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Verdant Tales: Symphonic Horizon


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394 members have voted

  1. 1. When would you like to see my game released?

    • In a month?
    • In two months?
    • In three months?
    • Who cares, I just want to play a well-made game!
  2. 2. Who is your favorite character?

  3. 3. Would you like Save Points to be the only method of saving?

    • Yes
    • No
    • It makes sense, given the very "different nature" of your game, so yes.

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I'm gonna make a small update by saying: I'm gonna take a small break from working on my game, due to finals being right around the corner and that I need to start studying hard for the upcoming exams that I have. However, I plan on doing a long livestream, around Monday of the coming week, so that way I can get a lot of progress done, while using most of my time for school and whatnot.


Also, I feel that I am suffering a bit from burnout, but eh, who doesn't nowadays? Unless you're some kind of robot, then nevermind.

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After a slight hiatus, I will be returning within the coming week! Sorry for the lack of content and whatnot. While I've been away I've been learning Unreal Engine 4, mostly for shits and giggles, but it's also so I can broaden my skills beyond RPG Maker XP, for my own personal hobbies.

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So, here is a little something that I'm working on for a fun, little UE4 project that I'm doing for funzies with the Verdant Tales characters: Vaan Cresthart, Ariana Valeria, Mia Vance, Nero Cresthart, Reynard Maxwell, and Ninetales. However, the only 3 shown here are Vaan, Ariana, and Mia, because this little project will mostly only be using them for the time being XD




The project in UE4 is something that I'm working on in collaboration with other UE4 devs to make a "what-if" game. The game is basically Symphonic Horizon in an alternate universe with the same world, same characters, but minus the Pokemon aspect of it, and taking on the likeness of the Tales games that I was originally trying to convey.

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And now Melodia Hills has its own Title Card :D





The dealio with all the Dragons around Melodia Hills is that they built a wall surrounding their town, due to the aggressive history with the Dragon Type Pokemon attacking them. It's mostly likely having to do with the Fairy Sanctuary being so close nearby that causes the stress levels of the nearby Dragons to rise to the point of attacking anyone nearby.

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Map redesign: This is Melodia Hills' redesign, which... so far, looks FAR better than the original version:




Finally done taking my break, which means back to making my game. It was a nice 3 week long break from a lot of crap.


Symphonic Horizon Manga Patreon Information


Also, it's been finally settled: My Manga Artist and I are going to be making a Patreon dedicated to my manga. So, before I get hounded by elitist Relic Castle users for me even stating that I'm using a Patreon, let me elaborate a little bit first:


First of all, I pay the people who make my game not in exposure, but with actual freaking money that I've earned through hard work. Any and all money that I make from my personal internship goes towards my game. I don't even accept donations towards my game, so that way any and all complaints in regards to it are null and void.


Secondly, selling a manga compared to a fan-game is much more widely accepted, as there are actual rules governed in place that make it so people can sell fan doujinshi's all the time on Ebay and Pixiv. Case and point, here: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=869368


Thirdly: Those same people also have Patreon's/Kickstarters for their own Doujins as well, so if you want to complain, then go complain to those thousands of, for the most part, respectable and innocent, fledgling Manga-ka's and see what they say.


Lastly: All the money from the Patreon goes towards the manga and not my game. That's why I have an... actual internship that pays for this sort of thing? I'm just saying? Also, I'm not stupid, I know the repercussions of what will happen if you crowdfund a fan-game. Trust me, I've seen many a fan-game be taken down because of it.


I think that justifies it enough, before I get hate mail from Relic Castle users saying that I'm a fraud for crowd-funding a doujinshi, of all things, even though there are hundreds of thousands of people selling theirs on Ebay and Pixiv all the freaking time.

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Man ur work is real good......I'll say those tile making is all headache types.......keep it going man I'll wait for a 5 years too for this game COZ it's not just ur run-of-the-mill game or not even just special....I've never seen a pokemon game like it before.....so yup when it ain't same old it's all cool. It'll be the best someday.


The wanted posters at 102 minutes was the best!!


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14 hours ago, BRS swag said:

Man ur work is real good......I'll say those tile making is all headache types.......keep it going man I'll wait for a 5 years too for this game COZ it's not just ur run-of-the-mill game or not even just special....I've never seen a pokemon game like it before.....so yup when it ain't same old it's all cool. It'll be the best someday.

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The wanted posters at 102 minutes was the best!!



6 hours ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

Keep up the good work, man i dont care how long this will take i'll play this game even if i waited 5 years^^


It's great being back into the work of things, because I needed a break, especially after all the stress I've been under the past few days. Also, I encourage a lot of people, including other Pokemon Game Devs. reading this to check this Jimquisition episode out, it's very informative:


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Man, that guy who needs people working on games 24*7, WHAT THE #@*! IS WRONG WITH HIM?? seriously, is he sane or has cash totally made him lose his SANITY??? Jim's right, a game developer is only as good as his mental health is. I've never developed a game but i know this......developing games can be both a fantasy ride or the total opposite. A game comes out like a poem.......it's not like "Ay get me a poem by tomorrow. I'll pay you 100 bucks". @Dylanrockin dude i hope u enjoy ur game making. just chill for sometimes, u know like u took the break for learning the unreal engine, or just don't do s#1t for some time or anything like that. u doing it for passion, do it as a passion bruh. no one works on their passion all day. it'll just become like studying. so yep, i rambled on big time..i've never written a 5-lines(in my laptop screen) paragraph in the rebornevo website but yeah, i had to. wish u all good stuff for the future of the game.

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1 hour ago, BRS swag said:

Man, that guy who needs people working on games 24*7, WHAT THE #@*! IS WRONG WITH HIM?? seriously, is he sane or has cash totally made him lose his SANITY??? Jim's right, a game developer is only as good as his mental health is. I've never developed a game but i know this......developing games can be both a fantasy ride or the total opposite. A game comes out like a poem.......it's not like "Ay get me a poem by tomorrow. I'll pay you 100 bucks". @Dylanrockin dude i hope u enjoy ur game making. just chill for sometimes, u know like u took the break for learning the unreal engine, or just don't do s#1t for some time or anything like that. u doing it for passion, do it as a passion bruh. no one works on their passion all day. it'll just become like studying. so yep, i rambled on big time..i've never written a 5-lines(in my laptop screen) paragraph in the rebornevo website but yeah, i had to. wish u all good stuff for the future of the game.

i agree with you, you're completely right :D developing a game is for fun, its not meant to be done in a short time, take whtever time you need also have fun and take pauses/breakes

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Finals are almost over I swear :o Literally tomorrow is my last day of school for the year, and then I start my Summer job working IT on the 30th. Which means I will have a lot more, stress-free time to work on my game! I plan on streaming some game development tomorrow after my last day of school and after I finish up the last of my assignments that I procrastinated for a bit until now XD


So, that's cool I suppose :o 

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Progress update: I've been working extensively on finishing up some late game events and working around making some battles more interesting, including the Android fight with Rae and Asche. Their fight basically involves them having the ability to use an ability exclusive to them, due to them being androids, that allows their Pokemon to have their next attack be 100% accurate. However, you do not have to actually win the fight, as there are 3 fights with them, and only 1 of them you have to win and that's after you've fought them twice and their Pokemon being tired out.


Also, at the start of June I will be continuing progress on the manga, as well as posting a link to the manga's Patreon page for those interested. My manga artist just graduated from college with her degree in Art, Comic and Cartoon design. You can view it early if you want, but it's still a work in progress:




As much as I tend to avoid crowdfunding, this is the one and only time I will ever do this, since it's not funding my game. This Patreon page is only to fund the manga, and even then I'm still paying for it, alongside this. This isn't for me to skimp out on my own payments, but mostly to assist in regards to printing costs and additional, extra pages, per month.


Feedback on the page would be appreciated. Thoughts, opinions, criticisms.

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With the summer here, no more school and a full-time job paying me lots of money in my field of study I have completed loads of events so far! I plan on posting a new video in regards to a new menu I was working on the past 2 weeks or so! It's the new, revamped Ability Matrix that has been, for the most part, finished :D


Also, the reason why I have not posted anything in regards to any sort of character artwork is well... practically all of them are now finished. There are maybe 2-3 left for the tournament, but other than that there aren't anymore characters that need designing. Also, I spent the past week revising the story of my game and re-ordering sequences of events. Mainly in the direction of the storyline and its "arcs". I also changed how the Next Dimension Tournament works, at least in regards to the story's premise. Instead of it being the penultimate arc of the game it is the final arc, mostly because I find it very difficult to believe that after certain things happen you just magically go to this island in another dimension while this evil bad-guy is just... waiting? Somewhere? So, to make things flow better I changed it to the Celestial Island being the penultimate arc with the Next Dimension Tournament being the final arc before the final ascension through Destiny Outlook.


Also, here is a new map I finished awhile ago. This is the Volcano Island Archipelago (yes I know it's only 1 island)




This island is purely optional and this mostly only serves as an area to catch a certain Legendary Pokemon after you finish up the Northern Base. Also, this is roughly around the time when one of the Masked Trainers utilizes her own Legendary Pokemon which she refers to as her "pet mouse" that she uses for killing burglars. That legendary Pokemon in question being Primal Groudon. Why and how does she have that Pokemon? Well, first of all she's old. Really old. And secondly she has her ways of controlling Pokemon that are far too powerful for a regular Trainer to ever hope  to use.

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For those of you interested I've posted a livestream of some game development that I've been working on today. Not quite as long as I'd been hoping since my internet started to whack out on me. But, for the most part I accomplished quite a bit, while also talking about relevant things.



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1 minute ago, Another Retired Shipper said:

A new video, niice :D

Indeed! I am gonna just repost it on this new page, so that way people don't have to navigate to the previous page and search through it all again:




Also gonna post this here just because:



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So, I've got some time off from work during the weekends, but in the coming few days I plan on over-hauling several key aspects of my game, especially reworking certain cutscenes. Mostly due to continuity errors, and mostly due to other things that didn't make much sense. Also, I will be re-working some game mechanics as well as including several new items and graphics into the game.


One other important thing is that I am currently animating 2 new animations for my game. And since my pay-roll at my new job has been quite nice (significantly more than if I was to work 2 jobs at the same time) I am now able to afford these things more openly without having to worry about partitioning my money in other areas.




As for the manga, my Patreon page for it is now live and you all are now able to check it out. Incentives and goals are listed, but I also wanted to add this: I am basically working on both the manga and the game at the same time, as well as prioritizing about 80% of my money towards it, which... is a lot of money. As of this month I will be posting a couple pages, but more than that you'll have to wait for the actual manga to be released. Also, for newcomers of my thread and don't know what I'm talking about, and for those who are saying that I'm talking out my ass, here are some example pages:







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