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Judge my Lucario?


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Ability: Justified (ups attack when hit by a dark-type move)


Power Up Punch

Dragon Pulse

Swords Dance

Close Combat

Stats and Ev/IV: (as of Level 80)

HP: 220 51/11

Attack: 211 74/20

Defense: 141 14/12

Sp. Attack: 217 65/19

Sp. Defense: 123 19/22

Speed: 155 24/2

( I basically made it's move set a power house with the attack boosts)

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I feel like having both power up punch and swords dance is a bit redundant, so perhaps exchange it for something like bullet punch, and then, with swords dance, I feel as if dragon dance is a bit irrelevant, so something like ice punch or extreme speed would be better.

Although, if you want to do a special set, you can give it nasty plat with some moves along the lines of aura sphere, flash cannon, and dark pulse.

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Swords Dance makes Power-Up Punch useless since you can double the damage of CC in one turn instead of dong tiny damage whilst increasing your attack, and both of those moves makes Dragon Pulse unneeded too. I would suggest as a physical set: Extreme Speed, Swords Dance, CC and Iron Tail (for STAB and coverage).

As a special attacker you could have Nasty Plot as the set up move, since Riolu learns that before evolving. It's set would be Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse/Flash Cannon, Nasty Plot and Aura Sphere

Edited by wytch_doctr
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Seems like a Mixed Lucario, eh? I'm not a big fan of it, personally.

Physical Lucario is always a good pick to get through Lucario's awful speed with Ex.Speed. That'd be my first suggestion on that set: Get rid of Dragon Pulse and use Extreme Speed. And without breeding, get rid of Power Up Punch and get Iron Tail (It is the best Steel move you can get without breeding).

I'm not too keen on suggesting a special Lucario because you'd need a Riolu at a pretty high level first to get Nasty Plot. But depending on the nature, maybe you could roll with a Special Lucario no problem.

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Honestly, there's no reason to run Lucario mixed. It doesn't hit that hard, so I'd really recommend a set-up move, but running both SD and Nasty Plot is obviously not good. Then there's also the fact that 90 Base Speed is good, but not great enough, you'd be easily killed by something faster; so either priority or Agility are necessary to make Lucario really worth a position on your team.

So! The sets I'd recommend are:

1)Swords Dance, Extreme Speed/Bullet Punch/Agility, Close Combat/High Jump Kick, Shadow Claw/Crunch.

Fairly simple. SD is obvious.

Again, Lucario's average speed and bad bulk leave it easily outsped and killed, so you can run a priority move or Agility. Extreme Speed is stronger than STAB Bullet Punch and has better coverage, since Steel is resisted by a lot of types. Agility lets you outspeed anything and you can use your stronger moves, but it's a lot harder to set up that and SD.

Use whatever you want here. CC lowers defenses, but you won't be living too many hits with 70/70/70 bulk anyways. HJK can miss, but if you give it a Wide Lens, it only has a 1% chance to.

This one depends on your 2nd move. Fighting+Ghost is perfect coverage, while Fighting+Dark is resisted by Fairies (which is no issue if you have BP(although they do neutral damage to Lucario and ES is the better priority. Your call))

-Other options would be Blaze Kick and Iron Tail. But BK is worse coverage and I dunno about you, but I'd like a Steel move that actually hits.

2)Nasty Plot, Vacuum Wave/Agility, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball.

Like the above, just special.

-Other options would be Dragon Pulse and Calm Mind, but DP makes you even weaker against Fairies and has unneeded coverage, CM is a slower Nasty Plot that does buff your Sp.Def, but still leaves you doomed against physical attackers (but I guess you can try it).

3)Whatever, just don't use set-up moves and use it for hit-and-run. I'd really prefer a different Fighting type like Mienshao for that, but whatever floats your boat.

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