Japanese Pixiv artists with Patreon's all the time, especially those who do Nuzlocke comics on dA, and they haven't been warned since. Also, if you search Ebay for Pokemon doujins, you will see many of them being sold on there, especially weird shit like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-YAOI-Doujinshi-Comic-Emmet-x-Ingo-Kudari-x-Nobori-Bound-Angurametoro-/381926278147?hash=item58ec948403:g:jxIAAOSwopRYfSRC <--- is actually a thing.


And this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pokemon-Black-and-White-Doujinshi-Dojinshi-Comic-N-x-Hilda-Present-for-you-/381645964352?hash=item58dbdf4440:g:nF0AAOSwSWJXQnqt


Yeap I'm pretty sure nobody gets hunted down or sued for comics, fanart, doujins and even custom-made pokemon plushes or figurines. I know a couple of folks who make pokemon comics and have an open patreon too. No harm in doing that at all.




Judging by the title of these links, there's no way I'm clicking on them :x

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  On 2/12/2017 at 6:37 PM, Masquerain said:

Yeap I'm pretty sure nobody gets hunted down or sued for comics, fanart, doujins and even custom-made pokemon plushes or figurines. I know a couple of folks who make pokemon comics and have an open patreon too. No harm in doing that at all.




Judging by the title of these links, there's no way I'm clicking on them :x



I mostly wanted to confirm with my readers, just to make sure that no one would lose a gratuitous amount of respect from me, and end up nailing me to the cross for saying such blasphemous things. Mostly because there are people who can take things the wrong way, and that has happened before, so I wanted to make sure to avoid causing anything bad.

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In regards to the Patreon, I don't think that it'd be a bad idea to set up. I myself won't be able to contribute because I don't have enough money to do so, but there's always the chance that someone will donate to it and help you with the prints.

And I gladly await the release of the mange; I'll gladly purchase a copy once the first volume is released.

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  On 2/12/2017 at 8:20 PM, Dypatome said:

In regards to the Patreon, I don't think that it'd be a bad idea to set up. I myself won't be able to contribute because I don't have enough money to do so, but there's always the chance that someone will donate to it and help you with the prints.

And I gladly await the release of the mange; I'll gladly purchase a copy once the first volume is released.



I wanted to make sure so that way people don't misinterpret what I say, because lord knows there are many people like that out there. Especially my stalkers who're most likely reading my stuff now.


Also, after I finish my exam on Friday, I will be getting back into working on my game more seriously, as opposed to this off and on nonsense that I've been doing lately. School, this semester, has been brutal.

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I remember seeing this game on Relic Castle a long time ago, commenting on how N(I don't know if he's still in the game, I literally just noticed this thread somehow :P)had Zekrom instead of Reshiram for some odd reason, back when I still frequented that place. Damn if this hasn't improved a hell of a lot since then though. Not trying to be rude or hasty but is there going to be a beta/version based release or are you releasing the entire game at once?

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  On 2/16/2017 at 4:26 PM, Azeria said:

I remember seeing this game on Relic Castle a long time ago, commenting on how N(I don't know if he's still in the game, I literally just noticed this thread somehow :P)had Zekrom instead of Reshiram for some odd reason, back when I still frequented that place. Damn if this hasn't improved a hell of a lot since then though. Not trying to be rude or hasty but is there going to be a beta/version based release or are you releasing the entire game at once?



He will release the full game.

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  On 2/16/2017 at 4:26 PM, Azeria said:

I remember seeing this game on Relic Castle a long time ago, commenting on how N(I don't know if he's still in the game, I literally just noticed this thread somehow :P)had Zekrom instead of Reshiram for some odd reason, back when I still frequented that place. Damn if this hasn't improved a hell of a lot since then though. Not trying to be rude or hasty but is there going to be a beta/version based release or are you releasing the entire game at once?



I'd prefer never talking about Relic Castle ever again, to be honest. That place has made me furious for all the wrong reasons, especially with how toxic it became with a bunch of elitism. Also, I had a few people on there insult my artists including my manga artist, which... you don't do and hope to get away with it. But, I did mention a month or so ago that I do not do beta's and if I do it's selective and I mostly attribute that to people who I know are trustworthy and won't post it anywhere after I give it to them. And no, N is not in the game, because having characters from the Pokemon franchise being in the game would be inconsistent, so I opted into making every character that's in the game be original and from me and not from Game Freak.



Also, as an update here is a sketch of an upcoming area in the game. This is conceptual artwork of the Dark Fang Northern Base, located at the once was Monochroma Mansion, before the Dark Fangs killed the entire Monochroma family and converted it into an enormous facility. The largest Dark Fang base in the game, next to the Dark Fang Castle. I had to make concept artwork of this area, simply because asking my spriter to make tiles and describing how it looks is very hard, so this is why I had to resort to conceptual artwork for this area specifically.



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