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Advice on Teambuilding


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Here is my current Team

Magnezone@Magnet Pull + Discharge/Flash Cannon/Tri Attack/Flash

Toxicroak@Poison Touch + Poison Jab/Drain Punch/Sucker Punch/Strength

Greninja@Protean + Water Pledge/Water Shuriken/Night Slash/Shadow Sneak

Gothitelle@Frisk + Psychic/Psyshock/Feint Attack/Dark Pulse

Camerupt@Magma Armor + Earthquake/Earth Power/Lava Plume/Rock Smash

Sylveon@Pixillate + Swift/Moonblast/Draining Kiss/Misty Terrain

(Just beaten Samson)

I was planning to switch out Camerupt and Gothitelle with Mamoswine and Delphox (when they become available). Should I? Also should I make any other changes to my squad (idm training up anyone new because I don't have any other viable choices atm)?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Planning on Replacing Gothitelle with Reuniculus@Magic Guard

Edited by Arcstrom
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Well judging by what you'll be facing, which I won't spoil much of, I've found Noivern very useful. Although it does suck that you can't go back to Reborn City at that time. So you're gonna be stuck on that end of the map.

To be honest, your team looks fairly solid as it is. Although you may want to pick up another squad member or two for reserves. In that point of the game, I'd suggest Turtwig, which you can grab from a Circus puzzle, and maybe an Ice type such as Sneasel. Both will be pretty useful for your upcoming fights and most of the remaining leaders.

The team, otherwise, looks fairly solid. You may want to slap Surf over Water Pledge on Greninja, and perhaps just more powerful moves. You don't need 2 priorities on it.

Gothitelle, please remove Feint Attack and put Trick Room on it (which you got from Radomus). Trick Room will be quite useful in some important upcoming battles.

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-Magnet Pull is a great ability in competitive, but useless here since no one ever switches anyways. Make it Sturdy with Mirror Coat for bosses like the Arceus or Analytic for some more power (but I think Sturdy is better).

Tri Attack really doesn't do anything for you. I'd recommend Hidden Power (depending on what you get) or Thunder Wave.

-Though, there are better Steel types and a better Electric type. Interested?

-If you're using Toxicroak with just 4 attacks, it can be a bit underwhelming, to the point that I'd suggest a different Poison or Fighting type. But if you wanna keep it, check out the pinned breeding guide in this section. You can get your Toxicroak Bulk Up and Drain Punch within minutes, which makes it quite a powerhouse.

-Eh. No fan of it, personally. It doesn't hit that hard. And Protean is handy, but you'll still go down to just about anything. I'd recommend a different Water or Dark type. Want me to come up with some replacements?

-Gothitelle is pretty good. It's best set, IMO, is Calm Mind, since it's bulk lets it set that up relatively easily. Ditch Feint Attack and a Psychic move. Give it Grass Knot and either Calm Mind or Thunderbolt from E12.

But honestly, Reuniclus can do everything Gothitelle does, but better AND it can be the fastest thing on the field with Trick Room (which it can also use to support your team).

-There's really better options, both for Fire and for Ground. If you wanna keep it, replace Earthquake with Rock Slide or Ancient Power, replace Magma Armor with Solid Rock. Eruption is also an option with Trick Room Reuniclus. And instead of Rock Smash, there's Hidden Power, Body Slam for paras and Iron Head.

But it's really not that good. Bad bulk and speed, mediocre offenses. Want me to come up with some replacements?

Get a new Eevee (via Ditto if your Sylveon is male). Train that Eevee until it gets to level 45 (or 55, I forget) so that it can get Trump Card. TC grows stronger the less PP it has left. At the final use, with Pixilate's modifier, factoring in STAB, that's a 390 BP move. Again, try Hidden Power. Draining Kiss is bad, it's a really weak move. Give it Quick Attack instead; it's a decent "parting shot". Or use Yawn.

Another stupid yet working option is Curse, Quick Attack, Dig(E12)/Return(E12)/Secret Power/Yawn/Stored Power. Sylveon already has excellent special bulk, so if you can find the opportunity, set up some Curses and there you go. Quick Attack is obvious, to pick off frailer/wounded faster things. And now choose your 3rd and 4th move. I'd really recommend you get Dig since it hits everything that resists Fairy. Return and Secret Power are stronger non-priority STABs. Yawn lets you set up really easily. Stored Power, even if you're Adamant or something, still comes from a 110 Base Special Attack and, if you Curse up to max, has 260 BP.

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Thanks for the replies so far

@Etesian Yeah, some replacements would be helpful for all your suggestions, preferably Camerupt and Magnezone. I probs won't replace the others in the near future due to time constraints

After some more thought, I decided that I want to sub toxicroak with lucario, camerupt with torterra and Magnezone with Ampharos

Any comments?

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