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First Characters


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So, I was reading old PMs to see what to get rid of and I found an old conversation with Hukuna. It was my attempt to get into RPing. Within lay my first attempt at creating an RP character.

Here's the monstrous first incarnation of Darius Renalim

Region: The Sword
-an ancient Warrior class dating back to before the Nix War, they are nowadays the elite warriors of the Renalim kingdom and the Sword region of the continent. they are equip with heavy sets of armor and an extensive arsenal with which they can both take and dish out immense amounts of punishment on the battle field. they are skilled users of Sheilds.
High Defense, Good Strength, and low speed
Can wield:
-1&2 handed swords/ Bastard Swords
- Axes
- Flails
Armor Class: Heavy
Proficiency: Sword and Shield combat
Character Name:
Darius Renalim
As an orphan, Darius led a rather harsh life.Abandoned at a run down orphanage in the Capitol of Renalim, hence the name. Darius grew up with very few outlets for his troubles and pains. This led to him bullying several of his fellow orphans. As Darius grew up, alongside his rather despicable habits, he began to take up learning swordplay and brawling rather regularly at the age of 14 yet another outlet. This resulted in the young man being a rather large, prominent figure in the Orphanage who none dared to cross. As life carried on Darius began to develop a taste for violence and abuse, becoming a terror to the residents of his home. He developed a small clique of teenagers who became experienced in the ways of the slums.
Despite his guardians rather meek efforts to reign him in, he began to spiral further into his desires, treating his siblings as meat to pulverise as he wished. Slowly, around the age of 17 Darius became the unofficial ruler of the orphanage, simultaeneously terrorising and safeguarding the orphanage from the common thieves and beggars who would take advantage of the residents with his siblings. Eventually, a few months before he turned 18, he inevitably went too far. Darius had been attempting to Discipline one of the younger children with his typical methods of beating them into submission, Soon enough, he lost himself in his lust for pain, and inflicted crippling wounds to the child, rendering them as good as dead in the poverty stricken slums.
Having never gone this far before, normally keeping the beatings to nothing more han bruisings, Darius was shocked at himself and sought to redeem himself. The distraught boy approached a member of the Church and confessed what he had done. The priest advised the boy to redeem himself and seek out a purpose for himself, as well as a source of fulfillment for his desire for pain.
Upon Darius’ 18th birthday, he left the orphanage and sought to join the Ranks of the Knights, the upholders of the Law in the Kingdom of Renalim. After he enrolled, which required enlisting the help of a past resident of the orphanage, he began a strict regime of tutoring and combat training, learning of the world he lived in and how to fight his enemies ,as well as how to control his dark impulses, over the course of 5 years. At the age of 23 he started as an assistant to a veteran knight, spending 2 years under the mans tutelage. At the end of this time he was selected to become a part of the elite Group known as The Knights Of Renalim.
Darius is a rather quiet, subdued individual, who tends to push others away with rude and insulting comments, in an attempt to mask and control his impulses. He constantly feels a sense of guilt for his actions, which is made worse by his everpresent desire for violence. Darius only ever allows himslf to sate himself when fighting an enemy, changing quite drastically into a very energetic, joyful person in a fight. He enjoys fighting strong enemies as it allows him to inflict more pain over a longer amount of time and gives him a strong sense of satisfaction in his victory. The guilt Darius harbours forces him to act whenever someone commits acts of violence towards the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves. This makes him appear to some as a rather gruff hero, but those who know of Darius’ past see the meaning behind his actions and know how he hates this.
Due to his meager upbringings, Darius spares very little thought for luxuries and comforts, content to sleep on either the ground of an alleyway or a luxurious bed in a palace and having an equal sense of taste in almost all facets of culture. This has resulted in Darius being accepting of almost all cultures, although he occasionally insults some of the more prideful cultures with his lack of appreciation.
Whilst Darius seeks redemption, he still retained his loose morals concerning Non violent crimes and such, and is rather accepting of these transgressions when not directed towards him. Furthermore, his time as ruler of the orphanage has caused him to not recognise a leader until he has verified his worth. He can work with others so long as he can trust thier skills, personalities and motives mean very little to him, so ong as h can fight and achieve his goa, depending on the situation.
Normally, Darius maintains a passive expression on his face, using body language and his voice to convey his mood and the meaning of his words. Contrary to this, when in a fight he bears a ferocious grin on his face and when he inflicts even the smallest wound he cackles in joy.
Darius is a tall, broad shouldered man with short, dark hair and a clean shaven face. He has sharp features with a hooked nose, with murky brown eyes that have a tinge of green mixed in. He constantly wears steel plate armor to condition his body, but when he removes said armor he wears a maroon tunic with black trousers and shoes.

I thought it might be fun if people dug up their very first characters and put them here, for better or for worse.

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Oh god Dobby, you've done it again, going and reminding me of PSS... oh the horrors that were spawned by my own raw ambition and lack of genre/hosting experience...

IS this for Roleplaying OCs solely, or can any character from any medium be used so long as they were technically the "First" a person ever wrote?

Cause if it's exclusively for the former, this would honestly belong more in the RP forum than it would in creative writing.

If it's the latter though... I must tell you, I have an example up my sleeve that could easily put the first draft of old Darius here to absolute shame... I shit you not. The being I speak of is so amateurish and god awful, that simply reading the short story I wrote about him five years ago damn near caused me to die of embarrassment...

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Ah man, I can barely remember my first RP char. Hard to pull up since the site Roleplayer-Guild went under a few years back but I can definitely give you the cliff notes. Basically for this pokemon RP from like 2009, they were looking for pokemon Admins for the generic evil team. SO I made my character an Admin who went incognito as a grunt, letting him get yelled at and scolded by his underlings to keep up the appearances and then pretended to quit the organization and party up with the main group of PC's, giving info on their progress to the main team after they beat the big bad the first time. pretty alright concept right? Well it was ruined by my immaturity and lack of experience for actual roleplaying. (I've been doing D&D since I was like 5 so this wasn't so different right? wrong.)

I remember so many infights where i tried to put actual game mechanics and base stats in each post for the attack and all these game stats lmao. like my entire posts for the round was like "My scizor uses bullet punch which hurts because I have technician and STAB"

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Oh god Dobby, you've done it again, going and reminding me of PSS... oh the horrors that were spawned by my own raw ambition and lack of genre/hosting experience...

IS this for Roleplaying OCs solely, or can any character from any medium be used so long as they were technically the "First" a person ever wrote?

Cause if it's exclusively for the former, this would honestly belong more in the RP forum than it would in creative writing.

If it's the latter though... I must tell you, I have an example up my sleeve that could easily put the first draft of old Darius here to absolute shame... I shit you not. The being I speak of is so amateurish and god awful, that simply reading the short story I wrote about him five years ago damn near caused me to die of embarrassment...

It's in Creative Writing, therefore, feel free to include those. I can allow both XD>

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I have (well "had", since I never use him anymore) a character that currently goes by the name Denmark "Mark" Traytantom. Back when I first made him, though, he was Matt X, quite literally me from another universe.

In his original incarnation, he had the following powers:

  • transforming into any canon form of Luigi and using his powers. The fact that the form had to be "canon" sounds like a restriction, right? Not really, since this version of him worked for Nintendo and was friends with Miyamoto. He could quite literally call up Nintendo and say "hey Shiggy, I need a version of Luigi with these powers, stat!"
  • teleporting out of this universe and back in at another spot. This sounds fine as well, until you add in the fact that the place where he is in the meantime is made out of philotes, which want to be shaped into objects. This means that if he knows exactly how something works, he could make it out of thin air.

He was also the only human who could touch an ancient artifact called the Gosarch with their skin. If anyone else tried it, it would cause the universe to explode. Except I distinctly remember writing a story with him where his friend touched it and then it merely started them on an adventure, so this character even gets points for breaking his own universe's rules.

He was the subject of a prophecy slightly older than the Gosarch, but I forgot what it was about. I do remember that after the prophecy was fulfilled, he ended up dying.

Except not really. Somehow, his soul and that of his best friend became part of the Gosarch, and when it was placed inside the core of a planet-sized computer thousands of years later, it ended up making the computer sentient and also revived the two souls inside a virtual reality inside the computer. There was an adventure to find a way to get the two new physical bodies, and after that had been accomplished, Matt - but not the friend - ended up falling through a rift in time and landed in medieval times, shrunken down to 1/16th of his height during a time when fairies were real and being hunted down. He ended up befriending a young woman and she helped him and some real fairies escape to North America. He then became the prophet that told the very prophecy he'd fulfilled in his birth time.

Honestly, it could still make for an interesting story, if he wasn't so overpowered and if the three time frames had a little more cohesion between them.

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It's in Creative Writing, therefore, feel free to include those. I can allow both XD>

then god forgive the sin I committed... and may humanity forgive the crime I committed.

My first character... was for my first serious short story- if anyone actually pays attention to the Author Index thread, you should know what that was. the year... was 2011- people had momentarily regained faith in Obama thanks to the slaying of Bin Laden 2 days prior, I have no idea what the price of a tank of gas was, and the starwars third trilogy was nothing but a dream in the minds of certain fanboys...

It was the seventh grade... I had no choice but to write something if I wanted that grade, and I had to operate under a page limit and a time crunch. And so, when I needed inspiration to get writing, what did I turn to? Starwars, folks. I turned to starwars, specifically, I turned to this video

And yes, it is important that I include that here, so don't bite me over it. It's important because in a way, I more or less took the basic premise of the video and more or less ripped it off. The product of this unholy union of mind and youtube video was none other than the Man I named "Steven Mountegry"

Steven was, for lack of a better word, a freaking jedi in the real world. Like I said... I ripped off the video's theme and went with it. The story started out with Steven working as an underappreicated, under paid special effects artist at lucas film in early 1983 working on the set of "The Return of the Jedi". To settle his grievances, Steven pulled together what little resources and cash he had, and somehow... I don't fucking even know how, he managed to construct a fully functional, legitimate lightsaber over the course of five whole years during his time employed in Lucas Film. And then once his labor was complete, what did steven do?

He marched into George's office and held the thing to his throat and demanded a change in his situation. Goerge though, I don't know whether it was because I imagined the guy having balls of steel or simply because I needed a reason for Steven to run away, refused to meet Steven's demands. Steven gets pissed off, runs out as George calls out for him to wait a minute ((Probably because he wants to figure out how the ever loving fuck steven made a god damn lightsaber)), and a set extra inadvertently gets in Steve's way as he flees... a swing upward, a scream, and lo and behold, turns out the lighthsaber actually works just like in the movies. And then, we have ourselves a cover up being preformed by Lucas Arts...Steven goes into hiding, his blue prints are hidden away, just like in the video's exposition...

fast forward twenty years, and some nutjob has bought the blue prints off ebay and plans to take out the us government ((I'm not shitting you, I fucking wrote this plot at age 12)). Steven finds him, confronts him, the guy manages to escape towards DC and steven peels out in pursuit of him. The story comes to it's climax when the two encounter each other at the washington monument where steven founds the nut has massacred a bunch of tourist and secruity guards as "Practice", steven gets pissed off, the two exchange words and wipe up their lightsabers- steven has blue and his opponent red -an then... they proceed to clash. Some shitty naration from 12 year old me later, and the fight has dragged on for a quite a bit and Steven ultimately manages to outlast Nick in terms of stamina and goes in for the kill.

But wait folks, Steven gets worse... what I do next with him in the story breaks all logic, and I even said as much in the narration- he's attacked by a black ops agent leading a unit that's presumably been dispatched to handle the chaos at the monument, and for a minute in the end, it looks like he's been captured... but what do I have steven do? He uses a mother fucking force maelstrom move straight out of Force Unleashed and blows all of them away with a shockwave... apparently he was a jedi both in abilities and weaponry... So the black ops leader is actually pretty chill about this... until Steven also pulls out the powers of Pyrokinesis ((Which is actually possible as a force ability)) as well as hyperspeed and rushes him and pretty much brands the guy's face. The guy gets pissed off, pushes steven away, and what do ya know? He's a fucking jedi too! He blasts steven with some force lightning, pretty much pushing him over the edge of his endurance, and steven falls to the ground unconscious just as the guy fires off another salvo of lightning at him...

and that's how I ended the story... on a god damn cliff hanger, as if my sins in it's creation weren't great enough- I actually intended for their to be a sequel... and until age 13, I actually did make a few attempts at writing one for it.

So there... that was my first. Steven Mountegry. A 40 something year old, scraggly haired retired FX artist who can somehow wield a lightsaber perfectly and use the Force with no explanations given... though for the lightsaber, I at least had the foresight to mention that experience and practice factored heavily into why he was able to kill his opponent, Nicholas Crone, with relative ease after the latter tired during the fight...

but simply telling you about this sin is not enough... it must be shown... a matter for a different place though, not here...

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The thing is, writing-wise, most of my first characters are the ones you've seen in Graterras if you read it. I just had years where I was working on them, just so much time to really give them spirit and work on them. Orpheus was one of the earliest ones and part of the reason I created Victonari in the world. I dunno, I liked the idea of Draconian however, I noticed they were usually incredibly twisted and evil in most forms if they existed within a world. So, I thought I'd take a different approach.

That was the stance I then kinda took on human monsters in general for Graterras. They were races of intelligent creature... why did they all have to be across the board evil? Couldn't there be blurs in the lines and not have it be so dang clear cut? And so I just moved more and more towards that. Making "monsters" the people they really ought to have been, at least... in my eyes. A lot of Graterras really sprang froth from these ideas, those that despite outward appearance, we were very similar. Perhaps out culture was different, perhaps our values etc, but deep down we all really were striving to just live our lives the way we knew how. I kinda liked the idea and let it sorta drive itself a bit, using the fact that normally Monstrous races were now more human. I used that chance to really try and to expand their cultures a bit and make them not just horribly flat bricks that the heros rounded the corner and then they were just lifeless blocks waiting there for that moment. It's what creatures a lot of the time feel like in fantasy, just big old road bumps with nothing else special about them. Dunno, I just always felt there was a bit of an opportunity to expand on creatures and the role they could have instead of just "Whack-a-mole".

Maybe this is cheating for this question... but I feel Graterras itself was my first character. It was a world that I shaped and learned how to write and experiment in and to figure out stuff. It was a big ball of nothing once, but I spent more than enough time chiseling away at it, getting it to take the form I wanted. It feels just as alive as any character I've written.

D&D-wise, the first character I had was a Dwarven Thief named Quimbly Quickfingers. I believe he was one of the most silly looking dwarves being about 5 ft tall, and weighing somewhere around 500 pounds. ((let's just say he wasn't a brilliant climber.)) I honestly didn't get much opportunity to play him though. It was when my dad was going to teach me about 2nd edition however, my brothers didn't really have any interest at the time. It was kinda just me who did. Campaigns were pretty tough to run with a single character so, just sorta back-burnered the poor guy and never really ended up using him. I do remember his backstory and the way I set him up, even though I didn't continue his characterization I have I feeling I might now where it could've gone.

Quimbly was a blacksmith at one point in his life, a maker of tools, horseshoes, general purpose smithing. He didn't make anything fancy like swords or weapons as he was the Blacksmith for only a small village of humans up in the mountains. He worked hard everyday getting absorbed in his work. He hammered things all day and mostly into the late of the night before retiring. It was one night however, that a man came to his shop late in the night. Normally, Customers weren't allowed back in the Workshop and had to wait out in the store front where Quimbly's brother Mordin would take care of them and show them the wares already finished or fill requests for them. However, Mordin usually closed up the front very early in the night. After all, most people didn't come visit a shop in the wee hours of the morning. Quimbly however had forgotten to lock the door to the workshop. The man... in desperate need of something... persisted though he saw the storefront was closed and eventually found the Door to the Workshop and let himself in. A fatal mistake. Quimbly, being absorbed in his work didn't hear the door creak open. He was busy sweating over the forge as he pounded out a couple of replacement horseshoes for one of his neighbor's work horses. It wasn't hard work, actually pretty simple stuff for one of his skill but he gave as much care as he could to everything he did. He never wanted to be complacent and ruin an order thinking he couldn't possibly screw it up. The Man of course snuck up on him. Why... Quimbly doesn't know to this day. However, thinking it an intruder, Quimbly smashed the forge hammer in his hand directly into the man's skull, killing him. At first he wasn't too upset at the occurrence, after all he was defending himself right? But that when he noticed the order slip in his hand. It was one of the slips Mordin issued the customers and usually hung out on the board by the indoor entrance to the Workshop. Even though it was entirely an accident, Quimbly still felt wholly guilty for the occurrence. He couldn't ever feel at home in his workshop again. As a result, his work slowed and fell in quality. It was clear something was the matter with the Dwarf as he'd never allow that to happen ever before. However, the day Mordin finally decided to say something, he found only a small note attached to the Forge. "I don't feel welcome here anymore brother. The people of the village, they say it's not my fault, but it really is. I'm the reason he no longer has a life to cling to. His ghost whether real or not still haunts me in this workshop reminding me of the misdeed I had done. No matter what anyone says, it's still my fault this happened and this workshop only reminds me of that now. Luckily, I'm not just leaving the forge empty, I had trained an apprentice, young lad by the name of Roark. He just hit his manhood, a ripe 18. I'm sure he'll be as great a Smith as I ever was. However, I must leave this town. It's only a memory of the horrible thing I did. So, goodbye Mordin. Maybe one day we'll meet again." and thus, Quimbly become a vagabond wandering the world in search of atonement. He believe that maybe one day he could find it, but it would be a long journey until that happened.

I actually tailored the character a lot after this choice, making him super good at lockpicking and trap-making ((which, Dwarves were already good at to be fair.)) due to his blacksmithing roots. While he wasn't entirely familiar he easily picked up metal working and just things of that nature. He of course, became a Rogue out of necessity. After all, a wanderer didn't make much sometimes one had to make ends meet in the more unsavory kind of way. I feel like he'd easily make for a more dour character, one who's mostly given up on the world and everything in it even abandoned his prior values etc and hardly would believe them anymore. He would sorta be mopey and feel a bit too sorry for himself. I'm sure a good party would help him turn around and regain what he had lost. His trust in himself. Certainly a place he could easily regrow as a character. While I didn't really get to play him, he was still my first step in D&D and I'm very happy for that. Maybe one day I'll give him the proper treatment and make him an actual character and play him. I think he deserves that lol.

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Oooh boy....

My first character was pretty rough. The first time I'd ever really written a character somewhat seriously on my own time was for Acqui's RP, Aftermath - And it was baaad. I'll see if I can dig it up...

And here it is:

Name: Flux
Flux is tall and has long black hair with a blonde highlight in the middle. His bangs extend far in the front and his hair reaches a little past his shoulders. He wears a long white lab coat and glasses just below his eyes which bear an intense gaze. He does not speak much, but rather watches is silence, contemplating every possible option. He is very intelligent and does not spend much time around people. Instead, he prefers the company of his large and powerful Aggron, Ogre. Despite the power of his Pokemon, he prefers not to fight unless absolutely necessary.. He spends much of his time researching the DNA and genetic builds of all the species of Pokemon and uses this information to his advantage in battles. While he may be seen as cruel and uncaring, Flux has the interest of Pokemon held first in his heart, and however the League may turn out, he will be ready to face it.
So yeah. It was a really brief bio, very unorganized, written pretty poorly, and I tried too hard to make it sound cool. To this day I have a hard time describing a character for a character sheet without it sounding stupid. But yeah, my RPing wasn't much better at that point. I broke tons of rules, and I'm honestly surprised I didn't get any warnings of any sorts. I was 15 or 16 at the time, and I'd never really written anything besides reports for school at that point. I remember being so nervous and afraid to say anything in the OOC since I was the new guy, so I pretty much never interacted with anyone outside of the IC thread (Besides Murdoc and DarkLight, who joined the RP around the same time as me.) Anyway, I'm still grateful to Acqui for putting up with me because without the good experience I had with that RP, I probably wouldn't have ever gotten involved in anything else in this section, and I honestly would have probably left Reborn for good years ago.
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Oh man this was a day I knew would come. Guess it is time I told you guys a story. A story of the mini author in my prepubescent skull. This was the dawning of my Reddit days as an RPer.

Anyways, I was about 12 or 13 then, and I was surfing the Web, just clicking on just about anything that came to my mind that I decided to put into the search on Google. Everything from pr0nagraphy to DeviantArt to Youtube to Flash Portals like Newgrounds and Kongregate (my mind was a strange one because I suffered from a weird case of satyromania then, and I don't wanna go into that any further except to say it was weird in the very least).

Anyways, the thought of Pokemon crossed my mind. I typed it in, along with random phrases. AND along came my first taste of an RPing community. I still remember it kinds fondly. The RP was then named: "Pokemon: Castle Romeo".

Castle Romeo was a cool RP to say in the very least. It was very advanced for me at the time, considering I was barely a novice then. Castle Romeo instilled in me a strange discipline to writing that I still kind of hold to this day. Even before I knew about all this gross stuff like plot development and whatnot.

Basically I walked in on Castle Romeo at about the right time, because the moderators told me that they were rebooting it and trying to take another crack at it. They told me make a character to serve as a Trainer for the Castle Romeo RP. So I spent time looking up THE MOST random pictures of guys from anime I could think of.

Then I found the perfect picture:


Despite the obvious implications of who the guy in the picture is, if you can name him right off hand, then good for you. I altered his appearance to suit me better. Blonde hair, glasses, etc. Now I was trying to go for badass, but not overdoing it.

Enter my main man:

Aaron Roberts, the Red Hawk.

This guy was my essence of awesomeness like you wouldn't believe. Over on Romeo, we were just about unfettered by any of the petty restrictions we kind of have over here.

Aaron had a Tyranitar, Garchomp, and Metagross, because fuck it, 13 year old's logic. He managed to tame the Garchomp through some method I think was wrestling and captured the Tyranitar using some giant trap, and found the Metagross in an abandoned factory, which he crafted back into fighting condition.

Castle Romeo was strange, but Aaron was even stranger. He was probably the biggest heel in the entire RP. But that was what made him fun. He could be a real dick 98% of the time, but sometimes you'd get that grateful or remorseful 2% from out of nowhere.

Aaron was easily in the top 3 of most productive characters to play around in Pokemon: Castle Romeo. By the time we tore down the RP, I think he was amongst the veterans of Romeo, even though my writing skills were absolutely atrocious back then.

Anyways, that's Aaron Roberts, aka Red Hawk. The 20-ish year old asshole, jack-of-all-trades ne'er-do-well.

RIP Aaron. You were freaking cool.

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  • 1 month later...

My first post in an actual thread, and it's reflecting on one of my greatest failures in life. Go figure.

I present to you, Kai. She is the epitome of what my 13 y/o budding weeaboo, edgier-than-broken-glass brain could come up with. I made her for my younger sister's ~~SUPER EXCLUSIVE~~ RP group on Crunchyroll, which pretty much tells you everything already. Thankfully, the group was abandoned the following year.

Username: xxMitsumeAxx

Name of chara: Kai

age: 16

race(vamp, demon, angel, fairy, human, etc..): kage o norowa ("cursed shadow")

who they fight for(god, devil, humans, yourself..etc..): Kai fights for those in need, but she mostly fights for herself since she is a loner.

Abilities: can conjure dark weapons out of thin air, controls darkness, very fast, skill of persuasion. Kai is very simple in her ability preference. Mostly she fights with her hands.

Weakness: Kai is very hot-headed and tends to use more of her power than necessary when provoked, causing her to become extremely weak.

Strong Point(what you speacialize in, when you fight..): she wields weapons expertly and nailed controlling her powers to a T. She refuses to accept losses in a battle, so she fights her best and hardest.

Personality: Kai is...somewhat stubborn. She is independent and mostly stays alone. She pops up anywhere at any time, but most will only be able to catch a glimpse of her because she doesn't like to be stared at. She's rather strong "for a girl" as most rude people would state it. She is also extremely smart and can be egotistical at times. Sarcasm is one of the main elements of her personality.

Pet{s}(optional): doesn't find a need for one.

Pet{s} abilities (optional):

Bio: Kai has been known all her life as simply "Kai". It is rumored that one day she "popped up out of nowhere" in a village. The first time they saw her, she was strangling the village elder with what people said were "tentacles made out of darkness" radiating from the ground, hissing something about him killing her parents. When one of the villagers went to hit her with a stick, it bounced off of a shadow rising off of the ground. That day she disappeared and never showed her face in the village again.
Not much is known about her. She keeps her information about herself a secret and doesn't tell anything to anyone she doesn't trust. Which is pretty much everyone. People call her a murderer and a demon, but her most common nickname is kōrudo kage ("cold shadow"). Kai doesn't have many friends. Her clothing alters occasionally.

And here's the picture I chose for her (probably googling something like "anime girl with black hair and red eyes"):


I used to be embarrassed when I remembered that she exists, but now it makes me laugh. I have to admit, my writing was stellar when I was 13.

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That's a really good question. Technically, my first character would've been when I was 4 or 5, but I think that was more of a sue. In terms of writing serious characters though, that's really a good question. The username I use was actually based on a character, but that wasn't my first character. I didn't exactly through away any characters either along with the early ones all coming along a day from each other.

I suppose the only one who stayed very true to his character was Drake Mandieum who actually was called Dark Man only at that point in time. It's so funny how similar he stayed such as being the right hand man before backstabbing his master, but it's more liked a fleshed his character out to eventually be a main villain. I think the only other change is that he was a war general and was made a bit older. I mean I can talk about the characters as they are now easily, but trying to remember what they were like 12 years ago is easier said then done. I just remember they weren't really that detailed or had stories to them.

If we want to go RP wise, Henry Baldwin from the original Ymora would be my first RP character and that one is one hell of a story. Henry was intentionally going to be socially awkward or not a very friendly person, but there's a really funny story of how he became the way he was. Let's just say that I finished up revising a certain story character for a piece of writing after two months of reworking his story and personality. When a certain event hit my nerves, my instincts kicked in an I started Roleplaying as the character instead of what Henry was going to be. That's half the reason Henry was a mess because I completely changed characters in the first chapter playing more of a character I created called Typhoon.

I know I've probably thrown the name Typhoon around a couple times, but I never really did explain who he is. Trust me, the name really suits his personality and style (or at least when he decided to go by that name). He's probably not the guy you want to spend time around as he will get on your nerves and even say or do things that might make you want to stab him (hell, one of his "comrades" tries to kill because of what he does). It's actually pretty similar to Henry's offputting personality, but his softer side exactly matches Henry's. He doesn't want to hurt others which is why he's so cold to them basically sums up the surface of his character. There's quite a bit to this character to the point you can never really tell whose side he really is on.

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Let's see if I can remember it correctly. You'll have to forgive me as I didn't actually think I was going to be too involved in the RP community at the time which is why he wasn't such a detailed or well made character. I suppose the best way to describe him was kind socially awkward. I believe he did think somewhat highly of himself, but he certainly wasn't going to be the jerk he was. It wasn't anything too special or detailed and I'd argue is was way more on the sueish side.

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My first RP character was Logan Walker. I used him in Surge Story and I remember I was afraid of being the noob that went too far so for every positive aspect I tried to give him a negative one. He was more to try things out as I certainly did not expect / plan to stay in the RP section.

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My first RP character was Logan Walker. I used him in Surge Story and I remember I was afraid of being the noob that went too far so for every positive aspect I tried to give him a negative one. He was more to try things out as I certainly did not expect / plan to stay in the RP section.

Surge Story was before Graterras Original? I don't remember them being that close in time though... maybe my memory is just garbage XD

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Surge Story was before Graterras Original? I don't remember them being that close in time though... maybe my memory is just garbage XD

It did. The gap between the time the OOCs for either went up though was only about a little over a week or two apart though, Given Surge Story was up and running on march 29 2014, and Graterras on April 7 2014

Also, holy shit, i didn't even realize it's been that long already... two years I've spent in this place. Damn, how time flies...

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It did. The gap between the time the OOCs for either went up though was only about a little over a week or two apart though, Given Surge Story was up and running on march 29 2014, and Graterras on April 7 2014

Also, holy shit, i didn't even realize it's been that long already... two years I've spent in this place. Damn, how time flies...

That's actually pretty awesome I didn't know those were that close in when they started up ((cause no offense but I didn't really have the time to focus on Surge Story and it didn't seem like what I wanted out of a Pokemon Experience... that and I was probably supposed to be running Aftermath at that time... which... I sorta failed at and will probably apologize to Acquie forever even if she says I don't have to cause I feel like it's kinda my fault that one took a nose dive lol. Least it is how I perceive it. Graterras was just taking so much of my time and I jsut couldn't give it the attention it deserved and I still feel pretty shitty about it.))

But wow, Sigurd still impresses me by the way, he's super duper solid for a second character as well. Like, he's a strong and pretty well written character for some one who just started and he still pressed me to think around him at times. It was brilliant. Sigurd, probably one of few characters I've seen who'd be dumb enough to yell at a god ((but it was so in-character and that moment is still one of my favourites from my time is this forum. Just know Chim your one of few players who left me speechless and flabbergasted in a good way. I don't get to say that often. I've seen my fair share so that's pretty hard to do.))

And yea... time sure does fly huh? XD I can't even believe I'm still here at times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my first character from about ten months ago, created for Tomas' Yugioh Roleplay...

Name: Monika Riegel
Gender: Female
Appearence: She is 5'6'' tall, white-skinned, has long black hair and amber coloured eyes. She is also fairly thin, and is often seen wearing dark clothes.

She uses Rollerblades as a transportation method (added later)
Personality: She is calm and serious, and fairly shy with new people, but easy-going and very kind with close friends. She is also a curious person.
She really likes dueling, and she's become fairly good, but she thinks she still has a lot of things to learn. She is competitive and serious during duels, and always trying to improve.
She tends to look forward and think about the future.
Backstory: She was not born in Heartland, but in another city; she moved to Heartland at the age of 13 with her family, and didn't have any friends at school because of this.
Even her accent is slightly different from the other classmates from Heartland.
When she was 12, she saw a very bright comet in the sky, and since then she began to gradually become more interested in astronomy: her deck actually "reflects" this, and she used it for the first time just some months before moving to Heartland.
Number Holder: No
Decks: Constellar

If compared to a certain character I made later, this looks very simple; but I personally think she's was way less cringe-worthy than my actual posts in that Roleplay... poor Tomas.

Edited by Cyaloom
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Here's my first character from about ten months ago, created for Tomas' Yugioh Roleplay...

Name: Monika Riegel

Gender: Female

Appearence: She is 5'6'' tall, white-skinned, has long black hair and amber coloured eyes. She is also fairly thin, and is often seen wearing dark clothes.

She uses Rollerblades as a transportation method (added later)

Personality: She is calm and serious, and fairly shy with new people, but easy-going and very kind with close friends. She is also a curious person.

She really likes dueling, and she's become fairly good, but she thinks she still has a lot of things to learn. She is competitive and serious during duels, and always trying to improve.

She tends to look forward and think about the future.

Backstory: She was not born in Heartland, but in another city; she moved to Heartland at the age of 13 with her family, and didn't have any friends at school because of this.

Even her accent is slightly different from the other classmates from Heartland.

When she was 12, she saw a very bright comet in the sky, and since then she began to gradually become more interested in astronomy: her deck actually "reflects" this, and she used it for the first time just some months before moving to Heartland.

Number Holder: No

Decks: Constellar

If compared to a certain character I made later, this looks very simple; but I personally think she's was way less cringe-worthy than my actual posts in that Roleplay... poor Tomas.

lol, we all start somewhere Loomy. But you've come a long way and I do enjoy reading your posts. You've improved a lot in the time you've been RPing, it's really awesome.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hmm... The first character I remember making...

Well, as a bit exposition to this, my brother and his two friends Kosta and John would RP (At our age, "Make Believe", haha) Super Smash Bros. Eventually, it went from just them pretending to be Smash characters to them making up their own OC's which included the likes of "The Mystic Swordsman" who was capable of using all forms of magic except with 100% more swords involved (My Brother's OC), "The Adamantium Hybrid Dragon" who was a dragon made of adamantium that had the powers of all the D&D dragons Kosta vaguely remembered from thumbing through his Step-Dad's D&D book stash (Obviously Kosta's OC), and "The Time Guy" who had the powers of what a 10-year-old considered time relevant (John's OC). These three made up a triumvirate of Mary-Suedom which would later birth a multiverse of random characters we'd basically have fight each other, playground "Nuh-uh, I had a shield!" style.

Anyways, The three of them had this thing going and I was always annoyingly close to my older brother, so naturally I wanted to hang out with them and play their game! The three of them (This is when I first met Kosta and John as well) "tested" me by having me make a character to fight their best guys (The Mystic Swordsman, The Adamantium Hybrid Dragon, and The Time Guy). Being 7, I immediately went for the coolest character I could think of at the time, being Cidalfus Orlandeau from Final Fantasy Tactics! Odd, I know, but I wasn't exactly creatively flexing and I watched my brother play the game and saw how OP Orlandeau was. Needless to say, they told me that wasn't fair since I didn't make him up myself (Guess 10-year-olds cared about plagiarism, haha). I left them and went home to try and think of a cool, unique character to beat them with and came up empty every time. It had to be something cool and not like their guys at all in order for me to be happy. Thus, the Wala was born.

I made a hand puppet (Y'know the one with your index and pinky finger as ears and your thumb, ring, and middle fingers forming a mouth? Yeh, that one.) that I saw someone make at school and called it a Wala. It had literally no features aside from being a hand puppet and for some reason I figured that'd be good enough to face off against the three gods of childish imagination. My strategy was to make slapstick humor with it and come up with things on the fly. Having shown up once again to face them, I presented the Wala! John and Kosta chuckled a bit and my brother smiled with a strange sense of inspiration. He proclaimed that I'd made not a character, but a race! To which, John and Kosta began asking me what it could do. After several hours of talking about how Walas are all technophiles that despise magic, believe in "progress"over practicality, Apparently have only one bone in their body called the "Brainual Cavity" and cartilage that looked like the bones in a human hand and forearm, no organs, manipulate objects psionically as if they have hands but have such a lack of self awareness that they don't realize they don't have hands (That same lack of self awareness prevents them from dying since they have no organs), and have the personalities of American political caricatures.

Phew, that was quite a lot of words to say basically this: I made a ridiculous race with the help of my brother and my two best friends that has gone on in history as being our inside joke that has most outlived its welcome, haha! Oh, and I guess that's where I got my namesake from for the forum.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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