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E386 Run- You decide!


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So, as I said on the server a moment ago, I'm stealing Xiphera's idea of stealing Poetic's idea of doing an Emerald Run using the Pokemon spcified by other members only.

However, I'll be doing it on Emerald 386 instead. If you're not familiar with it, it's a hack of Emerald changed to have every Pokemon from the first 3 gens available within it without trading or anything else. That means anything from before 4th gen is game. The levels and difficulty have also been substantially raised. And naturally, being that another 200 Pokemon have been introduced to the game, the locations are different.

This poses a problem. I don't know where to get what (quite frankly, I don't want to know; enough of my ruining the surprise for myself~) so rather than limiting suggestions to 6 people which I may or may never find, you all suggest what you want to be, and I'll use whoever I find. Fair? Fair, good.

So this topic is just supposed to be my list for my own reminder. >>



Xiphera- Treecko

Rime- Lotad

Ame- Ralts

Ikaru- Taillow

Edge- Elekid

Poetic- Magby


Batl- Machoke Kingdra Flygon

Hark- Flareon Gengar

Rodaku- Huntail

Erick- Tentacruel Slowbro Dewgongongongong

Inuki- Porygon2

Cyrus- Beldum, Heracross

Owen- Ninetales

Scarlet- Aron

Maelstrom- Blastoise

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Luvdisc it is, then.

So far-

Edge- Elekid (Lv 14, Lonely)

Ikaru- Taillow (Lv 14, Relaxed)

Rime- Lombre (Lv 15 (female trololo) Mild)

Xiphera- Grovyle (Lv 16, Jolly)

Amethyst- Ralts (Lv 15, Sassy (o no u didnt))

Poetic- Gonna be a Magby but Rime crit'd it, so looking for another one. ._.;;

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  On 2/7/2012 at 9:26 PM, Amethyst said:

Luvdisc it is, then.

So far-

Edge- Elekid (Lv 14, Lonely)

Ikaru- Taillow (Lv 14, Relaxed)

Rime- Lombre (Lv 15 (female trololo) Mild)

Xiphera- Grovyle (Lv 16, Jolly)

Amethyst- Ralts (Lv 15, Sassy (o no u didnt))

Poetic- Gonna be a Magby but Rime crit'd it, so looking for another one. ._.;;

It's true qqqqqqq

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