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Ok, so im stuck at the Garchomp and could use some help on this one.

Flare (Charizard) LV 45


Wing Attacck

Flame Burst

Dragon Rage

Kiara (Pyroar) Lv 44


Fire Fang



Slug (Magcargo) Lv 44

Rock Slide

Lava Plume

Shell Smash

Ancient Power

Officer Rose (growlithe) Lv 42


Heat Wave

Close Combat


FireStar (Larvesta ) Lv 42

Bug Bite

Take Down

Quick Attack

Flame Charge

Ant Heater (Heatmor) lv 40


Flame Burst

Bug Bite

Sucker Punch


Castform (45) Sunny Day Fire Blast

Pansear (31)

Camerupt (35)

4 baby Charmanders

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-well you can try using attract+yawn+air balloon on Magcargo and hope he spams EQ.

-you can use a tanky torkoal with air balloon and spam iron defense/curse and than spam smokescreen and hope all his moves miss and let him use all his pp and smack him with a fully boosted body slam

-You can use a tanky numel with simple ability and air balloon spam. Run yawn+attract+curse+EQ and use attract at turn 1 and start spamming curse after that just hope that the Ai spams EQ.

-some how breed a rapidash(breed with nidoran male) with horndrill ev train him in speed and dump in daycare until he lvls up to lvl 76 lots of walking/ridding on bike involved for this method and it might take some time to do this unless you can some how buy 31 rare candies. also delete all moves and just leave horn drill so that the rapidash will hopfully follow yer orders and use horndrill. 620000 poke dollars for 31 rare candies. well this method is risky and lots of gambling involve so i wont use it XD

well that is all the strategies i can come out with.

Edited by Luna
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._. Magcargo can actually beat something?

Actually Magcargo is really good. I have swept with him Shelly, Shade, Serra, Noel, a thousand times Fern and has helped a lot with destroying fields. It just need to face specific pokemon to set up for a sweep!

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