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DAYUM We're Old!

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Well something funny happened at my house a couple days ago. My father opened the mail and noticed a Happy Birthday card to him from someone he didn't pay attention to at first. He opened the card and out popped a discount card for a company called AARP. For those who aren't aware, AARP is basically a company that provides services for mostly the elderly. For my old man to get that, he was nearly appalled by it. However, recently he's laughing it off, because he's getting ready to turn 50. So he's not really "old" in a technical sense, but the AARP card was a telltale sign someone obviously thought he was.

Anyways, I'm gonna be turning 18 next month and I've seen some of the ages of Reborn's regulars who have confided them on the site, and some of us have seen quite a couple changes in the world since we were born.

It got me to thinking: "Holy hell we're getting old."

This is more of a nostalgia thread, but it made me think of certain things most of us have probably grown up experiencing that kids only a couple years younger than us haven't ever gotten the privilege to see.

Anyways, I'll start. Do you guys remember Saturday Morning Cartoons? I made a thread on that a while back, but they died out a while ago. I'm not talking cable or other premium TV, I'm talking the run-of-the-mill public access channel that ran from 7-12. Some OLD shows like Teen Titans (the original), Yugioh, Pokémon (up to DP), and some other rogue shows that were pretty cool.

What do you guys remember that in hindsight makes you feel kinda old?

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If you want to feel old, the easiest way is to look at the upload dates of your favourite Youtube videos.

Playing Sonic 2 both makes me feel old, and makes me wonder how young me ever managed to get all the way to Wing Fortress Zone.

Playing those old flash games on Kongregate and Newgrounds also gives me that feeling(minus the part where I'm wondering what sort of deity young me he was when was playing them, the flash games were never too difficult).

Edited by aquawaffle
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Saturday morning cartoons used to be my jam as a kid. As was Transformers Cybertron.

I remember spending most of my childhood playing Sega Genesis games like Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3, Kid Chameleon, Gain Ground, Golden Axe, etc... And also Street Fighter 2. You won't see kids growing up on those games these days... I also remember when I was in middle school and everyone getting their own phones became a thing. Everyone was excited to show off their flip phones (If they could even flip) and whatnot. People that age didn't really have cellphones of their own before that... I'm only 18, but that makes me feel old when I see 2nd graders carrying around smartphones. :wacko:

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I remember the old kid shows that used to come on. Like Oswald, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Bear in the Big Blue House,PB&J Otter, Reading Rainbow and Between the Lions. I would watch these before going to school or during the summer playing FRLG on my Gameboy.

Does anyone remember Zoids?

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I'm not that old so most of what is now has been here for as long as I can remember. But there has been some stuff

Like when Cartoon Network used to run a massive collection of varied shows and the old hill background form windows 98 and despite how young I am I was just old enough to catch the tail end of dial up internet and live in that for a bit so I do remember some cases of "Mum get off the phone I'm on the internet!"


ooooooh I remember something else not that big so Ima make an edit instead of another post

When teachers would constantly tell me "You need to learn you multiplication tables you aren't going to carry around a calculator with you everywhere" whenever I protested having to memorise the multiplication. Little did they know we would carry calculators around with us!

Edited by Narckarth
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Remember landlines?

You can't internet and call at the same time.

Better hope your girl picks up the line and not her dad.

That's not a battery pack, that's a pager. It's like texting, but hard.

Closest thing to a cell was a walkie talkie.

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There has been a time when I was enthusiastic about everything. I was a little child, holding his first gameboy and playing "Tetris Attack". The gaming device was the 50-shades-of-grey one, which had actually no colours, but... combining what I saw in the game and the pokemon anime, I imagined the grass to be green, the pokeballs to be part red, Onix and Geodude in the first gym having a shade of brown upon that grey, and the water being blue; that dark blue you'd find only in deep waters.

I remember how raving I was about the first pokemon movie. How I was trying to convince my grandpa to buy it for me so we could watch it in our video. Come to think of it, now videos are non-existent, but it was a big deal at the time. I remember having watched the Hunchback of Notre Damme and then having to rewind the film so I could watch it from the beginning if I wanted to in the future. Pokemon was of course no different, only with better graphics it blew my mind back then. It also came with a Pikachu and a Mew training card. They were the first cards I held in my hands and honestly, that was all I needed to be happy, at least for a while.

Then pokemon was available for gameboy, so I got myself a Red version. Contrary to most, I began with Bulbasaur. In the end, Venusaur turned to be my first 100lvl pokemon and the reason I had a chance at the league (because using no legendaries or psychic type pokemon was not the best choice). Point is, I sometimes I look back to how much work I put in that game, all the unnecessary changes/saves between box changes, killing every single Pikachu I met in the forests, camping in the Safari zone for a freaking Scyther that never stayed in the freaking ball. I wouldn't change that. That time was special.

Thing is, that time was long ago. After all those fun times, gaming and videos have improved so much, that nobody would ever try the old methods. The challenge, the adventure, and the feeling of solving a hard puzzle on your own are not so frequent nowadays. That is why sometimes I look back and -for some reason- I feel a faint nostalgia and when I realize how long it's been since I've experienced those emotions, I also have a sense of... loss. Especially now, that the internal battery has run dry and my little Venusaur is not there any more to greet me. Sure, I'll be able to start a new game in the same or another console, and pick Bulbasaur again, but no matter how I play the game, it will no longer be that Venusaur, and that game.

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