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Hey guys!

Okay so currently I am at Shelly and doing a ground run. My team currently consists of Camerupt, Onix, and Swampert. I was thinking of doing a Ground/Fire dual-type run and was wondering what fire types would be great. I also wanted to have a dual-weather team and add Hippowdon, Excadrill, Houndoom, and Ninetales for this to work.

So I had a couple questions.

#1: Should I go with the dual-weather or skip it for some more mediocre pokes?

#2: I'm going to be throwing out Camerupt eventually and need a suggestion for a strong fire type farther down the road.

Thanks if you can help!

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I think that it's possible to do with just a ground type mono run, as I did it, on hardcore. But there are some great pokemon you're missing out on. Back at the beryl cemetery you can catch bunnebly and phanphy, both of which are good, my personal preference is bunnelby because huge power is amazing. Then, there's geodude, diglett, and sandshrew under the staircase. If you have a ton of money laying around you can grab a link stone early to evolve the graveler into a golem. Digglet is amazing for revenge killing anything because of it's amazing speed stat. Geodude with sturdy is nice because self destruct. If you feel like grinding coins in the arcade, you can grab a nidoran, and there's a moonstone in the slums that you can grab to get it to nidoking immediately. On top of all of that, depending on what you get from the mystery egg event from trading a growlithe egg to one of the cops, you can either get a drilbur or a rhyhorn, both of which being pretty good, drilbur obviously being the better one. In short, there's a whole bunch of options, and my personal recommendations include bunnelby, geodude, and nidoran.

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\o/ I can agree with there being so many good ground types available like AnimeFg said. My Nidoking is slow as molasses, but leveling it up to learn Poison jab pre-Cal was worth it (even though he really hasn't used it that much). Dugtrio is another good option because barely anything will outspeed it. Onix is honestly only good for setting up Stealth Rocks and that's all it did on my Hardcore test of new Shelly. Golem is so much better (and Graveler too).

If you go for Fire Types, pick up a Litleo. Pyroar has been saving my hind on my own Hardcore run...even outspeeding a certain demon known as Excadrill. If you don't like Pyroar Rapidash gets some really nice moves for Serra and Noel aka Fire Blast and Flare Blitz. Emboar is another good option found a little bit later down the line. Dual weather is bad as that means you won't be able to use certain Pokemon in certain situations. I'd go for Sandstorm is you want to use ground Pokemon such as Sand Force Dugtrio, Sand Rush Sandslash, etc. Again, you might be a little ignorant of the colorful rainbow of pokemon available to you. (Camerupt will still be quite useful for quite a few fights ahead and Lava Plume makes Shelly pitifully easy).

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Thank you. I'm thinking of making it just a ground-mono because I have used Camerupt and Ninetales over and over again and I'm not really feeling using them again.

I'll probably end up picking a Hippowdon and Excadrill for Noel and Serra as I honestly don't know how to beat Serra without Excadrill. I will be just keeping Onix for the rocks until I can get Geodude (not sure where to find it) because Graveler's movepool looks like fun.

Okay please correct me if I am wrong here because I really like Diggersby. I feel like it has a problem taking hits because of it's defensive capabilities. Sure, it is a monster offensively but I think it's speed lacks.. a lot. The only priority move it earns is Quick Attack which I don't think will be doing very much later down the road.

Now for Nidoking. It has very solid stats, but most of it's moves are locked down because of the lack of technical machines in this game. The viable moves it learns by evolution are Horn Drill (if you want to soft reset a ton), Toxic Spikes (Good hazards when stacked with stealth rock), Thrash, Megahorn, and Poison Jab which form a physically inclined movepool. I was wondering any advantages Nidoking has over Nidoqueen.

Sandslash seems very viable with Sand Rush and high defenses but I plan on using Graveler and Excadrill which means that not only does Excadrill completely outclass it, but Graveler also excels in defensive stats giving Sandslash a tough time to make the team.

Dugtrio sounds like a solid choice with that high speed and I will definitely consider adding him.

The thing that sucks here is that I've done speed-plays up until the mystery egg quite a few times and back in August I quit for couple months. This round I got a Togepi which was a real setback as I have always wanted a Ryhorn or a Drilbur from the egg.

I'll probably end up adding a either a Trapinch or a Phanphy and grind them later on.

On a side note Shelly will be a piece of cake (much easier than Corey, his field was annoying after I found all the officers) since I have stealth rock and rock tomb Onix, rock slide Swampert (I'm going to have to common candy him some), and lava plume Camerupt. If I can set up rocks and destroy the field with lava plume early on it should be an easy fight.

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Yeah, when I use diggersby in this game, I usually end up using a trick room user, meaning it just about always goes first, and proceeds to one shot almost everything for me. You can go back into episode 14 and grind some coins out for trapinch if you want it earlier, it's only 10,000 coins . I'm doing a hardcore mono run atm and just so you know, it's going to almost be impossible unless you get some guys in rotation, for example, I needed the sturdy on graveler in order to kill the chandelure in shade's gym that outsped and one shot all of my team with energy balls, thanks commander. But yeah, there's a whole bunch of excellent ground types, I would also suggest picking up either a quagsire, seismitoad, or gastrodon once you get to azurnine because having an immunity to water is amazing.

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With Serra you break the field and it's practically GG. On my own Ground type mono I've gotten to Samson (and got bored XD) with Torterra, Camerupt, Whiscash, Mamoswine, Nidoking and Flygon. I also used Dugtrio and Onix for a period of time, and Dugtrio's speed was great.

Also, RUN SPECIAL ATTACKER NIDOKING. Sludge wave is available relatively early, it learns Earth Power through level up, Flamethrower later on and Megahorn for coverage if you run into Psychic types with good SpDef

Edited by wytch_doctr
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Thanks guys!

I'll go back and get Flygon and probably add a Nidoking. Honestly I hate abusing older versions so I might just wait till I can get myself a Turtwig.

Again thanks a whole lot for the suggestions!

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